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    Usa "arizona" in una frase

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    1. “I should do this more often”, she told herself as she made it through western Nebraska, into Colorado, down towards Arizona, and all the way, straight as she could, to the very place she'd started out just a couple of long days before

    2. I'm leaving tomorrow to visit Tucson, Arizona where I used to live

    3. We saw spectacular show at the MGM Grand and had a fantastic Italian dinner before he left for Arizona to help his sister moved to Phoenix

    4. She came out with my sister a year before and fell in love with Arizona

    5. I think many of those rides that made me arrive frozen at the high school were one of the main reasons that led me to go to the University of Arizona after I graduated from Don Bosco High School

    6. My roommate Dennis drove home to his parent’s house in Stanfield, Arizona so I was in the room all by myself

    7. I can't remember if I told you about the Newman Center yet but that was a truly God sent to me because it was the Catholic student organization on the University of Arizona campus on Cherry Street very near the campus

    8. I later found out I failed to identify Speedway Road which was one of the three main roads in Tucson, Arizona and was directly north of the University of Arizona campus that's how drunk I was

    9. In fact the current coach of the Boston Red Sox named Terry Francona played for the University of Arizona and I watched him play college baseball he was a very good college player

    10. One nice thing that I liked about Arizona was that we had a very good nationally-ranked baseball teams

    11. I have to say some of the best times I ever had was watching baseball at the University of Arizona

    12. One nice thing was that all the schools in the frozen North say like the University of Michigan, would come out to Tucson, Arizona say in February for like two or three weeks and literally that was their spring training

    13. They would train at the University of Arizona at our two baseball fields and of course we would play them in several games of real baseball and we would just about win every one of those games as those guys were still thawing out from winter and by the time they got there in February or March, we had already played 15 or 20 games

    14. Arizona was pretty well into the season and those northern schools really didn't care if they lost those games as they use those games for practice and those games didn't count against their records when they went back to Michigan or wherever but we were able to take credit at the University of Arizona for winning those games

    15. Of course some of the greatest games ever were Arizona State versus Arizona games

    16. Once again both Arizona and Arizona State were nationally ranked in the top 10, two of the best teams in the United States

    17. Pat O'Brien is pitching for Arizona

    18. Somehow or other Pat O'Brien loaded the bases in the top of the ninth inning so Arizona State had runners on first, second, and third

    19. Somehow or other Pat O'Brien pitched out of that jam and got Arizona State out in the top of the ninth without Arizona State scoring a run

    20. The guy from first base was flying around the bases and the guy from first beat a throw to home plate so Arizona won the game 1 - 0 and Pat O'Brien stood up on third base with a triple

    21. I can remember at Arizona there were at least two others

    22. One of the winning pictures for the New York Mets that year was an Arizona State pitcher by the name of Curt Gentry, a very good pitcher

    23. This is one game where Arizona did not win but even as a loyal University of Arizona fan, I have to applaud Curt Gentry for that game

    24. Arizona had this really great relief pitcher by the name of John Osmer

    25. And guess what? Curt Gentry pitched the entire game for Arizona State, all 15 innings, again that's one of the greatest pitching performances I have seen in my life and Curt was pitching just as good in the 15th inning as he was in the first inning

    26. This game was played on a Friday night at Phoenix Giants Stadium in Tempe, Arizona

    27. Bob Wills, the son of Maury Wills, was one of the players that night for Arizona State against Arizona

    28. There were many other players on Arizona State that I'm certain went on to the pros

    29. He wound up pitching a one hitter at Phoenix Giants Stadium in front of 10,000 screaming Arizona State fans and a few Arizona fans

    30. Even the Arizona State coach the next day was completely impressed and he said Rich Hinton had some of the best stuff he'd ever seen because my players only swing at good pitches in the strike zone and they could not hit the sky that night

    31. Unfortunately our pitcher that day was not quite as good as Rich Hinton and we proceeded to lose that game when Arizona State scored at least 14 runs in the game

    32. Arizona State had this Incredible Hulk by the name of Paul Ray Powell

    33. And one time while I was driving on a city street in Tucson, Arizona the canvas type sunroof that you could slide open and see the world actually ripped off the screws and blew away along with the drivers sliding side window

    34. I majored in history and government at the University of Arizona

    35. For some reason the University of Arizona used a really weird grading system where 1 was an A and 4 was a D

    36. The person who sat next to me in law school my freshman year in 1969 is the District Court judge in Arizona who was shot and killed by that young man who wanted to kill the Congresswoman

    37. All of my friends had graduated from the University of Arizona with their degrees and they didn't come back that following September and I was there basically at school with no friends

    38. Arizona to the United States, all for the sum of fifteen million dollars

    39. Baylor had established his rebel government at Mesilla in the Arizona territory of the Confederate States of America

    40. was no shrinking violet either, because he later went to prison in Arizona for having a man shot and killed

    41. Pete was a hunter and about twice a year he would go over to Showlow, Arizona for deer and dove hunting

    42. told Ron and I she was moving back to Arizona

    43. this medication in Arizona

    44. I had lived in Arizona for eighteen years and was

    45. another Lakota ceremony that was held each year in Arizona that

    46. She lived in Arizona

    47. It might be culturally closer to Arizona, where much of the white population directs their still deep racism at Natives rather than invents fanciful stories of an Indian in the family as southerners do

    48. forests which led to burning half a million acres of Arizona forests

    49. them and indicated that, in Arizona, nearly half of the Services plans for getting rid of hazardous fuels

    50. The federal government has sued Arizona and in turn

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