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    1. Motorola had a tradition of letting lawyers who had just taken the AZ bar exam at U

    2. Not only did I not get the Monday and Tuesday following the AZ bar exam off from work, nor any subsequent compensatory time, he had enrolled me in a Monday – Friday 9–5 Federal Publications, Inc

    3. In the spirit of collegiality I gave my government contracts colleague, a reformed tax lawyer from a San Francisco firm himself, one Jack Clark, a ride to our date with the AZ bar exam at U

    4. I had concentrated on just the esoteric, exotic, Western community property state legal topics such as Water, Oil and Gas, Property, and Domestic Relations, relying upon my photographic memory and the one year ago IL bar cram course to get me through the AZ exam

    5. To his credit, perhaps because he knew I already had dirt on him, he never told Lew Spencer or my AZ colleagues about my stunt

    6. He disobeyed Lew’s rule about no drinking at lunch, bourbon which smells, and was fired soon after I transferred to AZ

    7. He said that his son practiced the same specialty in Tucson, and that, like the ad of that day, I should “send my sinuses to AZ

    8. ” Unfortunately, AZ has its own vegetation and constantly stirred up dust in the air to which I soon was terribly allergic

    9. On the way to AZ, I had a few wild encounters in West Texas

    10. She lived with Brenda Baroldy, her former ASU classmate, a Mexican-American co-worker at the USDA lab from Miami, AZ

    11. AZ was then effectively on PDT because they stayed on MST all year ‘round

    12. I had a hangover, only several hours’ sleep, felt like it was 5am back in AZ, yet we did a hell of a job

    13. So, Bob needed a bright young guy who was admitted in AZ

    14. ” Dick McCauley, INA’s AZ office manager, also in the United Bank Building, who gave us hundreds of small subrogation files, discovered the same hard way as I that Gassert had thrown away most of the small files, and kept only those above an arbitrary dollar threshold

    15. Turned out that while I was with the dope runner, and AZ had not yet adopted no fault divorce, I had slept the night in a car with a private investigator to get a photo of Sam coming out of Ruth’s house while he was married to our client

    16. By then, I was an AZ assistant attorney general

    17. I worked there 72-74, but we had to sell the house and leave AZ in April 1974 because of the increasingly horrible political pressure I came under by being in the middle of a fire fight between my boss, THE AG, and my client, the Chairman of the ACC

    18. I was unemployed for nine months before being offered the job as assistant attorney general trying child abuse cases for the AZ Dept

    19. I won 29 out of 30, including a successful appeal to the AZ Supreme Court

    20. My main witness, the ONLY railway safety inspector in AZ, perjured himself on the witness stand, totally recanted his written and prior oral statements placing total blame on the SP

    21. Garfield, was elected to replace him—making all three members of the ACC members of the GOP which then had a stranglehold on AZ politics—which ended overnight after Watergate

    22. Bruce Babbitt, later to become both AZ Governor and U

    23. Secretary of the Interior, a big time lawyer at Jennings, Salmon, & Strouse, whom I had defeated on an intra state airline matter, tried to talk Raul Castro, who unexpectedly won the AZ governorship in November 1974 as Watergate’s tide swept all Republicans out of office, into rehiring me (after I had been laid off by Kaiser Engineers) as an Attorney IV (I left Arizona at an Attorney II) to thoroughly clean up the AZ Corporation Commission)

    24. His dad was a very important AZ politico

    25. Evans called me numerous times at Kaiser in Oakland before the November 1974 election when the Republicans were totally swept from all AZ elective, then appointive offices

    26. Although by the time I interviewed I had shifted from AZ DPW to the Corporation Commission, they had my resume in front of them

    27. Ironically, that is just what Dixie became after we moved to Oakland and I earned $22,000 per annum equaling the total of our AZ salaries (forget about the COL differential!)

    28. I tried to leave the ACC many times, but I was too hot a potato, especially within AZ because of my still too recent association with the Jenkins dope case to get any kind of job in AZ

    29. When it came to leaving AZ quickly, we were fortunate that Dixie’s parents were very close to a realtor, Nellie Jackson, whose husband Tom was world famous for his antique car auctions each winter in Scottsdale (which their kids carry on)

    30. About August of our sojourn in the East Bay, Dixie was so homesick that she took Will and flew home to AZ for eight days

    31. A Lebanese grocer in some town within Contra Costa County bought the older of the two Fords, the green ‘68 Fairlane that we brought with us from AZ

    32. Complicating matters, newly elected AZ Attorney General Bruce Babbitt who eventually was elected AZ Governor before serving as Bill Clinton’s Interior Secretary, telephoned me asking if we would be willing to stop over at Dixie’s parents’ house in Scottsdale en route to MS while he tried to convince newly elected Gov

    33. My drinking caused an incident once at Motorola, but the layoff (with 10,000 others out of 30k in AZ) was based strictly on a) my lack of seniority and b) the other lawyer’s having an arthritic wife in a wheelchair (soon to bed for rest of her life) and their five kids

    34. Dixie’s loneliness drove her to increase her drinking substantially over what it had been in AZ and CA

    35. Dixie’s mom flew to MS from CO’s Western Slope (Montrose) where they moved when we left CA and I did not get my job back in AZ AG’s office despite Babbitt’s best efforts

    36. Bettie Dixon had at least one sibling, Uncle Jack Dixon, who ranched on the Western Slope in Delta at the time Dixie and I married on Valentine’s Day, 2-14-70, in Tempe, AZ

    37. I was scared to speak to him during our visits to Montrose (where her parents moved after we left AZ) because I was an eastern greenhorn not worthy of his niece

    38. and Bettie moved to AZ just before Dixie’s junior year in H

    39. Just as she was with her co-workers in AZ and the Jackson County Homemakers in Mississippi, once she got sober, Dixie was enormously popular with both women and men alike

    40. Hence, I was not fired “for cause,” and certainly did not quit of my own volition—although I had decided to quit and move myself to AZ when my one year had elapsed

    41. Before Thanksgiving, Washington Group had fired its only in-house counsel, the other Walt from Tempe, AZ, so my workload actually picked up because I was then doing some work for the parent corporation

    42. I attended the Mimbres County Blues Festival in Silver City at 5,000 feet elevation and got the idea that maybe I could live across the AZ line in Pinetop or Alpine and use my law license as well as enjoy the cool mountain climate

    43. That’s still possible because I have kept AZ law license current

    44. I did not even try to find legal or contracts work in adjacent AZ because friends in the Tucson and Phoenix NCMA chapters had circulated my resume and given me strong personal recommendations at Motorola, Raytheon, etc

    45. I debated seriously about moving myself to AZ, perhaps Sierra Vista, outside Ft

    46. Phoenix is way too large, Tucson is the better bet if/when I go back to use my AZ law license

    47. “It iz ludicrouz to think that I would be conzidered to be in authority over anyone az intelligent, zkilled, and powerful as Povon! Bezidez that, she has twize my yearz of life!”

    48. is nothing there in Nothing, AZ

    49. environmental suit and continued her trek towards Nothing, AZ

    50. [27]- The Holy Qur’an, Fortress 43, Az Zukhruf (Ornaments of Luxury), Verse 76

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