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    Usa "arming" in una frase

    arming frasi di esempio


    1. She went thru the arming procedure very carefully with the captain watching everything

    2. Certainly the black Rhodesian African Rifles were paratroopers and did many combat jumps as fireforces but you know the feelings in those days on arming black Africans

    3. Recent accusations have re-surfaced from the political-left suggesting that the United States Government was in some manner (indirectly) responsible for Saddam Huessin‘s systematic annihilation of targeted political and cultural groups by arming his government with conventional weapons as well as (purportedly) providing it with the technology needed to develop his nation‘s 159

    4. While he did support bombing Syria earlier and arming rebels, we do not know if McCain would have still been president that late

    5. Romney also favored arming “moderate” Syrian rebels

    6. As pointed out before, arming groups that hate the US likely would backfire as much as the CIA's association with Bin Laden

    7. What about using air power on the government of Sudan? Couldn’t that pressure them to stop arming the militias? Perhaps, but Sudan has been bombed by the US before

    8. “They’re arming civilian craft

    9. One of those authorized the arming of USA vessels which Congress had

    10. Just the members of the Council and Elena knew about the preparation of their soldier, about the arming of their hunters and the gorgons who were working with them

    11. Again he had seen to the arming of all of the reunified able-bodied men to guard the multitude as a whole, as they prepared to pass across the disputed land

    12. The twenty airplanes taxied to the arming area, one after the other, twenty engines blowing gas that could tumble a man at 100 feet, struts chattering and walking back and forth under 26 tons of bombs and fuel and airplane

    13. On reaching the arming area, each plane cocked left 45 degrees and braked to a stop

    14. Court saw the armorers and crew chiefs scurry from airplane to air�plane, checking, arming, pulling red safety streamers, and taking a last look

    15. Again he had seen to the arming of all of the reunified able-bodied men to guard the multitude

    16. The history of cooperation between the two naval services facilitated the arming of Coast Guard cutters with Navy technology, including guns, fire-control, missile defense, refueling systems, and updated communications equipment (Kelley, “The Shoal Waters

    17. Security and law enforcement considerations have resulted in the arming of Coast Guard cutters with powerful M-60 machine guns in addition to traditional stowed-away small arms

    18. ” In the 1930s, while the rest of the West was in the grips of a huge depression, Sweden’s prosperity and high employment were due in large part to the lumber and ores demanded by the arming countries of Germany and Italy, not from Sweden’s Socialism

    19. As the remnants of the Teldari's first wave regrouped with what was sure to be the second wave, Pellew and his men scooped up additional weapons from the enemy's failed offensive and passed them to the other soldiers, arming the rest of them

    20. Arming the mini gun was one of their troops

    21. "We are arming the mermaids

    22. should not be surprised that Tobias was arming an all-out search for

    23. Arming myself with value I asked

    24. Arming himself with a small but sturdy

    25. When Hu Lyang, shot and wounded Jenni - Rory bumped into the steel cart - he spotted the “Semtex”, which he covertly picked up, palmed and - re-inserting the arming wire - dropped it into one of the toggle bags of money

    26. Steiner gathered his thoughts and continued, “Our objectives are to increase recruitment in South Africa and Rhodesia by arming more and more of our members

    27. Greg had been listening as Rachel talked herself through her arming checklist

    28. Connor was far from being her favourite man, but dead! She had been inside the car! She had opened the driver’s side door! If the car had been booby-trapped why hadn’t it exploded when she had opened the door? Was she responsible for arming the device, for setting the trigger in some way? Was she inadvertently responsible for what happened to her colleague?

    29. Xitak and his guards looked with respect at the long, quadruple rail guns and the missile silos, now empty, arming the vehicles

    30. Arming his Browning AR-41 assault rifle, Ken deployed his rifle squad in extended line along the beach and shouted in Japanese at the sailors, now about a hundred meters away, using one of the phrases he had learned from Ingrid

    31. At supper that evening after hearing about the Oxmesca elders plea and Mocal’s idea about giving them weapons, Coatl broached the subject of the death of Running Deer and his suspicion that we may have a traitor in Bo-elon, after going over the little we knew we all agreed that there was nothing we could do until we were sure there actually was a traitor, with that settled Coatl returned to Mocal’s suggestion about arming the other villages, we all agreed that it was a good idea

    32. After looking at her watch, Ingrid got up in one of the M20 armored cars and took position behind the heavy machinegun of the vehicle, arming it and chambering a round

    33. All the personnel used in maintaining, repairing and arming our aircraft and helicopters will stay in their present occupations

    34. Max was briefed by the security man responsible for arming the timer

    35. Max attempted to flip back the cover that protected the arming switch and timer wheels

    36. Julia was flipping on the arming switches of her 32 500-pound retarded bombs and selecting fast ripple release mode when the FIRE CAN signal, which had lost them for a moment, caught back with them: one Soviet radar technician out there was definitely on the ball this early morning

    37. I don’t think strong arming him would have worked

    38. Liem shouted in despair and, stopping where he was, was arming his rifle when Binh interposed himself, grabbing his rifle and immobilizing it

    39. Grabbing her grenade and pulling out its safety pin, but holding the arming lever in place, she carefully calculated the direction and strength of her throw before letting go the lever, opening the door by a few inches after two seconds and throwing her grenade inside the accounting office

    40. Fedukin gave the tone by arming his AKSU-74 assault carbine

    41. Now completely enraged, the two surviving F-15 pilots dove on the MV Heraklion, aiming at its stern and bridge superstructure while arming their 1000-pound bombs

    42. Uh, may I ask why you told me about this after saying that arming my ship would be illegal?’’

    43. From every corner of the Surveyor Craft came the various noses and sounds of weapons systems arming, missile launchers preparing, radars adjusting, and deflective shields being charged

    44. It was set to be detonated by pressing the arming mechanism

    45. They were able to defuse the arming mechanism and the C4

    46. Arming himself with courage, the major presented his identification pass to the two ISF soldiers guarding the door of the office, who then let him go inside the antechamber used by Zembelo’s secretary, a fine looking 231

    47. Arming himself with courage, the merchant then spoke in Occitan

    48. If he would have caught the trip wire, that would have pulled away the safety pin, priming the grenade and making the arming handle fly off

    49. Maquis suddenly put a weapon to Torres’ head and took the arming device off Torres’s

    50. into arming their weapon systems, and when that happened, the Romulans felt justified in responding with force

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