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    Usa "equipping" in una frase

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    1. caves are also a type of boot camp for training and equipping the

    2. would begin equipping their munitions with thermonuclear warheads, and perhaps worse

    3. “China in particular has an enormous industrial and defense-oriented infrastructure capable of producing, stockpiling, supplying, and equipping its military with munitions on short notice in the event of a war in the region

    4. Either as leadership roles or offices, whichever interpretation one chooses for this verse, Christ gives them the responsibility to build up the Body of Christ by equipping members for works of service

    5. Then, a year ago, the Soviets started training and equipping a so-called Army of the Korean People’s Republic, which was to take its orders from the abortive KPR government pushed out of power by our military government

    6. The cost of a Lancaster bomber fitted with all its sophisticated equipment was staggering, and by 1944 the total manpower devoted to the production of heavy bombers was equivalent to equipping the entire British Army

    7. Even discounting the gold, silver and jewels lying around, just the abandoned armor and weapons on this field was worth a fortune, as equipping oneself for war was an expensive proposition for most but affluent nobles

    8. equipping people and institutions with the means through which they can achieve

    9. While I absolutely believe that all of these offices are alive and well in the Body of Christ today, these are not offices of exclusiveness, but offices of ministry for equipping and training

    10. concerned only with equipping

    11. concerned only with equipping the municipal organ with the essential

    12. of penance, is still engaged in equipping himself for yog

    13. One wills not to know, because there is not enough incentive to know, when acceptance of the incessantly reiterated mass consumed meme requires both less energy while also equipping one with the information that is pertinent to the socio-eonomic game of one's tech-ciety

    14. This courageous love's sharing and gifting, equipping and liberating is not tough, but gently brave unto death

    15. A smart educational system is centered upon equipping the individual mind with the requisite skills for their self-evolution

    16. This is the context-making that education could be equipping minds with so that they have the potential of not only becoming, but also feeling the only spirituality there is – love

    17. equipping members with special gifts for the edifi-

    18. This was said by a man who had made huge profits equipping miners, so his opinion should not be considered biased or pessimistic

    19. There is great need for an equipping and raising up of the body of Christ because all are servants of the Lord

    20. Another thing he commented on was equipping soldiers with firearms or sidearms of any description liable to go off at any time which was tantamount to inciting them against civilians should by any chance they fall out over anything

    21. Men were drilled in preparing their planes for impact and equipping themselves for postcrash survival

    22. But while the militia could be integrated into existing, understrength regiments stationed at home in Dohlar, and while the depot companies each of the field regiments had left behind to train replacements could be expanded into full regiments in their own rights, equipping that militia would be a far harder task

    23. And raising, training, and equipping entirely new regiments would be harder still

    24. Admittedly, the field guns were still the naval thirty-pounders and fourteen-pounders mounted on field carriages Charis had provided, rather than the four-inch rifled guns equipping more and more of the ICA’s field artillery regiments, but they still gave his artillery park a massive punch

    25. In fact, virtually all of the Navy of God’s surviving galleons had been transferred to the Royal Dohlaran Navy or Imperial Harchongese Navy once the Sword of Schueler had forced Maigwair to concentrate his full attention on raising, training, and equipping the Army of God

    26. Constructing a separate SAN using Fibre Channel or Gigabit Ethernet is far cheaper than equipping all of the computers on your network with ultra-high-speed network interface adapters

    27. The Tarakanian ruler gathered his large army together, and equipping it with cannons and rifles, crossed the boundary line into Ivan’s kingdom

    28. adverted to the mode of equipping vessels, and reprobated the scrambling, which he had understood often took place for equipments, as incompatible with methodical arrangement, and correct distribution of supplies

    29. I shall not follow the gentleman in his remarks on the bill before the committee; I shall vote against it, though it is my present intention to appropriate the sums requisite for the repairing and equipping our present ships of war

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