’ I said concerned that perhaps their marriage is breaking up
"I'm not breaking up with you! Unless you're trying to tell me that you have to be a monogamous fundamentalist or nothing
navigated us through the crowd, dodging beers held above heads, breaking up
And while I knew that breaking up with Sally was the best thing
Maybe I was a fool for breaking up with you
I think she’s breaking up
The man stared at the little girl, a slow realisation breaking upon him
It was the first time I saw the SAP not breaking up an illegal protest with its usual aplomb
He was a brutal slave owner, breaking up slave families, selling off disobedient slaves, and punishing slaves severely, even publicly stating that slaves needed to be kept in line with whipping
Instead of breaking up the fight like responsible individuals, the others stood around and cheered
I remembered my mother telling me that she had started dating my father right after breaking up with Osiris
(The words "breaking up" is Strong's H4290 and is machtereth and means
Navy lieutenant who made the distress call from his sailboat as it was breaking up on a rocky shore line (“Coast Guard Looks at Deaths of 3 in Lifeboat,” The New York Times, February 16, 1997)
After a goodly amount of pointless chit-chat, including Carl displaying the new stove to the admiring girls—taking credit for everything except mining the iron ore—the party showed signs of breaking up
Sarah Biscoe had studied Home Economics with the idea of teaching, but two years of dealing with teen-age girls at a rough school in Philadelphia brought her back home to look for a job where breaking up cat-fights wasn't required, and where young women rarely carried knives or razors
Calvin could see debris breaking up outside the window
In practice the term breakout applies to prices breaking upward in a bullish direction
“Don’t tell me you’re breaking up with me to date those rednecks
Still arguing? If you try these tips but still argue constantly, consider breaking up
Here are some things to keep in mind when thinking about breaking up:
There could be family arguments about money, the breaking up of an estate after a death
2 After the breaking up of the Magadan Camp, David Zebedee returned to Bethsaida and began immediately to curtail the messenger service
Marriages are breaking up
for some time and breaking up from you could have been the only
Three mercenaries, sweating profusely from breaking up the house, came down the stairs and reported no trace of the gold
It was early summer and the Canadian Parliament was on the verge of breaking up an letting Members and the Ministers return home
in, and men with picks breaking up rocks and hauling them away in
The militarised police from Homeland Security were in attendance but, for the time being, they were not breaking up the crowd which ambled along the road as they shouted out their slogans
Some were caught in the explosion but most got away from the ship before it stopped breaking up
THE MARRIAGE was on the point of breaking up after two months because Aureliano Segundo, in an attempt to placate Petra Cotes, had a picture taken of her dressed as the Queen of Madagascar
The best part was seeing the expression on the buyers’ faces and not breaking up and spoiling the fun
One, two, then three KATEs were hit in succession, falling in flames or breaking up in midair before they could drop their bombs
” I define dualism as the breaking up of the world into pairs of opposites
Panic then seemingly seized the whole convoy, with the column breaking up in small packets of vehicles heading towards the helicopters, including the infantry colonel’s truck
“Start breaking up the herd and moving them in
It is our experience and opinion that this is embedded energies breaking up, dissolving and releasing themselves
‘’Not without a serious risk of breaking up on landing, General: our hydraulics have been shot to pieces and one of our landing legs is hanging out by itself, while the other legs are stuck in the closed position
All the while, her mind thought furiously about how she was going to land without breaking up her plane into pieces and thus killing the three wounded inside
I have used this same trick many times before with women, prodding them into breaking up with me as opposed to doing the dirty deed myself
I remember breaking up with him, if you really have to know
Flo smiled through her tears and joked that for an old rock and roller, “Breaking up is hard to do
Byron Keller’s coalition was breaking up
Before she could read the message, the letters began breaking up and the screen faded to gray
Still, policemen’s marriages were always breaking up; it was the job, so maybe it hadn’t been his fault
He remembered other males talking about breaking up with females, and these females saying, “You won’t be able to live without me
This “convulsion” will be followed by separation of parts and breaking up of atoms’ connection
The cause was thought to be the breaking up of Pangaea
were rumors about the band breaking up, but there were false at the time
“Thanks, boy,” she said, her voice breaking up with weeping
Hiatus is the breaking up into two syllables of vowel combinationsin adjacent words capable of
“The TV said there isn’t a cure,” she said, her voice breaking up with a sob
A dark wave was falling over him, smothering and breaking upon his body with the weight of a landslide
"This campaign I have started," he replied, "is only the beginning of our work in breaking up the organized business of jury bribing
“Is she breaking up with you?”
Within hours of the police assembly breaking up online media outlets began announcing that Rocky James was not being charged as the serial killer
I don’t know whether to thank her for rescuing me or smack her for breaking up a moment that – I don’t even know the words for what it was
Nadhir was already breaking up a fight between a Shumi warrior and a palace guard
Harrow: A sharp threshing instrument, for leveling and breaking up the lumpy soil, and to cover seed when sown; to break or tear with a harrow
spoke with the others, and we are thinking about breaking up…”
“Over there,” he said, “the rain is breaking up towards the south; there’s sunlight over the hills
The sun broke through lowering clouds; clouds that were breaking up now and drifting east over mountain heads
It is similar to the way milk curdles by a touch of acid; there is a breaking up of the indivisibility of the milk
Abdel Nasser started breaking up their power, little by little, and
"Sammi was dating Chris, and he broke up with her because the girl he loves, which is you, and that she was planning on breaking up with her boyfriend!" He said quietly
I'm breaking up with you, I'm breaking up with you, I'm breaking up with you, Massie chanted unsteadily in her head, her phone in her shaky hands, Landon's number on the screen
"What? I'm breaking up with you, seriously
As the meeting was breaking up, the division manager’s supervisor approached Joseph
As I watched the two I began to plot how it would be best to go about breaking up this divide between them
We see a vivid image of that 'curse of the law’ under which men are born, the dissolution, or breaking up, of humanity
This is not to deny that in God's distribution of life and death to moral beings there will be, and must be, glorious or dreadful secondary associations of thought connected with these words—in the one case of holiness and happiness, in the other of sin and misery; but it is to deny that in consequence of those secondary associations the terms lose their primary, radical, and proper signification, or become mere tropes and figures of speech for a life which is not literally life at all,—or for a death which is not the breaking up of humanity
There is no generic likeness whatever between corporeal dissolution, the breaking up of human nature, and the everlasting suffering of a living body and soul: but there is a strong likeness between the mortality of man upon earth, and his second death at the judgment, when 'both body and soul will be destroyed in Gehenna
7), where he says, 'God delays the breaking up and dissolution of the world so that evil angels and demons and men may cease to be (mhke>ti w+ is), for the sake of Christians who are in His mind the final cause of nature
But we are witnessing the breaking up, through the action of external and internal forces, of the mediaeval and patristic theologies
There is an effect I call «mantra’s breaking up»
Willoughby imagine, I suppose, when his looks censured me for incivility in breaking up the party, that I was called away to the relief of one whom he had made poor and miserable; but had he known it, what would it have availed?
This delay on the Colonel's side, however, did not seem to offend or mortify his fair companion in the least, for on their breaking up the conference soon afterwards, and moving different ways, Mrs
Another was injured breaking up a fight
My mother had managed, against all reason, to buy Lady in the horrible winter when she and my father were finally and forever breaking up
Slightly disturbed in his sentrybox by the brazier of live coke the watcher of the corporation stones who, though now broken down and fast breaking up, was none other in stern reality than the Gumley aforesaid, now practically on the parish rates, given the temporary job by Pat Tobin in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his box before composing his limbs again in to the arms of Morpheus, a truly amazing piece of hard lines in its most virulent form on a fellow most respectably connected and familiarised with decent home comforts all his life who came in for a cool 100 pounds a year at one time which of course the doublebarrelled ass proceeded to make general ducks and drakes of
Lewis countered the objection, saying that the defendant had tried to intimidate the witness, and, further, he said that Vicky breaking up with Del Rio had made the defendant angry and hostile
Such a discovery now would only mean breaking up family habits, and she let herself be deceived, despising him and still more herself, for the weakness
He dreaded the breaking up of the inward peace he had gained with such effort
Hopefully, all three divisions’ll have come forward by the time the ice actually begins breaking up
His troops’re almost ready, but they aren’t quite going to complete their preparations before the river ice begins breaking up
I’m sorry, too, that this means breaking up our friendship—if not breaking up, at least weakening it
But to avoid breaking up the party and to get through the time somehow, after a rest she joined the game again, and pretended to be enjoying it
“Rhett,” she asked suddenly, “did you have anything to do with the breaking up of the Klan?”
Some changes, meanwhile, did leave people happier, including two of the most substantial quits: breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend and quitting a job
They were breaking up the masses of curd before putting them into the vats
With the protest breaking up downstairs, there’d be plenty of extra manpower to redeploy to the East Village, where Charlie had been observed last week
Far from breaking up, it had spread to fill all available space
His darkness is breaking up out in the world there
Immediately behind and below the tractor was a harrow with dozens of circular blades meant for breaking up sod
“What was that, Kyle?” Maybe the phone was breaking up
"Oh! One day, at the Luxembourg, I had a good mind to finish breaking up a veteran!" But he stopped short, and went no further
People had not yet grasped to the full the chastity, exquisiteness, and decency of jolting their paradise in a posting-chaise, of breaking up their mystery with clic-clacs, of taking for a nuptial bed the bed of an inn, and of leaving behind them, in a commonplace chamber, at so much a night, the most sacred of the souvenirs of life mingled pell-mell with the tete-a-tete of the conductor of the diligence and the maid-servant of the inn
“What’s that? You’re breaking up
Fairfax came in, breaking up by her entrance the fiery mosaic I had been piercing together, and scattering too some heavy unwelcome thoughts that were beginning to throng on my solitude
Fortunately, breaking up is surprisingly easy to do
“You will observe,” said Holmes, laying down the volume, “that the sudden breaking up of the society was coincident with the disappearance of Openshaw from America with their papers