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    breaking up

    1. ’ I said concerned that perhaps their marriage is breaking up

    2. "I'm not breaking up with you! Unless you're trying to tell me that you have to be a monogamous fundamentalist or nothing

    3. navigated us through the crowd, dodging beers held above heads, breaking up

    4. And while I knew that breaking up with Sally was the best thing

    5. Maybe I was a fool for breaking up with you

    6. I think she’s breaking up

    7. The man stared at the little girl, a slow realisation breaking upon him

    8. It was the first time I saw the SAP not breaking up an illegal protest with its usual aplomb

    9. He was a brutal slave owner, breaking up slave families, selling off disobedient slaves, and punishing slaves severely, even publicly stating that slaves needed to be kept in line with whipping

    10. Instead of breaking up the fight like responsible individuals, the others stood around and cheered

    11. I remembered my mother telling me that she had started dating my father right after breaking up with Osiris

    12. (The words "breaking up" is Strong's H4290 and is machtereth and means

    13. Navy lieutenant who made the distress call from his sailboat as it was breaking up on a rocky shore line (“Coast Guard Looks at Deaths of 3 in Lifeboat,” The New York Times, February 16, 1997)

    14. After a goodly amount of pointless chit-chat, including Carl displaying the new stove to the admiring girls—taking credit for everything except mining the iron ore—the party showed signs of breaking up

    15. Sarah Biscoe had studied Home Economics with the idea of teaching, but two years of dealing with teen-age girls at a rough school in Philadelphia brought her back home to look for a job where breaking up cat-fights wasn't required, and where young women rarely carried knives or razors

    16. Calvin could see debris breaking up outside the window

    17. In practice the term breakout applies to prices breaking upward in a bullish direction

    18. “Don’t tell me you’re breaking up with me to date those rednecks

    19. Still arguing? If you try these tips but still argue constantly, consider breaking up

    20. Here are some things to keep in mind when thinking about breaking up:

    21. There could be family arguments about money, the breaking up of an estate after a death

    22. 2 After the breaking up of the Magadan Camp, David Zebedee returned to Bethsaida and began immediately to curtail the messenger service

    23. Marriages are breaking up

    24. for some time and breaking up from you could have been the only

    25. Three mercenaries, sweating profusely from breaking up the house, came down the stairs and reported no trace of the gold

    26. It was early summer and the Canadian Parliament was on the verge of breaking up an letting Members and the Ministers return home

    27. in, and men with picks breaking up rocks and hauling them away in

    28. The militarised police from Homeland Security were in attendance but, for the time being, they were not breaking up the crowd which ambled along the road as they shouted out their slogans

    29. Some were caught in the explosion but most got away from the ship before it stopped breaking up

    30. THE MARRIAGE was on the point of breaking up after two months because Aureliano Segundo, in an attempt to placate Petra Cotes, had a picture taken of her dressed as the Queen of Madagascar

    31. The best part was seeing the expression on the buyers’ faces and not breaking up and spoiling the fun

    32. One, two, then three KATEs were hit in succession, falling in flames or breaking up in midair before they could drop their bombs

    33. ” I define dualism as the breaking up of the world into pairs of opposites

    34. Panic then seemingly seized the whole convoy, with the column breaking up in small packets of vehicles heading towards the helicopters, including the infantry colonel’s truck

    35. “Start breaking up the herd and moving them in

    36. It is our experience and opinion that this is embedded energies breaking up, dissolving and releasing themselves

    37. ‘’Not without a serious risk of breaking up on landing, General: our hydraulics have been shot to pieces and one of our landing legs is hanging out by itself, while the other legs are stuck in the closed position

    38. All the while, her mind thought furiously about how she was going to land without breaking up her plane into pieces and thus killing the three wounded inside

    39. I have used this same trick many times before with women, prodding them into breaking up with me as opposed to doing the dirty deed myself

    40. I remember breaking up with him, if you really have to know

    41. Flo smiled through her tears and joked that for an old rock and roller, “Breaking up is hard to do

    42. Byron Keller’s coalition was breaking up

    43. Before she could read the message, the letters began breaking up and the screen faded to gray

    44. Still, policemen’s marriages were always breaking up; it was the job, so maybe it hadn’t been his fault

    45. He remembered other males talking about breaking up with females, and these females saying, “You won’t be able to live without me

    46. This “convulsion” will be followed by separation of parts and breaking up of atoms’ connection

    47. The cause was thought to be the breaking up of Pangaea

    48. were rumors about the band breaking up, but there were false at the time

    49. “Thanks, boy,” she said, her voice breaking up with weeping

    50. Hiatus is the breaking up into two syllables of vowel combinationsin adjacent words capable of

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