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    Usa "candor" in una frase

    candor frasi di esempio


    1. Our society, however, has grown increasingly wary over the authenticity of its judgments; its citizens seeking sheepish approval rather than a manly reputation for candor

    2. Thank you for your candor

    3. Molo nodded at those words thoughtfully, but not simply because of the Pilgrim’s candor

    4. “Well, Christina, if I wanted to put up with Candor smart-mouths, I would have joined their faction,” he hisses

    5. “I thought I would only have trouble with the Candor asking too many questions,” he says coldly

    6. “But that’s…not fair!” the broad-shouldered Candor girl, Molly, says

    7. They come from the bunk next to mine—they belong to a Candor boy, Al, the largest and broadest of all the initiates

    8. Candor and Abnegation don’t hate each other the way Erudite and Abnegation do, but they avoid each other

    9. “We try to be pretty honest about our feelings in Candor

    10. A few weeks ago I might have found that question offensive, but now I spend too much time with Candor transfers to be surprised by tactlessness

    11. I mean, they said they wanted me to stay in Candor, but that’s only because that’s what they’re supposed to say

    12. “In Candor,” says Al, nudging me with his shoulder

    13. “What? Did you think I couldn’t defend myself against that piece of Candor trash?”

    14. candor, it should be the opposite

    15. “Maybe you were cut out for Candor,” he says, “because you’re a terrible liar

    16. Candor initiation would reach things that even the simulations can’t touch; it would wreck me

    17. “I never knew a Candor who was such a liar

    18. —From the Candor faction manifesto

    19. We will report this to Erudite, Candor, and Dauntless as soon as we can

    20. “I’m sure if it had been Candor and not Abnegation that got attacked, you would have just let your family get shot between the eyes without protest

    21. All faction clothing is represented in the group before me: black Candor pants paired with black Dauntless shirts, yellow dresses with blue sweatshirts over them

    22. “Half at Erudite headquarters, half at Candor headquarters

    23. By the time we leave the bathroom, I wear jeans and a black shirt that is so loose up top that it slips off my shoulders, and Susan wears baggy jeans and a white Candor shirt with a collar

    24. The sign says MERC IS MART—it used to read “Merchandise Mart,” but most people refer to it as the Merciless Mart, because the Candor are merciless, but honest

    25. He seemed so determined to get to Candor headquarters that I wonder if he’s planning something without me

    26. It’s pretty commonplace in Candor

    27. Here the marble floors are white, with a black Candor symbol in the center of the room, and the walls are lit with rows of dim yellow lights, so the whole room glows

    28. Most of Candor and the remnants of Dauntless are already gathered

    29. Some of them sit on the tiered benches that wrap around the edge of the room, but there isn’t enough space for everyone, so the rest are crowded around the Candor symbol

    30. Tobias squeezes my hand, and then releases it, and I stand with Christina at the edge of the Candor symbol

    31. The Candor all know Marcus is the most influential government official, and some of them must have read the article Jeanine released about his cruelty toward his son

    32. “Among the Candor, before a person is accepted into our community, they have to completely expose themselves

    33. All around me, the Dauntless and the Candor wait for me to step forward and spill my entire life before them

    34. The Candor sing the praises of the truth, but they never tell you how much it costs

    35. Dauntless men, women, and children are everywhere, and there isn’t a single Candor in sight

    36. As I walk down the hallway, stepping over unconscious people dressed in black and white, I think of a verse of the song Candor children used to sing when they thought no one could hear them:

    37. I step on a Candor girl’s pinkie, and her face twitches

    38. When we reach the elevator bank, he forces me to my knees next to the Candor woman I saw earlier

    39. The Candor woman on my right whimpers

    40. A Candor boy who can’t be older than eleven sits to my left

    41. I find out that the Candor boy Eric shot in the head was named Bobby, and that Eric is in stable condition, and that of the hundreds of people in the Merciless Mart, only eighty don’t have needles buried in their flesh, seventy of whom are Dauntless, one of whom is Christina

    42. it had to be because Dauntless and Candor were the most logical targets

    43. Candor hallways are wide, wide enough for all the space I want to keep between us

    44. If I unfocus my eyes, I see exactly what the Candor don’t believe in—gray

    45. “A Dauntless leader shot a Candor child in the head,” I snap

    46. That is not me, but now, it’s who the Candor think I am

    47. We can’t attack without Candor, I think, unless we have the factionless

    48. THAT AFTERNOON I join a group of Candor and Dauntless cleaning up the broken windows in the lobby

    49. But it’s just a Candor girl—a child

    50. The Candor stop sweeping and stare at them

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    Sinonimi per "candor"

    candidness candor candour directness forthrightness frankness fair-mindedness fairness honesty probity uprightness impartiality openness veracity