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    Usa "cleaner" in una frase

    cleaner frasi di esempio


    1. I’d started in the kitchen, washing up the breakfast things and then taking the cooker to pieces, scouring the chrome rings and going wild with the oven cleaner

    2. “What is beautiful about my father is that he believes everything on that label,” says Ralph, who says that way back when, he suggested his father’s soap - of which the uses range from shampoo to toothpaste, laundry cleaner to bug repellent, and plant cleaner to body message (though customers swear there are hundreds more uses) -something catchy like ‘Mint Glow’

    3. cleaner, not bad in The Boyfriend as I recall, she looked very good in it on their web

    4. I debate, more as a means of keeping myself awake, whether this journey is better or worse than that one was … coming the conclusion that although this one is cleaner and marginally less stressful, in many ways there is not a lot to choose between them

    5. Sir, I am many things - cleaner, engineer, cook, whatever you want

    6. What you have here may not be as glamorous as Earth with its skyscrapers and cities, but it is a lot cleaner … in every meaning of the word

    7. The house is remarkably clean considering that no-one has lived here for several weeks, and, seeing my surprise, Ms Jones tells me that David’s cleaner had been coming in to check on the place regularly

    8. worked as a cleaner at the local primary school, was beneath him

    9. There were spaces like that in Alan’s universe, but they were much cleaner and covered with plush mattresses

    10. Somewhere along the corridor the sound of a vacuum cleaner resumes its low drone and Carol's defensive brusqueness breaks as Dave's shirt absorbs the moisture that spills from her eyes and onto her cheeks

    11. “They’re not without stain, but cleaner than most schools

    12. Wait in the queue to buy a ticket … read the list of possible permutations – wash and wax, wash and soft wax (?), multi-colour foam and undercar scrub … a bit technical for me … only want a cleaner car

    13. Those blessed girls! They could have cleared up after themselves! Still, the cleaner will make short shrift of the mess; you’d better dust the sideboard before doing the floor

    14. ’ I said automatically, ‘Oh, and when you’ve finished, could you give your carpet a going over? I’ve left the cleaner up on the landing

    15. Grimes, it being the larger and cleaner than Mr

    16. This one was a little cleaner than the others and its wool was surprisingly soft

    17. prefer the electric cleaner and the mop

    18. It was pink, much cleaner than the rest of her foot and leg

    19. Roidon said, ‘They are doing that because it’s cleaner

    20. By the time he got out of the shower and shaved, he felt cleaner, but his arm was throbbing

    21. The air smelled fresher and cleaner, though we"d had only a few drops of the precious fluid

    22. ” The terraced house we stood in front of was just like the others only cleaner and a red pair of curtains gave the greyness of it a much needed lift

    23. A sailor has cleaner apparel that is constantly exposed to the winds and elements, yet has salt stains from the water

    24. I believe that they are investigated now and then and as said in law they are vulnerable for they need to act with cleaner hands than most businesses

    25. Her silky black eyes grew bigger and started to suck Pirate in like a vacuum cleaner

    26. There was/is one major difference however, that, compared with modern standards, ethnic neighborhoods, however rundown, were generally safer, crime was lower, immigrant classes better educated, families more tightly knit, homes cleaner, children smiled more and engaged in sidewalk games, neighbors gathered on stoops on sweltering summer evenings, unemployment was lower and drugs virtually

    27. Have you ever heard of the Windows registry? Most computer users are familiar with the word “registry” simply because there are tons of registry cleaner adverts scattered all over the Internet

    28. The War on Poverty dramatically reduced poverty under Johnson and Nixon, and other regulations saved many by making the air and water cleaner

    29. Its legalization and subsequent dispensation under the auspices of trained professionals operating in a controlled environment, provides a plausible counter-argument to costly efforts aimed at apprehending and bringing drug dealers to task; not to mention promoting cleaner, safer and healthier communities by eliminating criminal incentives and (profits) associated with its unlawful procurement

    30. In other words, modernize travel that has seemingly regressed to the horse and buggy era while investing in transportational and environmental technologies designed to hasten travel and promote cleaner air

    31. “Reach me that bottle of head cleaner, will you?”

    32. Somewhat cleaner, she sat at the back of a restaurant, to wait for the bus to Rivas and ordered a beer

    33. He washed his face and scrubbed some of the muck and dirt away, feeling a bit freshened and somewhat cleaner

    34. “We all support cleaner air, but here's where the Obama EPA and I disagree: it shouldn't come at the

    35. By the time we returned to the reception area Delbert had departed and Jeannine was on her hands and knees inspecting the carpet nap for stray bits of Oreo cookie that may have been missed by the vacuum cleaner

    36. Jonathan Lash, president of the World Resources Institute, agrees that water is cleaner, air is clearer, and resources are better managed as a result of heightened environmental concerns

    37. The cleaner moved his equipment in and around the crowd that had gathered at Becky’s bedside, much to their annoyance

    38. The cleaner had looked around to see if anyone was watching him as he stood by the end of the bed

    39. The cleaner was too crafty for them and simply plumped the pillow up, smiled at her and placed it under her head before smiling again at the officers as he slowly left the scene

    40. They are sucked in like a dust ball into a vacuum cleaner

    41. All you care about is that the vacuum cleaner picks up all the dirt and leaves your carpet

    42. probably don’t have any type of air cleaner

    43. Once he’d made it into the woods, the air was much cleaner

    44. It is surprising that the environmentalists have not pushed the use of natural gas in automobiles or trucks for it is cleaner than gasoline which they seem to hate

    45. was tell her to call a septic service and a carpet cleaner, and I would

    46. While hiking through the woods looking for a cleaner

    47. cleaner, but the big, powerful, industrial ones at the

    48. “You should keep your room cleaner

    49. Angela hesitantly replied that she was a cleaner at a hotel, and that, no, she

    50. employed her as cleaner of both my house and the crèche

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