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    Usa "cleanser" in una frase

    cleanser frasi di esempio


    1. It was just a cleanser to help get the yaag out of my metabolism

    2. This is a general cleanser of the body and helps to expel waste matter and purify the blood

    3. Normal and oily types should use a soap-free cleanser and follow with a non-alcohol toner

    4. The same face she washed tenderly every morning with a special cleanser and smoothed over with an SPF 25 lotion before coloring it with lipstick, mascara and a perfect layer of foundation

    5. In the front row, the heaviest of Kreios crew waited with packs of cleanser foam strapped

    6. Besides that, you should also use a mild, water-soluble, oil-free and soap-free cleanser for keeping your face, neck and arms clean

    7. about a revolutionary cleanser that will simplify your housework?” Again,

    8. This may be in soaps, facial cleanser, etc

    9. High in chlorophyll helps to repair cells and a blood cleanser

    10. As the makeup artist was about to put foundation on my face, JC stopped him as he handed a bottle of makeup remover and facial cleanser

    11. You need a makeup remover or a cleanser to remove the old one so that it won’t mix with the new, or else the result will be entirely different from what is expected

    12. It is a good source of fiber and is actually used successfully as a colon cleanser

    13. Toners act as an additional cleanser on dirty or oily skin, and also remove any traces of grease left behind by the cleanser

    14. Remove mascara by placing a moistened tissue under the lower ashes and stroking both sets of lashes together with cotton wool pads soaked in cleanser

    15. Remove the cleanser with cotton wool pads or paper tissues

    16. Some of us may hold the tooth cleanser and use it very often with his teeth but he eats the flesh of his believer brothers, could the tooth cleanser purify the mouth from dead flesh? As Allah says:

    17. The arrogance of the idea that you cannot be affected by the mass-manufacturing and mass exploitation of resources which poison and degrade the global health of the Earth you live on… The idea that it is perfectly okay to buy chemicals and support the huge corporations of Monsanto and Dow Chemical Corporation and the Colgate Palmolive Company by buying insecticides to kill bugs and buying sprays and detergents and antiperspirants and perfumes and nail polish and bathroom cleanser and motor oil and all the other thousands of poisonous toxic products which they sell you… and expect not to be poisoned by the factories that manufacture these deadly poisons because they are not located where you live… is a universal hypocrisy of modern consumers

    18. If your facial skin is too oily for your taste, you can try cleaning it with a gentle, oil-free cleanser

    19. Patients should ask their doctor or another health professional for advice on the best type of cleanser to use for acne skin care

    20. Honey and olive oil nurture the skin while cinnamon has an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect that allows it to act as a natural cleanser

    21. I hope they use antibacterial cleanser because virtually every horizontal surface gets used as a bed at some point

    22. You could buy one moisturizer, but then you had to get a matching cleanser, too, and something called toner, and before you were even ready for the night cream, you’d have blown fifty bucks

    23. Still, it did take two years before we began serving intermezzos, what they in the Tore Wretman kitchen often called granité or flavor cleanser

    24. Early on, we asked ourselves the question of why one serves a flavor cleanser between fish and warm meat dishes

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