Usa "commission" in una frase
commission frasi di esempio
1. Jesus gave us the same commission as He received from His Father
2. This commission forestalled that which would happen after Jesus
3. This afternoon I saw Diana at the gym, we had an aerobics lesson and then, as we were leaving together, she revealed to me some more interesting details about her job; in fact, she didn't hesitate at all to describe -always with an air of importance- a fixed fraud committed by the company she works for: It all starts with an advertisement they place in the newspaper every week, looking for new commercial travellers; they offer an alluring basic salary, as well as commission on the sales, plus social security
4. That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman's commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other ''services'', instead of books
5. If any of these traumatized young boys managed to survive to adulthood they were rewarded with a commission into Lord Boras’ army
6. penalties for the use of frozen fowl in the commission
7. just how he was going to fulfil his commission
8. The photographer was roused to the commission that same morning on their return from the rail station in Truckee and the tearful sendoff
9. And I'm not sure why the one destined for our commission should be the ugly relation to this beautiful one here
10. Waterhouse, “Do you have an explanation for how my friend has two sets of drawings for the same commission?” he asked evenly
11. “Other projects may therefore be made secondary to this commission,” he told Harry, and that was the conclusion of his first re-appraisal
12. followers a commission to carry His message to every nation of
13. this great commission from the master was to seek Heaven in
14. When the disciples received the great commission, the first thing
15. When those correspondents afterwards drew upon them for the payment of this sum, together with the interest and commission, some of those banks, from the distress into which their excessive circulation had thrown them, had sometimes no other means of satisfying this draught, but by drawing a second set of bills, either upon the same, or upon some other correspondents in London; and the same sum, or rather bills for the same sum, would in this manner make sometimes more than
16. In reality B in London owes nothing to A in Edinburgh; but he agrees to accept of A 's bill, upon condition, that before the term of payment he shall redraw upon A in Edinburgh for the same sum, together with the interest and a commission, another bill, payable likewise two months after date
17. This practice has sometimes gone on, not only for several months, but for several years together, the bill always returning upon A in Edinburgh with the accumulated interest and commission of all the former bills
18. in the year, and the commission was never less than one half per cent
19. This commission being repeated more than six times in the year, whatever money A might raise by this expedient might necessarily have cost him something more than eight per cent
20. in the year and sometimes a great deal more, when either the price of the commission happened to rise, or when he was obliged to pay compound interest upon the interest and commission of former bills
21. This transaction, therefore, being repeated at least four times in the year, and being loaded with a commission of at least one half per cent
22. Such operations being repeated at least six times in the year, and being loaded with a commission of at least one half per cent
23. But had the coffers of this bank been filled ever so well, its excessive circulation must have emptied them faster than they could have been replenished by any other expedient but the ruinous one of drawing upon London; and when the bill became due, paying it, together with interest and commission, by another draught upon the same place
24. Experience, I believe, soon convinced them that this method of raising money was by much too slow to answer their purpose; and that coffers which originally were so ill filled, and which emptied themselves so very fast, could be replenished by no other expedient but the ruinous one of drawing bills upon London, and when they became due, paying them by other draughts on the same place, with accumulated interest and commission
25. was not a part of the planning commission
26. The higher commission you can give
27. Many affiliates will only promote when the commission you’re offering
28. commission off thousands of sales than to hoard 100% of just a few
29. The planter, no doubt, by the high price which he pays for the goods from Europe, by the interest upon the bills which he grants at distant dates, and by the commission upon the renewal of those which he grants at near dates, makes up, and probably more than makes up, all the loss which his correspondent can sustain by this delay
30. “This Anglo, Kurt Sloan, works at the Historical Commission offices in the Castro Complex at University Center
31. I told you I worked in the Historical Commission
32. That trail has been out of commission for years
33. It was solar powered and probably out of commission
34. Out of the moneys which they shall receive from the company, they are allowed a sum, not exceeding eight hundred pounds, for the salaries of their clerks and agents at London, Bristol, and Liverpool, the house-rent of their offices at London, and all other expenses of management, commission, and agency, in England
35. “Remember in like Flynn get the guns put out of commission and get out no hanging around, right is everyone ready?” We all acknowledged that we were and then we made a final check of our weapons making sure we had a round up the spout and that our bayonets were attached properly and would not fall off at an embarrassing moment
36. A few days later, on March 27, 1862, Waddell received his commission
37. commission as the CSS Georgia under the command of
38. On that date, he resigned his commission returning to the United States shortly before the
39. This put the Florida out of commission for the Confederacy and left the South with one less Confederate
40. There, he informed them of the changed character of the Sea King, read his commission to them to convert the steamer Sea King into the Confederate cruiser CSS
41. ) Turner"s actions are perhaps almost understandable in the wake of Watergate and the resulting Church Commission inquiries
42. What may be the most perplexing of his sins is the fact that those sins, consisting of insider trading and many other violations of the requirements of stock trading at the time, were rewarded by FDR by appointing Big Bad Joe to head the Securities and Exchange Commission
43. commission in September 1872 with the award of $15
44. pays you the commission, which could be moderated through a site
45. hated the Securities and Exchange Commission, which policed the
46. independent commission affirmed the fairness of the election, and the squatters in the square eventually went back to their homes and jobs
47. Gloria sold the family a nearby property even better suited to them, received her commission, and everybody was happy
48. A commission consisting of General Wheeler, General Lawton, and Lieutenant Miley, met General Escario, Colonel Fontan, and Mr
49. a crime, must be held accountable for that crime whatever the (underlying) reason, considered apart, as it relates to the commission of a crime
50. McKinley did send the Schurman Commission to investigate the war and make recommendations
1. commissioned epic poems and stirring stories about his ferocious
2. The school house was commissioned for their meetings and rehearsals
3. ” Babs grinned showing off his new gold filling in his front tooth balancing the one he commissioned some nearly four decades previously
4. Captain Jones had worked his way up from the wharf to deckhand and then onto the merchant shipping line to eventually become a commissioned captain
5. Commissioned officers only
6. “Maton, we have been commissioned to
7. His team of astronomers and physicists had been commissioned by Central Council to develop the shield in the hope that one day it would save the B’tari and even humans from being wiped out of existence
8. I think it was commissioned in 1936 and finished in 1938 or 1939
9. The captains of his majesty's navy, indeed, or any other commissioned officers, appointed by the board of admiralty, may inquire into the condition of the forts and garrisons, and report their observations to that board
10. A research project commissioned by the Canadian government into the emerging religious sect, The Transcenders; studying their media-net output, the testimonies of those who had been rescued from their clutches
11. There, she was commissioned as CSS Florida, with veteran Lt
12. She was commissioned at sea off Terceira, Azores, on August
13. commissioned as the CSS Shenandoah of the Confederate States of America Navy
14. sailing sloops except the USS Cyane, which was the oldest ship, having been commissioned in 1838
15. No shots could be fired without reporting to the duty commissioned officer whether someone was killed, wounded or not
16. It was a flawed system, and it would be repeated over and over again to satisfy a longhaired liberal masquerading at Police HQ as a commissioned officer
17. In fact only commissioned officers enjoyed dancing classes during candidate-officer training
18. Many times the tear-gas drifted back toward us, much to the jeers and glee of the rioters and producing a few respectful curses from us toward the commissioned officer who had failed to read the wind correctly
19. * Obviously I do not mean that there was open disrespect because our training would never allow for such behaviour towards a commissioned officer, but their orders would be questioned if it did not fully represent the realities of the mean streets
20. The barricaded ones wanted to see the sergeant, which was not a strange request as most civilians respected the sergeant much more than any commissioned officer
21. An experienced commissioned officer was in charge and the Army would be under his command as it should be by law
22. We could never put our hands in our pockets to keep warm when wearing uniform and survive the consequences and gloves were not issued to any rank besides ceremonial use by commissioned officers
23. This went one step further when the Security Police approached me to join a Unit which specialised in the “terminating of terrorists” through a commissioned officer I trusted
24. We had a few commissioned officers with us on the COIN course
25. They had to repeat the course once commissioned even if experienced bush fighters
26. I must admit that besides him I cannot think off hand of any other debauched commissioned officer in SAP COIN
27. I was powerless to stop the initial strokes for we were acting on commissioned officers (legal) instructions but at the third stroke I intervened by kicking the constable on his (you know what), and she scrambled away cursing us in language which no female student should know
28. I know what the law says on illegal orders (refuse them on the Nuremberg dictum) but the order itself was not illegal, and issued by a commissioned officer
29. The above was challenged many times in court by the long haired liberal lawyers, and the commissioned officers soon learned to adapt to the conditions
30. Do not trust the court or lawyers or commissioned officers or chaplains
31. I have seen commissioned officers with grey hair walking between rioters and treated with great respect as all Africans revere their elders
32. Cover ups? No, not really, as said there were murder investigations against members who pulled the trigger and the commissioned officer who gave the order because no SAP member (with his training and discipline) just started shooting
33. ‖ Many individuals susceptible to teeming influences extending beyond their capacity to assimilate what is being conveyed and in what manner and why, for that matter, entirely dependent has the public become on its media ―mouthpieces‖ commissioned to do their thinking for them in a fruitless attempt at sorting out unintelligent pieces of information that, taken collectively, are even more meaningless, thereby frustrating further efforts to attain (true) knowledge while unsettling core beliefs
34. When becoming a commissioned officer you lost your dog automatically, and thus many Dog Unit warrant-officers refused promotion
35. The fact of the matter is that there is no turning back the hands of time, if such was ever a reasonable option to begin with! As evolving technologies continue developing efficient ways of replacing brawn with brain, increasing competition for skilled labor in highly competitive global environments will require transforming (the) worker from a corporate to a human resource commissioned with the task of managing his or her (own) career paths
36. This went one step further when the Security Police approached me to join a unit which specialised in the “terminating of terrorists” through a commissioned officer I trusted
37. I knew of course there were no white women on the border except for a few very old ladies of the Southern Cross, and a few military types who we steered clear of since not only did they have fearsome reputations, but as commissioned officers they outranked us
38. Brubaker quickly absorbed the rest of the article, the gist of which was that in a study commissioned by the environment ministry, Lennox was the city with the highest levels in the entire province in terms of ozone and fine particulate matter, the prime constituents of smog
39. Today‘s youth have been subsequently commissioned with the unenviable task of having to navigate through troubled waters on a rudderless boat without a compass only to criticize them for faulty seamanship for having failed to negotiate the prescribed course
40. Commissioned into the Royal Flying Corps in 1912, he was a member of the very first class at the Central Flying School
41. ‘By the way, as a representative of the planet Earth, I am commissioned to ask why you need so much water?’
42. What a marvelous discovery! That others earlier and more famous than I have spoken out on this in a way similar to that which I have felt commissioned to do
43. He commissioned them with a national purpose; a purpose beyond their
44. I never did a court martial, but the Supervisor, being a RADM, was the senior officer in port, and the ships left the shipyard as soon as they were commissioned
45. Along with being foreman and manager, you’ll be Commander of the base and a commissioned officer in the Hilian military
46. “With this seal-mark,” he declared, as if he’d heard nothing, “the commander of the Fourth Army commissioned me to deliver his heavy equipment and the attendant transport to this destination
47. He must know or has heard of the flooding of the river! I’m sure he would be very concerned if we made it through to the destination he commissioned me to achieve!”
48. The Commander of the Fourth Army himself commissioned me to do so
49. It is The Medallion of Service of The Just Alliance, the first such to be commissioned, and it bears the words: ‘For bravery and sacrifice
50. “He says that the commander of the Fourth Army commissioned him to deliver these things
1. After his commissioning by the Confederate Navy, things started
2. Indies after commissioning at sea, and during the rest of 1862,
3. supplement items missing at the time of commissioning
4. Therefore, the Commanding Officer of the ships did not have disciplinary control over his sailors, except for the one week period between commissioning and departure
5. I obviously said 'I can do that!' and was greeted by 'great, we need the outline on our desks by 5pm tomorrow because we're commissioning now
6. Arnold Osbairne had not, however, mentioned either his offer to the headmaster to “fix the problem” or the commissioning of his son to “attend” to it
7. If they fail to teach you Christ’s Commissioning words, then they also deprive you of opportunities for real discipleship and to receive the knowledge that would set you free
8. stopped with me) on the final lap of installing and commissioning the production machine or
9. of integrating it all together, testing, commissioning, etc, etc
10. The use of the systems following installation, commissioning, validation and any unplanned
11. data within the validation work then the quality of the commissioning work and associated data
12. A reply came the next day, commissioning the horoscope update, and asking for more information
13. Commissioning of the new production shops
14. This results in delay in commissioning of both new presses
15. This results in delay in commissioning of this particular press and the other one is commissioned in due time
16. First complete the installation and commissioning of new presses and then continue with the re-location of old ones, thus ensuring the required level of production
17. Following the commissioning of the new small presses, we can proceed with the re-location, installation and testing of the old 4 small presses
18. It is interesting to note that while commissioning the Twelve, Jesus sent them out with these instructions: “Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, but only to the people of Israel – God’s lost sheep
19. Here’s another example: Griffin Mining, a zinc miner, disclosed on February 21, 2006, that “operating costs were higher than envisaged due to inevitable initial teething problems in commissioning the plant
20. Dana,) that this is not so much a question of what our Government was ignorant of, as of what they knew, or what they ought to have known; and he has entered into a long examination of the mode of commissioning diplomatic characters, whether by letters of credence or by full powers, and has drawn a distinction between the two
1. If it comes off, there may be other commissions … there are lots of organisations like the Foundation which were established through the blood, sweat and sheer determination of individuals, it’s a rather English thing, I think, though I may be wrong there
2. Waterhouse routinely accepted commissions
3. conditions, they can withhold and reverse that affiliate’s commissions
4. them, what commissions they can earn, what tools are provided, and
5. What was once a fairly lucrative career with good commissions had turned into a stressful undertaking that didn’t begin to cover their expenses every month
6. The members of the committee of nine being all merchants, and the governors and factors in their different forts and settlements being all dependent upon them, it is not unlikely that the latter might have given peculiar attention to the consignments and commissions of the former, which would establish a real monopoly
7. Step 5-After purchasing the affiliate product the now buyer is taken to the One Time Offer page of the Affiliate product for a chance of you making more commissions
8. earn commissions from the buyer and the seller both
9. increase in the value of the mutual fund shares to more than cover the commissions
10. Everybody figured that sales of Dreyfus Fund shares would rise along with the stock market and more than offset the commissions
11. themselves took commissions on their sales to the Fund of Funds, a perfectly legitimate thing for them to do
12. But, Bernie figured, why shouldn’t IOS be getting the commissions that the mutual funds
13. The company then collected two commissions, one when the
14. “I’ve received several commissions to paint the folks and wee ones in the village, and the number of students I have has trebled in the past few weeks
15. They were all mentioned in despatches, and received commissions for their services
16. She had become the owner of a house badly in need of repair in a comfortable Toronto neighborhood; however she had overestimated, by a large margin, the amount she would earn in sales commissions
17. He wrote the checks for the purchases, paid her and made all the shipping arrangements, something she used to do but, with her commissions unchanged, who was she to complain about having less to do? Previously, she had avoided Mike as much as humanly possible while maintaining an amicable relationship with his mother
18. Caroline hadn’t raised a bitch about it because, after all, it was through him that she got the job and when he came on board and they began selling more horses her commissions had increased
19. That or she might lose two commissions, "The bar won't be serving food for at least another half hour
20. I didn’t even have any commissions coming up
21. Such commissions against language and logic were coupled with omissions, so that you could almost tell what was going right with the country by what was ignored by the Complicit Main Media—the astute neglect of covering any news that might counter
22. commissions on that sale as well
23. 36 And they delivered the king's commissions
24. You can also send out email invites to your friends or family, to earn commissions whenever they complete offers
25. Premium accounts have more benefits including: more guaranteed daily ads, clixgrid chances, lower minimum cashouts, better tasks, offers, and sales commissions on everything you're involved on the site
26. have a link that says, “Affiliates make 100% commissions
27. With these other programs, you can give away 100% commissions, which is really attractive
28. The constitution of this great nation commissions the protection and security of its citizens to the federal government, not to any world entity, which were it to exist, might or might not be effective in providing them with both
29. "Commissions of this sort, and really our system of justice, rely on all
30. After trying child severance cases for my first six months with the AG, an opening occurred at the much more prestigious Arizona Corporation Commission, the equivalent to other states’ public service or utility commissions
31. promotions, so pay attention to the percentage that is being offered per sale and focus on products offering at least 40% commissions or higher
32. When I got fed up over not being able to get a job which specified an MBA which I had, with either the city, because I was not fluent in Spanish (three fourth’s of our residents’ primary language was NOT English), I gave up, called Sylvia the realtor back, and sold my house for a $4k profit (before the $6k commissions, etc)
33. advancing his future commissions, as he was complaining that he had expended lots of
34. But this was the new world, after the war, and all the ancient priorities and great commissions in the lands would have to find a new place
35. They created the first marketing system in the world that offers 100% commissions on all their products
36. They created an absolute phenomenon that paid out more than 1 million in commissions in their first month and a half in business
37. This is awesome, not only can you receive commissions here, but you are also
38. We pay them fees and commissions, not salaries
39. Patrons have always had trouble with their commissions - both Michelangelo and Goya were
40. You have already received the contract and commissions; there is no shortage of potential growth or gain
41. Chris learned that the first fortnight was usually considered to be a settling in period and the small commissions he was getting were being used to ease him into his work
43. And here's a few more cookbooks you may be interested in (Commissions earned from the
44. And that is that our teaching of the gospel of the kingdom, no matter how faithfully and efficiently we execute our divine commissions, is going to be attended by varying degrees of success; and that all such differences in results are directly due to conditions inherent in the circumstances of our ministry, conditions over which we have little or no control
45. Lower trading commissions - Prior to the inception of ETFs, if you wanted to buy a basket of stocks within a particular industry sector, you had to pay a separate commission for each stock you wanted to
46. REALY HUGE AMOUNT OF COMMISSIONS and if you want to have a
47. AssocTrac, to work with affiliates and track their sales and commissions
48. Many affiliates could easily make an extra 10% to 20% in commissions, but they miss
49. Here’s a simple trick that will help you save your affiliate commissions
50. have high market demand and they offer high commissions to you