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    Usa "deputation" in una frase

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    1. And as a doctor he was aware of the statistics regarding suicide attempts, and was a member of the National Lobby, which was preparing a deputation to the High Court to have suicide decriminalized

    2. He also sent a deputation to his brother Esau, stating where he had

    3. "What's this deputation for?"

    4. 4 About three weeks after Jesus had left them, there arrived on the scene at Pella a new deputation from the priests and Pharisees at Jerusalem

    5. “So you have everything covered?” Eckhart said to the leader of the deputation, Jonathon Riggings a Texan billionaire who had served on the American High Command of the organization

    6. At nine thirty a deputation arrived at the building from the City Council

    7. The council deputation arrived on Kaulbachstrasse and stood behind the steel gates that remained closed

    8. A large deputation of Jews waited upon Pilate for five days, imploring him to have these images removed from the military standards

    9. “What’s this, a deputation,” Howard said smiling, as the

    10. The elder asked forgiveness for his earlier lack of respect, but being surrounded by traitors, wanted us to meet the deputation outside of the settlement

    11. There was no deputation from the citizens, as one would have expected

    12. A deputation was selected to go to the Japanese Headquarters

    13. In my third posting, I was on deputation for three years in the mission of UN peacekeeping force

    14. A few days later I had a deputation arrive at my office

    15. Scholtz was the leader of the deputation

    16. He was about to whip the man when a deputation of notables and elders of the quarter led by Sheikh Mohammad Amin Kharbutli, the imam of the Sheikh Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Mosque, came in begging with heartfelt emotion for the man to be forgiven and released

    17. A deputation from the Melbourne police is waiting at the door; you know best whether the visit is intended for you

    18. A hurried meeting of the Liberal Three Hundred was held, and a deputation sent to London to find a candidate but as there was only a week before polling day they were unsuccessful in their mission

    19. Outside the hail in which the meeting was being held a large crowd of poverty-stricken Liberal working men, many of them wearing broken boots and other men's cast-off clothing, was waiting to hear the report of the slave-drivers' deputation, and as soon as Sweater had consented to be nominated, Didlum rushed and opened the window overlooking the street and shouted the good news down to the crowd, which joined in the cheering

    20. And the hog farmer, who had led the deputation up the stairs

    21. He had two pieces of business before him that morning; first, to receive and send on a deputation from the native tribes which was on its way to Petersburg, and now at Moscow; secondly, to write the promised letter to the lawyer

    22. The deputation, though it had been summoned at Alexey Alexandrovitch’s instigation, was not without its discomforting and even dangerous aspect, and he was glad he had found it in Moscow

    23. As dusk fell Don Juste Lopez, inviting those caballeros who were of his way of thinking to follow him, withdrew into the corredor, where at a little table in the light of two candles he busied himself in composing an address, or rather a solemn declaration to be presented to Pedrito Montero by a deputation of such members of Assembly

    24. A new governor is always visited by deputations from the Cabildo, which is the Municipal Council, from the Consulado, the commercial Board, and it was proper that the Provincial Assembly should send a deputation, too, if only to assert the existence of parliamentary institutions

    25. Don Juste proposed that Don Carlos Gould, as the most prominent citizen of the province, should join the Assembly's deputation

    26. A wobbly deputation gets sent down to ground level to scrounge for more

    27. Peter’s day, and that the richest peasants (who formed the deputation) had begun the chantry long before, but that nine tenths of the peasants in that villages were in a state of the greatest poverty

    28. I will tell the deputation that I did not, and do not, desire war, that I have waged war only against the false policy of their court; that I love and respect Alexander and that in Moscow I will accept terms of peace worthy of myself and of my people

    29. Napoleon had lunched and was awaiting the deputation

    30. ‘But am I really in Moscow? Yes, here it lies before me, but why is the deputation from the city so long in appearing?’ he wondered

    31. Those sent to fetch the deputation had returned with the news that Moscow was empty, that everyone had left it

    32. Some said that a deputation of some sort must be scraped together, others disputed that opinion and maintained that the Emperor should first be carefully and skillfully prepared, and then told the truth

    33. Yet now, federated along one keel, what a set these Isolatoes were! An Anacharsis Clootz deputation from all the isles of the sea, and all the ends of the earth, accompanying Old Ahab in the Pequod to lay the world's grievances before that bar from which not very many of them ever come back

    34. He told me that he and his companions had been chosen by the other sailors to come in deputation to me to make me a requisition which, in justice, I could not refuse

    35. In front, on the high-road, Murat and his scouts had almost reached the suburbs; but still no deputation of the inhabitants came out to meet them

    36. At last one of the officers, evidently willing to oblige at any cost, rode in, seized a few vagrants in the streets and drove them out before him—as a deputation

    37. Rostopchin says that the deputation consisted of some twelve men clad in the worst of garments; the civic authorities, nobility, clergy, and principal merchants were represented on this solemn occasion by a simple type-setter

    38. An hour before reaching Moscow he summoned Count Durosnel, who was in charge of the Imperial head-quarters, and said—“Go into the city, get everything in order, and select a deputation to bring me the keys

    39. One of the Russians says—“They went searching for the keys and for a deputation in the Government offices, the town-hall, the head-quarters of the police, the Governor-General’s house, and, in fact, every place in which there was the least chance of finding an official

    40. The Emperor accordingly postponed his entry; he thought perhaps that by next day some of the inhabitants would have returned, and that a deputation would arrive after all, or that at any rate his French, Italian, and German subjects would come to the rescue and present themselves to pay him their respects

    41. During the whole duration of the holidays a deputation was sent every evening to the officer of the guard very humbly "to permit the representation and not to shut at the usual hour

    42. But as the workmen really were in a difficult plight and the police to whom they appealed would not enter into their grievances, what could be more natural than their idea of going in a body to "the general himself" if possible, with the petition at their head, forming up in an orderly way before his door, and as soon as he showed himself, all falling on their knees and crying out to him as to providence itself? To my mind there is no need to see in this a mutiny or even a deputation, for it's a traditional, historical mode of action; the Russian people have always loved to parley with "the general himself" for the mere satisfaction of doing so, regardless of how the conversation may end

    43. That the Memorial to the various Heads of Civilized States, adopted by this Congress and signed by the President, should so far as practicable be presented to each power, by an influential deputation

    44. (4) That the memorial to the various heads of the civilized States adopted by this Congress, and signed by the President, should, so far as practicable, be presented to each Power by an influential deputation

    45. Napoleon had lunched and was again standing in the same place on the Poklónny Hill awaiting the deputation

    46. “But am I really in Moscow? Yes, here it lies before me, but why is the deputation from the city so long in appearing?” he wondered

    47. "As for myself, my comrades did me the signal honour of electing me as the spokesman of the deputation

    48. Our presence here, our application for your assistance, and above all the unexpectedness of such a phenomenon as a systematic organisation of thieves, with delegates who are thieves, and a leader of the deputation, also a thief by profession—it is all so original that it must inevitably arouse a smile

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