The problem is that day by day the atmosphere around me is getting less and less friendly, which makes me feel more and more stressed
They would carry on here, they were actually doing well, though he had to admit, they were less and less Brazilian and more Gengee with every passing decade, especially at his end of the settlement
My wife and I are friends with another couple who we’ve recently been seeing less and less of
and further apart; which made this practice less and less than perhaps any time in our history!
Just think for a moment what it would have been like for him in ten or twenty years … he was how old? Forty? He’d have been losing his agility soon … would have had to watch himself slowly becoming less and less use
As time went on they became less and less so
It seemed like people saw less and less need to share a universe with another soul
Broadband comes as part of the cable package, and it provides Ted with a window on the world and hard porn comfort when he is sober enough to be interested, which is less and less frequently these days
he didn’t feel anything for Ozzie – the man was a mess, but Chrissie … as the distance between his fleeing feet and the barracks grew, Andy felt less and less concerned about the woman
time, she had fought less and less
As she kept thinking about it, that made less and less sense
" The kids did less and less complaining, as they watched Mike stop by more often
That obligation was growing less and less
became less and less rational, in spite of the
It was a known fact that once married, the fun and games gradually dry up and married couples make love less and less often
After the children were born things had changed as he had come to her less and less to satisfy his carnal desires; the women in the harem were doing that
The capital of the country, instead of increasing, gradually dwindles away, and the quantity of productive labour maintained in it grows every day less and less
The Roman militia, being continually in the field, became, in the progress of the war, a well disciplined and well exercised standing army ; and the superiority of Annibal grew every day less and less
larger and larger, and I saw less and less of her
The image of the trader on the floor of the stock exchange is less and less true all the time
This is very simply, why all common strategies fail and more and more money is spent on healthcare for less and less in terms of results
His eyes hold mine, and as the silent seconds pass, he looks less and less stern
But George wasn’t interested in this, Chloe was becoming less and less important to him over the years
Her visits to Earth were less and less frequent because her feeling started to grow more chaotic
Back in the castle, Anna was beginning to feel less and less alive
Her breathing was less and less strong and Eliana feared the worst
front, and grew less and less, and at length returned to his full size; And behind him I saw the shining sun, and the angels which draw
Each year there are less and less willing to defend their country
We continue the Red Queen's race, yet every 'advance' requires more and more energy, and provides less and less returns, just to stay in the same place
dynasty grew less and less orthodox
performing true to form, each individual citizen has an equal share in less and less, as the national economies of these statist regimes continue to contract
less and less sensation through it
My dad spoke less and less of his dad as years went by
Her fibromyalgia was in full swing and she was able to do less and less physically
Venn paid less and less attention to folk and the world around him -- obsessed with memories of wet training and battle and the CLANGING! in his ears and the invisible, mocking voices in his mind
surface reflecting less and less, the blue of it becoming more
The humans became more and more, while those with six limbs were less and less
But she was less and less afraid of him
Unless grandchildren came, Swann beheld himself playing less and less of a part in Jeff's life—could only predict a lonely and pointless old age
was her sanctuary, and overtime she became less and less willing to let others in it
ment becomes less and less differentiated from the mind of an individual
The irony is that people are becoming more sophisticated and less and less impressed by these models and the historical tricks of the trade
With less and less friends to support you who will pay your future bills? If your actions are consistently antisocial but you consider yourself BIG enough to bully a market, beware
I spent less and less time alone
I was liking the camp director less and less
Still it was less and less as I aged
If you blast your friends and followers with your personal spam, they will retweet and share less and less
My Father had less and less to do with us as I grew up and most of my
Remember, you will face barriers along the way (Chapter 5), but those will become less and less with each passing week
house and is spending less and less time at her flat
or aspects confront him, and he finds it less and less within his power to give
From this year on he talked less and less with his mother, or anyone else, about these problems
She still had cases of acne, but she began to care less and less about it
As we pushed forward, there was less and less dry land
Wanting to gain more to secure against imaginary threats and concede less and less as if to avoid the feared erosion and/or both became the credo of man that narrowed the give and take zone of human harmony
His aged parents no longer looked forward to his visits, which became less and less frequent
As the summer progressed I became less and less able to
As his grandfather‘s training took root and his potentcy blossomed, Joe Billie‘s challenges came less and less and by age 14 no Miccosukee youth would stand up to him
There are those on this side, our side who can make this difference less and less with little effort, and for some it takes many entities working together to bring about this lowering and raising of energy to facilitate a closeness in mind and harmony and resonance so that the thought transfer can be conducted and maintained
mother uses less and less time to breast feed her kittens
For the same reason she continued giving concerts at church fairs and school parties, even though the requests were less and less frequent
With the passage of the days, however, the reality of life on board mattered less and less to him and even the most recent and trivial happenings seemed worthy of nostalgia, because as the ship got farther away, his memory began to grow sad
which there are less and less advanced civilizations, as one moves up the
waves would be refracted less and less as altitude
We move less and less
Firing had by now slackened considerably behind them, which could mean only one thing: the KPRA soldiers were finding less and less living American soldiers to kill
He realized that the figure was still completely motionless and less than five feet away from him now
discovered it , will begin using it, and that it will begin to work less and less profitably; the market factors in the inefficiency
As time passed, he called out less and less
There are less and less of us
You will however find that, as time passes, your crude and hateful propaganda will have less and less grip on the little people that we now are helping to have better lives
become less and less selective
Slowly, the boy became less and less apprehensive
The beach rose, gradually steeper until it met a rocky hill and plant life became less and less sparse until finally there was nothing but trees blocking the view of the horizon
questions worry less and less Uzbeks, because most of them are captivated by the
" Melissa was feeling less and less uptight, willing to take risks again
The charges became less and less frequent, though, as they were efficiently dispatched, one convenient group at a time
“The big problem he faces is that the currency is virtually worthless to anyone outside the country, and with inflation as high as it is, becoming worth less and less every day
But he had control over that himself, now, and found he needed to pump morphine in less and less often
But then, as more and more funds disappeared and more and more accounts were emptied and closed, including some holding quite small amounts, this theory became less and less tenable
Despite the promises of economists in the 70’s and 80’s that technology would create a glut of time, (worrying what to do with all this free time for the masses, was a constant concern for the thinking classes), it seems to me that technology has given us less and less of the thing we treasure most
Stress and anxiety are making your life less and less balanced and this
Suddenly, there was purchase after purchase, poly-box after poly-box being emptied, and stock getting less and less
This pool of available Namibian staff is becoming less and less
And so it went on with each passing year and less and less of the true Elmarie stayed behind
The sophistication of modern society had seduced her away from the church by making even her weekends busy and by offering logic and reasoning such that the church seemed to offer less and less
” Do this as often as the thought of the person or experience will return less and less often, until it fades into nothingness
If you know what your purpose is and actively live it you are likely to have less and less time to create suffering in your life and in the life of others
More and more owed, with less and less being paid back, and still the credit card companies churn out mail solicitations by the billions
When he had first entered the forest, he had noticed several noises, but as time went on, he heard less and less of the birds and bugs
Soon Loki is wet and chilled and Hoenir is getting heavier and heavier, and less and less cooperative
This annoyance distributed so throughout her heart that she became less and less willing to sit at
a frog can jump with less and less legs
We do refuse at present to follow this cruel advice, and have salad every day in defiance of it, but my conscience forces me to put less and less dressing in it each time, hoping that so shall we wean ourselves from the craving for it--'gradually,' as Papa says
Less and less does he come up here
He didn’t drink much, and the amount that spewed forth from his mouth was less and less with each upheaval
They would tweet less and less, perhaps more desperately
Are they going to find him here? And what will he do if he gets cornered?’ Jason was counting less and less on having a chance to survive the ordeal he was in
As his lung capacity diminished, the oxygen supply to the brain grew less and less
She said it a little timidly, for she was already less to him than she had been in that brief interval of health, and knew that with every month she would be less and less