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    less and less Beispielsätze

    less and less

    1. The problem is that day by day the atmosphere around me is getting less and less friendly, which makes me feel more and more stressed

    2. They would carry on here, they were actually doing well, though he had to admit, they were less and less Brazilian and more Gengee with every passing decade, especially at his end of the settlement

    3. My wife and I are friends with another couple who we’ve recently been seeing less and less of

    4. and further apart; which made this practice less and less than perhaps any time in our history!

    5. Just think for a moment what it would have been like for him in ten or twenty years … he was how old? Forty? He’d have been losing his agility soon … would have had to watch himself slowly becoming less and less use

    6. As time went on they became less and less so

    7. It seemed like people saw less and less need to share a universe with another soul

    8. Broadband comes as part of the cable package, and it provides Ted with a window on the world and hard porn comfort when he is sober enough to be interested, which is less and less frequently these days

    9. he didn’t feel anything for Ozzie – the man was a mess, but Chrissie … as the distance between his fleeing feet and the barracks grew, Andy felt less and less concerned about the woman

    10. time, she had fought less and less

    11. As she kept thinking about it, that made less and less sense

    12. " The kids did less and less complaining, as they watched Mike stop by more often

    13. That obligation was growing less and less

    14. became less and less rational, in spite of the

    15. It was a known fact that once married, the fun and games gradually dry up and married couples make love less and less often

    16. After the children were born things had changed as he had come to her less and less to satisfy his carnal desires; the women in the harem were doing that

    17. The capital of the country, instead of increasing, gradually dwindles away, and the quantity of productive labour maintained in it grows every day less and less

    18. The Roman militia, being continually in the field, became, in the progress of the war, a well disciplined and well exercised standing army ; and the superiority of Annibal grew every day less and less

    19. larger and larger, and I saw less and less of her

    20. The image of the trader on the floor of the stock exchange is less and less true all the time

    21. This is very simply, why all common strategies fail and more and more money is spent on healthcare for less and less in terms of results

    22. His eyes hold mine, and as the silent seconds pass, he looks less and less stern

    23. But George wasn’t interested in this, Chloe was becoming less and less important to him over the years

    24. Her visits to Earth were less and less frequent because her feeling started to grow more chaotic

    25. Back in the castle, Anna was beginning to feel less and less alive

    26. Her breathing was less and less strong and Eliana feared the worst

    27. front, and grew less and less, and at length returned to his full size; And behind him I saw the shining sun, and the angels which draw

    28. Each year there are less and less willing to defend their country

    29. We continue the Red Queen's race, yet every 'advance' requires more and more energy, and provides less and less returns, just to stay in the same place

    30. dynasty grew less and less orthodox

    31. performing true to form, each individual citizen has an equal share in less and less, as the national economies of these statist regimes continue to contract

    32. less and less sensation through it

    33. My dad spoke less and less of his dad as years went by

    34. Her fibromyalgia was in full swing and she was able to do less and less physically

    35. Venn paid less and less attention to folk and the world around him -- obsessed with memories of wet training and battle and the CLANGING! in his ears and the invisible, mocking voices in his mind

    36. surface reflecting less and less, the blue of it becoming more

    37. The humans became more and more, while those with six limbs were less and less

    38. But she was less and less afraid of him

    39. Unless grandchildren came, Swann beheld himself playing less and less of a part in Jeff's life—could only predict a lonely and pointless old age

    40. was her sanctuary, and overtime she became less and less willing to let others in it

    41. ment becomes less and less differentiated from the mind of an individual

    42. The irony is that people are becoming more sophisticated and less and less impressed by these models and the historical tricks of the trade

    43. With less and less friends to support you who will pay your future bills? If your actions are consistently antisocial but you consider yourself BIG enough to bully a market, beware

    44. I spent less and less time alone

    45. I was liking the camp director less and less

    46. Still it was less and less as I aged

    47. If you blast your friends and followers with your personal spam, they will retweet and share less and less

    48. My Father had less and less to do with us as I grew up and most of my

    49. Remember, you will face barriers along the way (Chapter 5), but those will become less and less with each passing week

    50. house and is spending less and less time at her flat

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