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    Usa "look as if" in una frase

    look as if frasi di esempio

    look as if

    1. Angie tried to look as if she knew what that all meant while the young man swallowed nervously, his eyes darting at Kara, apparently completely taken up with writing on the paper

    2. look as if ‘Grace’ lived with her parents in the lighthouse, as well as

    3. “Family crisis?” I shot out loudly, with a look as if I had been

    4. Yes sir, we are innocent and being fat professional politicians we know how to make it look as if we are innocent victims here, for did Mandela not renounce violence

    5. It will look as if you two had a murder/suicide and I’ll be out of here, with the numbers to Felix’s account

    6. He made enough entries so he felt it would look as if his efforts were genuine, and laid down the pencil

    7. Amonas looked at Hilderich almost impassively with a look as if behind a fog, his mind seemingly wandering off to places without any connection to reality

    8. Junya gave a still look as if Kholi was going to immediately change his

    9. I tried to mollify her concern but she basically gave me this look as if I was coo coo

    10. Blazin' smiled, rolled his eyes, and gave me this look as if I was coo coo and said, “Yeah, Bob schooled him

    11. "You look as if you wanted to say something and was scared to say it

    12. The whole thing still left me with too many unanswered questions, but it was beginning to look as if they would not be answered

    13. There are alien symbols all over her body that resemble tattoos that look as if they are in 3D

    14. Hundreds of green trees that look as if they were on Earth surround him in all directions

    15. lights were on this made the house look as if the roof were a UFO,

    16. look as if maybe the two men had created the problem, then had

    17. ” I think I should apologize, but he doesn’t look as if he needs an apology

    18. “He doesn’t look as if he’s into fishing

    19. Moshe, trying to look as if he understood, answered, “I thought that the only thing north of

    20. The crew chief said it didn't look as if anything vital was hit and he'd have it repaired by morning

    21. chairs, trying as hard as I could to look as if I’d been relaxing

    22. damned if the bastard didn’t still look as if he were on steroids

    23. Sorus had conjured an invisible barrier about himself, absorbing the raking blows from the enraged Soul Beast that seemed to grow feeding from his magic, although, from the desperate look on his face, it didn’t look as if his magic would hold for much longer

    24. She gave me a long, level look as if I'd said something

    25. “If you could climb up and take one small bite, it would look as if a bird had pecked it,” she said

    26. He made me look as if I didn’t know what was going on in my own patch

    27. Emails being sent by such as service can still look as if they are being sent from

    28. It made him look as if he had just played a practical joke on someone and was dancing sneakily away before the firecracker went off

    29. We got off light, after all: we have wine and water and a good chance of reaching a habitable country, though I look as if I've gone through a meatgrinder, and you have a sore—"

    30. The aperture was empty, and it did not look as if it had ever served as a crypt for treasure

    31. Walking quickly with Heather by her side they approach the Clio, the car looks as good as new and the interior and seats of grey and blue and red squares look as if they have never been sat on

    32. She makes the house look as if we’ve moved in great haste

    33. It would look as if he and his team couldn’t cope

    34. “Does it look as if I am joking?” Dunit said

    35. That sword may look as if it was chewed up by a monster with gingivitis, but it will only respond if the user can feel the soul that lurks inside the sword

    36. It may look as if the killer walked from the cove to the house and back to the cove again

    37. It was 6:37 in the evening and Peter had but one thing on his mind: Selene Barchelle and those yoga pants she always wore and how they made her look as if she was delicately trying to conceal a fortune cookie when she stood up straight

    38. In one event, as walking close to his quarters, I saw and heard him rehearsing to the wind his next day sermon, shaping each word to look as if what was being preached about, was true, but in fact, when God gives, the words come as if natural from the Spirit

    39. You hear that, guys?' The two men nodded in unison, but somehow, they also managed to look as if they couldn't care less

    40. Grobut still didn't look as if he understood what Stazl was doing

    41. greasy sheen made it look as if he perspired constantly

    42. Vinny took a seat in the recliner and gave the pig a look as if

    43. He didn’t look as if he could be any older than fifteen, but Asia had already told me he was soon to be twenty-nine

    44. “In addition to that, I want you to make it look as if we’ve been living on the Constitution

    45. with his recently deceased former self, trying to make it look as if it was a

    46. Their new KING didn’t look as if he would see the funny side

    47. Almost at once, Ellen turned and presented him with a look as if her son had asked for the password to the parental Internet security control program she had a professional install on his computer several months earlier

    48. You look as if you can’t wait to read it

    49. His overgrown beard and greasy hair make him look as if he is homeless, and I can smell that neither he nor his clothes have been washed recently

    50. “One way or the other, then, it begins to look as if there is a real and present threat to Professor Barclay, which we probably need to address

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