Angie tried to look as if she knew what that all meant while the young man swallowed nervously, his eyes darting at Kara, apparently completely taken up with writing on the paper
look as if ‘Grace’ lived with her parents in the lighthouse, as well as
“Family crisis?” I shot out loudly, with a look as if I had been
Yes sir, we are innocent and being fat professional politicians we know how to make it look as if we are innocent victims here, for did Mandela not renounce violence
It will look as if you two had a murder/suicide and I’ll be out of here, with the numbers to Felix’s account
He made enough entries so he felt it would look as if his efforts were genuine, and laid down the pencil
Amonas looked at Hilderich almost impassively with a look as if behind a fog, his mind seemingly wandering off to places without any connection to reality
Junya gave a still look as if Kholi was going to immediately change his
I tried to mollify her concern but she basically gave me this look as if I was coo coo
Blazin' smiled, rolled his eyes, and gave me this look as if I was coo coo and said, “Yeah, Bob schooled him
"You look as if you wanted to say something and was scared to say it
The whole thing still left me with too many unanswered questions, but it was beginning to look as if they would not be answered
There are alien symbols all over her body that resemble tattoos that look as if they are in 3D
Hundreds of green trees that look as if they were on Earth surround him in all directions
lights were on this made the house look as if the roof were a UFO,
look as if maybe the two men had created the problem, then had
” I think I should apologize, but he doesn’t look as if he needs an apology
“He doesn’t look as if he’s into fishing
Moshe, trying to look as if he understood, answered, “I thought that the only thing north of
The crew chief said it didn't look as if anything vital was hit and he'd have it repaired by morning
chairs, trying as hard as I could to look as if I’d been relaxing
damned if the bastard didn’t still look as if he were on steroids
Sorus had conjured an invisible barrier about himself, absorbing the raking blows from the enraged Soul Beast that seemed to grow feeding from his magic, although, from the desperate look on his face, it didn’t look as if his magic would hold for much longer
She gave me a long, level look as if I'd said something
“If you could climb up and take one small bite, it would look as if a bird had pecked it,” she said
He made me look as if I didn’t know what was going on in my own patch
Emails being sent by such as service can still look as if they are being sent from
It made him look as if he had just played a practical joke on someone and was dancing sneakily away before the firecracker went off
We got off light, after all: we have wine and water and a good chance of reaching a habitable country, though I look as if I've gone through a meatgrinder, and you have a sore—"
The aperture was empty, and it did not look as if it had ever served as a crypt for treasure
Walking quickly with Heather by her side they approach the Clio, the car looks as good as new and the interior and seats of grey and blue and red squares look as if they have never been sat on
She makes the house look as if we’ve moved in great haste
It would look as if he and his team couldn’t cope
“Does it look as if I am joking?” Dunit said
That sword may look as if it was chewed up by a monster with gingivitis, but it will only respond if the user can feel the soul that lurks inside the sword
It may look as if the killer walked from the cove to the house and back to the cove again
It was 6:37 in the evening and Peter had but one thing on his mind: Selene Barchelle and those yoga pants she always wore and how they made her look as if she was delicately trying to conceal a fortune cookie when she stood up straight
In one event, as walking close to his quarters, I saw and heard him rehearsing to the wind his next day sermon, shaping each word to look as if what was being preached about, was true, but in fact, when God gives, the words come as if natural from the Spirit
You hear that, guys?' The two men nodded in unison, but somehow, they also managed to look as if they couldn't care less
Grobut still didn't look as if he understood what Stazl was doing
greasy sheen made it look as if he perspired constantly
Vinny took a seat in the recliner and gave the pig a look as if
He didn’t look as if he could be any older than fifteen, but Asia had already told me he was soon to be twenty-nine
“In addition to that, I want you to make it look as if we’ve been living on the Constitution
with his recently deceased former self, trying to make it look as if it was a
Their new KING didn’t look as if he would see the funny side
Almost at once, Ellen turned and presented him with a look as if her son had asked for the password to the parental Internet security control program she had a professional install on his computer several months earlier
You look as if you can’t wait to read it
His overgrown beard and greasy hair make him look as if he is homeless, and I can smell that neither he nor his clothes have been washed recently
“One way or the other, then, it begins to look as if there is a real and present threat to Professor Barclay, which we probably need to address
She was always a bit concerned that such expensive equipment was being housed in an apartment that the renter didn’t look as if she could afford it
“You look as if you need it
Deaths must either look as if they have come about naturally, or there must be no bodies, and hence no post mortems
And it begins to look as if the red herring he spoke of in his letter was not the trail of child pornography which he had left, so much as his second, scribbled note, naming Alistair Vaughan
He didn’t look as if he could handle a girl like her
So I watched her bloody, blistered, once-pretty, delicate feet turn not-so-slowly into the deformed, agonized things that now look as if they belong on someone 40 years older than me
This second backlash was as potent as the first, and he clenched his teeth, forcing himself to look as if he had not been affected
David Zamos doesn't look as if he could singlehandedly humiliate the world's
She turned it around and made it look as if I was the crazy one
I was not in the mood for any consoling so I tried to make it look as if I was in a hurry
Frau von Lindeberg couldn't understand why a man so rich should also be so thin,--' He is in a position to have the costliest cooking,' she said several times, looking at me with amazed eyebrows; nor could she understand why a man without ancestors should yet make her husband, whose past bristles with them, be the one to look as if he hadn't got any
A redness appeared around the gash, which also seemed to still look as if it seeped
“ They look as if they went for a swim in the lake, with you not far behind
"Is that so?" She thought about it for a while, then went back to the subject of her sister to not look as if she was too interested, "Oh, well that's sad
It put a woman off, too, Fanny was thinking; though she, empty of any plans in regard to him, would have taken his head as she found it if only he would let go her hands and not look as if he were trying to lash himself into love-making
Still, I'm sure that our investigators might get something on the place if they kept right after it, although on the surface it doesn't look as if any law was being openly violated here
They always look as if truly amazed how we succeed in having
Increased moisture in the eye area, which may look as if the subject
maxilla made him look as if he were the son of the mountains
I run my finger over the flat surface—the blades around the edges look as if they could slice me open—before looking up at him
After, she spent the rest of the day trying to look as if she was having fun without him, running into the waves with Monica, Annie, Dylan, and Alicia while Massie sat on the beach with Derrington with Cam between him and Courtney
When she looked around she forced herself to look as if she still had no clue that their gazes were targeting her
Most men are prematurely bald, or have hair so short, they look as if they are bald
Look at the embossed stamps on leaves of paper money: they are made to look as if they were made of solid gold and look like the oldest gold insignia of the oldest civilizations that first used gold as an abstract symbol of power, status and wealth
the curls to look as if they belonged there
He didn't look as if he could have afforded a
He’ll even look as if he went to bed with her, whether he did or not
And look at those claws, they look as if they could shear steel
“You look as if you have quite the story to tell,” she said softly, as her eyes fell back down to the scars
it does not look as if there will be any need for priests
try to make it look as if weeping and gnashing of teeth could only be because of eternal
“Reasons for being mad at God!” He said vehemently and then he gave me a look as if daring me to speak further on the matter
something to prove eternal life in their Hell, and try to make it look as if weeping and
“No offence, but he had always seemed to go for women his age, and of course those who didn’t look as if they’d have any problems with casual affairs
Inquiry as to the origin of this power and of rhythm generally is a profoundly interesting subject; and now that recent advances in science tend to show that sound, heat, light, and possibly electricity and even nerve force are but different rhythmic forms of energy, and that matter itself may possibly be resolved eventually into different rhythmic motions, it does look as if rhythm may yet be found to contain even the secret of life itself
They need something to prove eternal life in their Hell, and try to make it look as if weeping and gnashing of teeth could only be because of God is eternally tormenting souls in Hell; although both weeping and gnashing of teeth are used throughout the Old Testament and those who believe in Hell do not believe weeping and gnashing of teeth in the Old Testament have any reference to a time of punishment after the Judgment Day, but they assume that in the New Testament both are used in reference to punishment in Hell after the Judgment Day
Christian now reign as kings and priests unto the ages of ages, but whatever we will be in Heaven, it does not look as if there will be any need for priests
They need something to prove their Hell, and try to make it look as if weeping and gnashing of teeth could only be in Hell; although both weeping and gnashing of teeth are used throughout the Old Testament and those who believe in Hell do not believe weeping and gnashing of teeth in the Old Testament have any reference to a time of punishment after the Judgment Day, but they assume that in the New Testament both are used in reference to punishment in Hell after the judgment day
I think the best they have done is to say the same crime/sin committed against an infinite God demands an infinite punishment, and God would not be just if He did not torment all sinners forever; they have tried to make it look as if He has no way out and must torment in Hell
"How was it I didn't know it? I expect I look as if I came from a cafe chantant and have had some adventure on the way
In her agitation and sudden movement the silk with which she had covered her face fell off and disclosed a countenance of incomparable and marvellous beauty, but pale and terrified; for she kept turning her eyes, everywhere she could direct her gaze, with an eagerness that made her look as if she had lost her senses, and so marked that it excited the pity of Dorothea and all who beheld her, though they knew not what caused it
"Dear me!" said the old lady, putting up her glass for another observation of Meg, who tried to look as if she had not heard and been rather shocked at Mrs
"I'll say the first with all my heart, but how about the other? You don't look as if you were having a good time
"I received the first letter from Laurie, who didn't look as if he knew anything about it,"
Bhaer's face suddenly recalled the fact that she might find Laurie more than àbest friend', and simply because she particularly wished not to look as if anything was the matter, she involuntarily began to blush, and the more she tried not to, the redder she grew
This gaiety did not impose upon anybody, but they tried to look as if it did for his sake, and he got on very well till Mrs
"Poor little soul, you look as if you'd grieved yourself half sick! I'm going to take care of you, so don't cry any more, but come and walk about with me, the wind is too chilly for you to sit still," he said, in the half-caressing, half-commanding way that Amy liked, as he tied on her hat, drew her arm through his, and began to pace up and down the sunny walk under the new-leaved chestnuts
"I look as if I needed it, don't I?" said Laurie, getting up and striking an attitude which suddenly changed from the imposing to the rapturous, as Amy's voice was heard calling,
He was always walking rapidly, and never seemed to see her until quite close, when he would look as if his short-sighted eyes had failed to recognize the approaching lady till that moment
You know--a little rosy baby boy at your bosom, and what husband's heart is not touched, seeing his wife nursing his child! A plump little rosy baby, sprawling and snuggling, chubby little hands and feet, clean tiny little nails, so tiny that it makes one laugh to look at them; eyes that look as if they understand everything