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    1. The effort caused more than skeletal discomfort as dizziness and nausea coursed his palsied frame

    2. explained his palsied hands when a police officer followed

    3. palsied hands removed a Newport 100 from the pack

    4. This explains why Hitler should end up with a palsied left arm whose nerves were shot from an explosive bomb which damaged him

    5. While one stood erect and firm, prepared to meet his fate like a hero, the other bowed his head, as if palsied by terror or stricken with shame

    6. (He dances the Highland fling with grotesque antics) Leg it, ye devils! (He kisses the bedsores of a palsied veteran) Honourable wounds! (He trips up a fit policeman) U

    7. The old man put his palsied, unsteady hands on the metal helmet Santi wore

    8. He went to the window which looked out on the street, threw it open with his aged and palsied hands, leaned out more than half-way, while Basque and Nicolette held him behind, and shouted:—

    9. He handled his glass in such a way that his large white diamond ring sparked and glittered on his palsied hand

    10. And as for the vague something—was it a sinister or a sorrowful, a designing or a desponding expression?—that opened upon a careful observer, now and then, in his eye, and closed again before one could fathom the strange depth partially disclosed; that something which used to make me fear and shrink, as if I had been wandering amongst volcanic-looking hills, and had suddenly felt the ground quiver and seen it gape: that something, I, at intervals, beheld still; and with throbbing heart, but not with palsied nerves

    11. Is it that by its indefiniteness it shadows forth the heartless voids and immensities of the universe, and thus stabs us from behind with the thought of annihilation, when beholding the white depths of the milky way? Or is it, that as in essence whiteness is not so much a colour as the visible absence of colour; and at the same time the concrete of all colours; is it for these reasons that there is such a dumb blankness, full of meaning, in a wide landscape of snows—a colourless, all-colour of atheism from which we shrink? And when we consider that other theory of the natural philosophers, that all other earthly hues—every stately or lovely emblazoning—the sweet tinges of sunset skies and woods; yea, and the gilded velvets of butterflies, and the butterfly cheeks of young girls; all these are but subtile deceits, not actually inherent in substances, but only laid on from without; so that all deified Nature absolutely paints like the harlot, whose allurements cover nothing but the charnel-house within; and when we proceed further, and consider that the mystical cosmetic which produces every one of her hues, the great principle of light, for ever remains white or colourless in itself, and if operating without medium upon matter, would touch all objects, even tulips and roses, with its own blank tinge—pondering all this, the palsied universe lies before us a leper; and like wilful travellers in Lapland, who refuse to wear coloured and colouring glasses upon their eyes, so the wretched infidel gazes himself blind at the monumental white shroud that wraps all the prospect around him

    1. Carney’s agitated face became a sea of minor tics and palsies

    1. Matt: 9:2: And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said

    2. We both stood there for a moment, Menachem waiting, quiet and still, and me dancing a palsy of relief and joy

    3. palsy, and her behavior was just terrible

    4. In fact, cover of bodily injury is not serious, only left eye blindness, left facial palsy, but posture, movement and speech safe;In mind, but he changed personal, his doctors have a very

    5. even at that time was Alcimus plagued, and his enterprizes hindered, for his mouth was stopped, and he was taken with a palsy, so

    6. And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented

    7. Achieve Tampa Bay (United Cerebral Palsy of Tampa Bay)

    8. 54 Moreover in the hundred fifty and third year in the second month Alcimus commanded that the wall of the inner court of the sanctuary should be pulled down; he pulled down also the works of the prophets 55 And as he began to pull down even at that time was Alcimus plagued and his enterprizes hindered for his mouth was stopped and he was taken with a palsy so that he could no more speak any thing nor give order concerning his house

    9. Cate was a cute little 10 year old with Cerebral Palsy

    10. Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy,

    11. back into a very palsy conversation with old Nige

    12. heart rate was normal and he lost the palsy in his hands

    13. Schizophrenia, epilepsy or cerebral palsy that produce physical movements sadly goes to the work of the devil

    14. She shut off the motor to see if her body’s all-over palsy would also stop

    15. Johnny wiped the streaks from his face, but could not speak lest his palsy voice betray a deeply frayed inner countenance

    16. Accounts of the disabled persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental

    17. Palsy: To be paralyzed; the loss of sensation, or the power of motion or both, in any part of the body

    18. the house sick of the palsy, grievously tormented

    19. An inquisition of chains and torches is not less preferable than the perpetual subjection to doctrines, which palsy the mind; and

    20. An inquisition of chains and torches is not less preferable than the perpetual subjection to doctrines, which palsy the

    21. servant lying in the house sick of the palsy, grievously tormented

    22. The Centurion Gentile Matthew 8:5-13: "And when he was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, and saying, Lord, my servant lying in the house sick of the palsy, grievously tormented

    23. An inquisition of chains and torches is not less preferable than the perpetual subjection to doctrines, which palsy the mind; and against which men dare not lift a voice lest they decried as heretics, and a menace to the cause of Christ

    24. THE CENTURION GENTILE Matthew 8:5-13: "And when he was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, and saying, Lord, my servant lying in the house sick of the palsy, grievously tormented

    25. He had a slight, stooped build and a lopsided smile, as if he had Bell’s palsy or had suffered a stroke

    26. He’s developing palsy in his left hand but thinks it will go away if he ignores it

    27. Male: Olympic record holder Walid Ktila (Tunisia) secured the world record in the 100 m T34 (cerebral palsy, wheelchair) with a time of 15

    28. It is contested by athletes with cerebral palsy (F31, F32) and wheelchair-bound competitors (F51) throw from a seated position

    29. When he stood before the murdered man, he shook as with a palsy, and he put his face in his hands and burst into tears

    30. " She stopped and a shudder ran through her, increasing in intensity for a few seconds, till at the end, she shook as though in a palsy

    31. When the dead flesh was cut away with scissors, he said: "Aie! aie!" Nothing was more touching than to see him with his gentle, senile palsy, offer the wounded man a cup of his cooling-draught

    32. Gillenormand, rising to his feet, with a glass of champagne in his hand—only half full so that the palsy of his eighty years might not cause an overflow,—proposed the health of the married pair

    33. Not only did all the springs give injections wherever you put flesh down, but the entire bungalow suffered from an oft-rehearsed palsy

    34. A pause—in which I began to steady the palsy of my nerves, and to feel that the Rubicon was passed; and that the trial, no longer to be shirked, must be firmly sustained

    35. And when he would hear Tashtego singing out for him to produce himself, that his bones might be picked, the simple-witted steward all but shattered the crockery hanging round him in the pantry, by his sudden fits of the palsy

    36. When I think of this life I have led; the desolation of solitude it has been; the masoned, walled-town of a Captain's exclusiveness, which admits but small entrance to any sympathy from the green country without—oh, weariness! heaviness! Guinea-coast slavery of solitary command!—when I think of all this; only half-suspected, not so keenly known to me before—and how for forty years I have fed upon dry salted fare—fit emblem of the dry nourishment of my soil!—when the poorest landsman has had fresh fruit to his daily hand, and broken the world's fresh bread to my mouldy crusts—away, whole oceans away, from that young girl-wife I wedded past fifty, and sailed for Cape Horn the next day, leaving but one dent in my marriage pillow—wife? wife?—rather a widow with her husband alive! Aye, I widowed that poor girl when I married her, Starbuck; and then, the madness, the frenzy, the boiling blood and the smoking brow, with which, for a thousand lowerings old Ahab has furiously, foamingly chased his prey—more a demon than a man!—aye, aye! what a forty years' fool—fool—old fool, has old Ahab been! Why this strife of the chase? why weary, and palsy the arm at the oar, and the iron, and the lance? how the richer or better is Ahab now? Behold

    37. To my mind, it is much more natural to suppose a power to create monopolies had been surrendered, to quiet the fears of those who saw in the constitution the germ which would sooner or later palsy the vitals of the State authority

    38. When we had the lesson about "The Sick of the Palsy," his class were asked what they would do if they had a sick friend who was unable to walk to a physician, and had no horse

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