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    Usa "paralysis" in una frase

    paralysis frasi di esempio


    1. But their fights had always ended, after the screaming in three languages and sometimes attacks of paralysis and the taunting that caused

    2. Her hand was stopped and a wave of paralysis went thru her, making her feel like her arm had gone to sleep

    3. do, you will get information overload and get what is called paralysis of

    4. The Easter holidays mean that there’s no school run and the tourists are still asleep or locked in the paralysis of leisurely breakfasts and television kids

    5. “I did get the paralysis,” Fenais said

    6. Paralysis spread as fast as blood passed the spot where the dart hit

    7. By the time the paralysis of disbelief was over and she thought to scream, only a weak hiss came out

    8. Then he went on to tell of how much danger his father had put him in once again when he tried to shoot him with a paralysis dart when he was seventy feet above the stone floor and excrement pile of that abandoned area, clinging to a slanted roof

    9. He believed he had already found a solution to her mind paralysis attack, and that he could not only counter it, but reproduce the attack as well

    10. Even a paralysis spell could not hold her back for too long

    11. He readied another offense, his previously-tested paralysis spell

    12. If such circulation is blocked, it creates pain even leading to heart attack, paralysis, fainting etc

    13. Torbin collapsed in an electrically-induced paralysis

    14. Miss Bennett was not dead--she had a slight stroke of paralysis; and

    15. The former seek to provide an effective foundation (moral and spiritual as well as material), essential to their future well-being while the latter (unwittingly) engender a paralysis of will that stunts their children‘s emotional and intellectual development

    16. How wonderful it would be, we both agreed, were medical science able to discover remedies for ―incurable‖ diseases like Alzheimer‘s, ALS, Paralysis and inscrutable forms of Cancer that continue to confound medical authorities

    17. The first hatchings would keep the prey alive as long as possible, the anaesthetic oozing from their skins causing selected muscle paralysis

    18. He hated the looks that he’d had to give Hilkea in her own agony of choice, but near-term fear was a necessary prod to avoid the unreasoning panic and paralysis that was all around them

    19. Economic activity was threatened with total paralysis as the sudden scarcity of labor doubled its value in the blink of an eye

    20. mood produces chemical reaction, that is harmful to the body paralysis damage nerve and muscle

    21. In fact I have found that fear leads to paralysis

    22. “Using different combinations of characters you can create charms with different physical effects such as fire, water, and paralysis

    23. purple tentacle had shot out from the dark and stunned its helpless victim into paralysis

    24. When there is injury to the spin this connection breaks and paralysis occurs

    25. of paralysis quickly overcame her

    26. Harry’s fingers began to twitch in the early hours as the huge feeling of paralysis slowly began to lift

    27. It appears that paralysis is the first step in this disease process, with death the inevitable outcome

    28. But this is not the paralysis of the Red of Fog of Death

    29. This is the paralysis of hopelessness, of emptiness, of defeat

    30. More and more scientists around us are submitting to picodust-induced paralysis and death

    31. ” He chuckled again as he touched the other two Sylvan with the stone in quick succession, then released the three from their paralysis as he turned to the nearest steward, a gargoyle who waited attentively for an opportunity to serve or assist

    32. Due to the danger of paralysis, he had been warned to avoid any injury to his neck

    33. * The paralysis lasts from an hour to days, but usually clears up within

    34. Sometimes, along these same lines, what’s called analysis paralysis will hold someone

    35. And the best gases are the paralysis gases—those allow hunters to bring in fresh live idiots for test chambers, display booths, and the ever-popular retribution houses

    36. The hunters will, toward the end of the show, use their paralysis gas to capture a small group of thirty or so idiots for the people in the domes to torture, execute, experiment on, etc

    37. It’s one of the airborne viruses mixed with a mild paralysis gas

    38. The paralysis gas has worn off and he still can’t move

    39. The impact seemed to revive me, driving the paralysis out of my body

    40. A paralysis of horror gripped her, for where there should have been the immobility of death, there was movement: a slow twitching, a flexing and writhing of ebon limbs—an awful scream burst from her lips as she broke the bonds that held her mute and motionless

    41. 2 While the house was thus thronged with people and entirely surrounded by eager listeners, a man long afflicted with paralysis was carried down from Capernaum on a small couch by his friends

    42. While overmuch self-respect may destroy proper humility and end in pride, conceit, and arrogance, the loss of self-respect often ends in paralysis of the will

    43. Conan recognized that voice, and his paralysis vanished instantly

    44. His fall jolted Valeria out of her paralysis

    45. "Its touch produces temporary paralysis

    46. That's utter rot! Paralysis of the mind! Canada not only possesses a considerable amount of top secret information data that many other nations would be delighted in sharing, but it holds secrets belonging to other countries

    47. I was terrified into near paralysis

    48. Was I dreaming? Was I having a moment of sleep paralysis?

    49. Used as a vice, the talons close in and pierce small animals, creating instant paralysis or death

    50. The coin collector was left alone in the sofa, frozen to paralysis

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    palsy paralysis suspension arrest standstill breakdown stalemate cessation insensibility dullness