During recent periods of parliamentary jousting one politician above all others has become synonymous with the ruthless pursuit of truth and the calling to account of those who would betray the allied boons of principle and practicality
Away from the hurly burly of the parliamentary
onlookers in the main parliamentary square, "we are the greatest
In March 1764, there was a parliamentary inquiry into the causes of the high price of provisions at that time
In the parliamentary inquiry in 1764, the witnesses stated the price of the choice pieces of the best beef to be to the consumer 4d
In 1688 was granted the parliamentary bounty upon the exportation of corn
than those for parliamentary elections in our
there will be parliamentary elections and the
Though the colonies should, in this case, have no representatives in the British parliament, yet, if we may judge by experience, there is no probability that the parliamentary requisition would be unreasonable
This sum must be borrowed upon the credit of some parliamentary fund mortgaged for paying the interest
In order to put Great Britain upon a footing of equality with her own colonies, which the law has hitherto supposed to be subject and subordinate, it seems necessary, upon the scheme of taxing them by parliamentary requisition, that parliament should have some means of rendering its requisitions immediately effectual, in case the colony assemblies should attempt to evade or reject them; and what those means are, it is not very easy to conceive, and it has not yet been explained
They have rejected, therefore, the proposal of being taxed by parliamentary requisition, and, like other ambitious and high-spirited men, have rather chosen to draw the sword in defence of their own importance
The conduct of their servants in India, and the general state of their affairs both in India and in Europe, became the subject of a parliamentary inquiry: in consequence of which, several very important alterations were made in the constitution of their government, both at home and abroad
This indifference, too, was more likely to be increased than diminished by some of the new regulations which were made in consequence of the parliamentary inquiry
If you are from my generation or older, you might remember the term Parliamentary Sovereignty
I mention this in passing because the day may very well come when such decisions will have to be made by parliamentary government or proxied by other nations
And, it would almost certainly be easier to get started in a parliamentary system
“This is why the mechanism might be easier to get implemented in a parliamentary system, like England’s in which the majority party appoints the Prime Minister
The Italian party, at one time the largest in Western Europe, frequently obtained the highest percentage of the popular vote in Italy’s parliamentary elections and continuously governed a number of Italian municipalities (Bologna
parliamentary elections of 1878
Recommendation 860 of the Parliamentary Assembly, found that the questions raised in
Using the excuse of parliamentary duty he proceeded to expend his energies and good looks on the fleshpots of London and Europe
This was a Select Committee of Senators that already had a parliamentary brief to look at the whole issue of artificial cloning, IVF and abortion from the point of view of the ethics involved
He saw the drawbacks of the method of governance by British Parliamentary system
“The most important issue is that Pablo Morientes has been implicated in at least five companies that are affiliated to the Aryan’s, none of which he has declared in his parliamentary declaration of interests
She recognised the difference because one of the parliamentary committees she had worked closely with had on its team two delegates, one from the north and one the south, both Labour MPs
They would then produce a comprehensive report on the exercise specifically for the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence
Appearances before the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence were feared and dreaded by ambitious senior local government employees
The ultimate humiliation was for the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence to declare an authority as ‘failing’, and therefore in breach of its covenant
Although he sat on the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence, as a civil servant Sir Peter Stevenson was not permitted to be an official member of the committee
had a Parliamentary Democracy, and it still doesn't
I am from Angus, Scotland, and I came to Paris to escape for a while the depredations of the parliamentary armies
That Lady Lisbeth of Strathmore is a staunch monarchist and hates that parliamentary rabble
That left Nancy with an open way to the main entrance of the palace 120 meters to her front, where she could see four parliamentary soldiers looking nervously at her while readying their muskets
Three weeks later, we testified before a parliamentary committee on the cash-for-votes sting and placed all the tapes before them
Advani refused to attend the parliamentary board meeting where the decision was taken
Debates had been debated, referenda had been held and won, votes had been taken, elections had been held, Parliamentary Bills had been tabled, amended and eventually passed, allies had been consulted, new treaties had been ratified and old ones re-drafted
For example, black people could not vote in parliamentary elections, and until 1990 many public facilities and institutions were restricted to the use of one race only
At the time Mr Zuma was aware that his actions were unlawful and constituted the crimes of theft of state (that is, taxpayers) funds; corruption in that Mr Zuma, both personally and via his private architect, unlawfully and intentionally, instructed and induced state officials to act contrary to their official duties and obligations by allocating state funds to build structures for Mr Zuma's private use, and fraud in that Mr Zuma, in full knowledge of the fact that state funds were misused during the Nkandla project to build structures for his private use at his Nkandla residence, misled the South African public and the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa by stating in in a parliamentary address that Mr Zuma and his family personally paid for all homes built at his residence whereas in truth Mr Zuma knew at the time that state funds were used to build a house and other private structures at the Nkandla residence
DA parliamentary leader Lindiwe Mazibuko asked whether Zuma could ‘justify the spending of R2-billion in one area that just happens to be just 3km from his homestead, while other areas a few kilometers away are without the most basic services’
‘It’s official: nothing of any value will come out of the Parliamentary committee set up to consider the President’s response to the Public Protector’s report on upgrades to Nkandla before the elections
Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades is holding the emergency meeting of party leaders and the central bank governor in Nicosia to “examine alternative plans to address the situation that may arise following… the parliamentary vote”, his office said
So, one can expect the political satraps to keep the parliamentary circus on, for everyone knows whose interest in the end prevails in the mobocracy of India
Far too busy with his parliamentary aspirations
It reminded him of the parliamentary battles he had covered in Canberra and he was glad the political scene in his new home was becoming more lively, though thankfully not quite so abusively rowdy
There was no public or media probing, no parliamentary enquiry or no way of calling witnesses or informants to ascertain relevant information
A date for its parliamentary debate had been set for next week
Security up beefed up around the parliamentary buildings, and all major police head quarters in Greece
In 1930, Churchill left his government post and retained only his parliamentary
parliamentary statute, and was now third in line to succeed the king –after Edward
If you study history carefully: you will find that the legal equality of Bonaparte’s Civil Code; and the English Parliamentary system of representative Government are the original roots for almost every beneficial aspect of modern, Western Culture today: simply because they were based upon a more inclusive idea of equality, and a less exclusive idea of privilege
He was a Parliamentary Deputy in the Duma, an old University friend of the Judge’s, whose protection and influence would be useful in the business at hand
began, playing the part of a Parliamentary speaker
The prime minister has excused herself from a parliamentary debate to take Reagan’s call
Danglars had, however, protested against showing himself in a ministerial box, declaring that his political principles, and his parliamentary position as member of the opposition party would not permit him so to commit himself; the baroness had, therefore, despatched a note to Lucien Debray, bidding him call for them, it being wholly impossible for her to go alone with Eugenie to the opera
This was the only retort—except glass or crockery—that the heavy creature was capable of making; but, I became as highly incensed by it as if it had been barbed with wit, and I immediately rose in my place and said that I could not but regard it as being like the honorable Finch's impudence to come down to that Grove,—we always talked about coming down to that Grove, as a neat Parliamentary turn of expression,—down to that Grove, proposing a lady of whom he knew nothing
Most of them appeared to be quite sane, being able to converse intelligently on any ordinary subject without discovering any symptoms of mental disorder, and it was not until the topic of Parliamentary elections was mentioned that evidence of their insanity was forthcoming
They were usually found in a similar condition of maniacal excitement for some time preceding and during a Parliamentary election, but afterwards they usually manifested that
At his age when dabbling in politics roughly some score of years previously when he hadbeen a quasi aspirant to parliamentary honours in the Buckshot Foster days he too recollected in retrospect (which was a source of keen satisfaction in itself) he had a sneaking regard for those same ultra ideas
And indeed, to do Mr Absolom justice, he was certainly at great pains to set off every thing to the best advantage, and usually put speeches to some of our names which showed that, in the way of grammaticals, he was even able to have mended some of the parliamentary clishmaclavers, of which the Londoners, with all their skill in the craft, are so seldom able to lick into any shape of
The two candidates were as civil and as liberal, the one after the other, to Mrs Pawkie and my daughters, as any gentlemen of a parliamentary understanding could
He had entertained the school-children, he had thrown his grounds open to visitors, he had subscribed to charities—in short, his benevolence had been so universal that my driver could only account for it on the supposition that he had parliamentary ambitions
"But how could the four-fifty parliamentary pass over the same
His idea was to propitiate him in order to save the form at least of parliamentary institutions
A new governor is always visited by deputations from the Cabildo, which is the Municipal Council, from the Consulado, the commercial Board, and it was proper that the Provincial Assembly should send a deputation, too, if only to assert the existence of parliamentary institutions
The acceptance of accomplished facts may save yet the precious vestiges of parliamentary institutions
Don Juste's eyes glowed dully; he believed in parliamentary institutions—and the convinced drone of his voice lost itself in the stillness of the house like the deep buzzing of some ponderous insect
The President of the Provincial Assembly, coming bravely to save the last shred of parliamentary institutions (on the English model), averted his eyes from the Administrador of the San Tome mine as a dignified rebuke of his little faith in that only saving principle
Conservative, or, rather, I should say, Parliamentary
We have the Parliamentary party here of which the actual Chief of the State, Don Juste Lopez, is the head; a very sagacious man, I think
Powderell, a retired iron-monger of some standing—his interjection being something between a laugh and a Parliamentary disapproval; "we must let you have your say
me that if they send up a Whig at all it is sure to be Bagster, one of those candidates who come from heaven knows where, but dead against Ministers, and an experienced Parliamentary man
Brooke is not a bad fellow, but he has done some good things on his estate that he never would have done but for this Parliamentary bite
Farebrother's prophecy of a fourth candidate "in the bag" had not yet been fulfilled, neither the Parliamentary Candidate Society nor any other power on the watch to secure a reforming majority seeing a worthy nodus for interference while there was a second reforming candidate like Mr
She would never have committed "before strangers" that mistake so often committed by women, and which is called in parliamentary language, "exposing the crown
all the languages of Europe, and, what is more rare, all the languages of all interests, and speaking them; an admirable representative of the "middle class," but outstripping it, and in every way greater than it; possessing excellent sense, while appreciating the blood from which he had sprung, counting most of all on his intrinsic worth, and, on the question of his race, very particular, declaring himself Orleans and not Bourbon; thoroughly the first Prince of the Blood Royal while he was still only a Serene Highness, but a frank bourgeois from the day he became king; diffuse in public, concise in private; reputed, but not proved to be a miser; at bottom, one of those economists who are readily prodigal at their own fancy or duty; lettered, but not very sensitive to letters; a gentleman, but not a chevalier; simple, calm, and strong; adored by his family and his household; a fascinating talker, an undeceived statesman, inwardly cold, dominated by immediate interest, always governing at the shortest range, incapable of rancor and of gratitude, making use without mercy of superiority on mediocrity, clever in getting parliamentary majorities to put in the wrong those mysterious unanimities which mutter dully under thrones; unreserved, sometimes imprudent in his lack of reserve, but with marvellous address in that imprudence; fertile in expedients, in countenances, in masks; making France fear Europe and Europe France! Incontestably fond of his country, but preferring his family; assuming more domination than authority and more authority than dignity, a disposition which has this unfortunate property, that as it turns everything to success, it admits of ruse and does not absolutely repudiate baseness, but which has this valuable side, that it preserves politics from violent shocks, the state from fractures, and society from catastrophes; minute, correct, vigilant, attentive, sagacious, indefatigable; contradicting himself at times and giving himself the lie; bold against Austria at Ancona, obstinate against England in Spain, bombarding Antwerp, and paying off Pritchard; singing the Marseillaise with conviction, inaccessible to despondency, to lassitude, to the taste for the beautiful and the ideal, to daring generosity, to Utopia, to chimeras, to wrath, to vanity, to fear; possessing all the forms of personal intrepidity; a general at Valmy; a soldier at Jemappes; attacked eight times by regicides and always smiling
In the same sense express themselves the representatives of governments, as private individuals and as official organs, in parliamentary debates, in diplomatic exchanges of opinion, and even in international treaties
"This Congress, considering the question of disarmament, as well as the Peace question generally, depends upon public opinion, recommends the Peace Societies here represented, and all friends of Peace, to carry on an active propaganda among the people, especially at the time of Parliamentary elections, in order that the electors should give their vote to those candidates who have included in their programme Peace, Disarmament, and Arbitration
And the representatives of the government, in their private as well as in their public capacity, in parliamentary speeches and diplomatic negotiations, express themselves in the same temper
This Congress, considering the question of disarmament, as well as the Peace question generally, depends upon public opinion, recommends the Peace Societies here represented, and all friends of Peace, to carry on an active propaganda among the people, especially at the time of Parliamentary elections, in order that the electors should give their votes to those candidates who have included in their programme Peace, Disarmament, and Arbitration
But to those who know how an article in a newspaper changes perhaps the position of affairs more than dozens of royal interviews and parliamentary sessions, it becomes more and more evident that it is not these meetings, interviews, and parliamentary discussions that control affairs, but something independent of all this, something which has no local habitation
"Representatives of governments, private persons, and official organs say the same thing; it is repeated in parliamentary debates, diplomatic correspondence, and even in state treaties
But for men who observe how one newspaper article has more effect on the position of affairs than dozens of royal audiences or parliamentary sessions, it becomes more and more evident that these audiences and interviews and debates in parliaments do not direct the course of affairs, but something independent of all that, which cannot be concentrated in one place
He said he should, by parliamentary practice, have been fully justified in the motion to adhere before insisting
Key expressed his surprise that a gentleman having as much parliamentary experience as the gentleman who preceded him, should be surprised at the change of votes
But, does not my colleague know that one and the chief cause of the superiority of the British navy over the army, is, that in the navy men rise by merit—that they do not get in, to use a seaman's phrase, at the cabin windows—and that the army, if we give credit to the Parliamentary investigation, is a mere sink of corruption—a mere engine of patronage—a place in which a corrupt commander-in-chief acts according to his vile pleasure, and the pleasure of all the pimps and parasites and harlots who environ him
Sir, is it parliamentary, is it genteel, or agreeable to common sense, that a hundred and forty men should sit here listening to what one man says, and he having recourse to papers in every one's reach? I had rather consult the papers for myself: for I should not garble them, taking just what suited me, but should read the whole
When I see the zeal and perseverance with which this bill has been urged along its Parliamentary path, when I know the local interests and associated projects, which combine to promote its success, all opposition to it seems manifestly unavailing
Beside, sir, I need only refer gentlemen to the manual of parliamentary law, from the hand of the third President of the United States, to show that the previous question was confined to subjects of delicacy, which a due regard to the interests of the State or its Government forbade to be agitated
A respectable authority has declared, that "from the Reformation to the commencement of the eighteenth century, there had occurred only four instances of Parliamentary divorce; but, in the present reign, they had increased to the enormous number of one hundred and ninety-three
Do those who administer the Government make it a rule to employ in the public service none but men of real capacity, or worth, of integrity, and of high character? Do they give their contracts and offices without fear, favor, or affection, to men of responsibility and character—to such men as you would in private life give your own contracts to? Or do they bestow them, as is done in some Governments differently constituted from ours, where church preferment and military preferment are sometimes made a dirty job of Parliamentary interest? Do they employ men of clean hands, with fair characters; or is every caitiff, without examination, welcome to their arms, provided he can bring with him the proof of his treachery to his former employers? It depends on these facts whether confidence is due to any Administration of the Government