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    parliamentary example sentences


    1. During recent periods of parliamentary jousting one politician above all others has become synonymous with the ruthless pursuit of truth and the calling to account of those who would betray the allied boons of principle and practicality

    2. Away from the hurly burly of the parliamentary

    3. onlookers in the main parliamentary square, "we are the greatest

    4. In March 1764, there was a parliamentary inquiry into the causes of the high price of provisions at that time

    5. In the parliamentary inquiry in 1764, the witnesses stated the price of the choice pieces of the best beef to be to the consumer 4d

    6. In 1688 was granted the parliamentary bounty upon the exportation of corn

    7. than those for parliamentary elections in our

    8. there will be parliamentary elections and the

    9. Though the colonies should, in this case, have no representatives in the British parliament, yet, if we may judge by experience, there is no probability that the parliamentary requisition would be unreasonable

    10. This sum must be borrowed upon the credit of some parliamentary fund mortgaged for paying the interest

    11. In order to put Great Britain upon a footing of equality with her own colonies, which the law has hitherto supposed to be subject and subordinate, it seems necessary, upon the scheme of taxing them by parliamentary requisition, that parliament should have some means of rendering its requisitions immediately effectual, in case the colony assemblies should attempt to evade or reject them; and what those means are, it is not very easy to conceive, and it has not yet been explained

    12. They have rejected, therefore, the proposal of being taxed by parliamentary requisition, and, like other ambitious and high-spirited men, have rather chosen to draw the sword in defence of their own importance

    13. The conduct of their servants in India, and the general state of their affairs both in India and in Europe, became the subject of a parliamentary inquiry: in consequence of which, several very important alterations were made in the constitution of their government, both at home and abroad

    14. This indifference, too, was more likely to be increased than diminished by some of the new regulations which were made in consequence of the parliamentary inquiry

    15. If you are from my generation or older, you might remember the term Parliamentary Sovereignty

    16. I mention this in passing because the day may very well come when such decisions will have to be made by parliamentary government or proxied by other nations

    17. And, it would almost certainly be easier to get started in a parliamentary system

    18. “This is why the mechanism might be easier to get implemented in a parliamentary system, like England’s in which the majority party appoints the Prime Minister

    19. The Italian party, at one time the largest in Western Europe, frequently obtained the highest percentage of the popular vote in Italy’s parliamentary elections and continuously governed a number of Italian municipalities (Bologna

    20. parliamentary elections of 1878

    21. Recommendation 860 of the Parliamentary Assembly, found that the questions raised in

    22. Using the excuse of parliamentary duty he proceeded to expend his energies and good looks on the fleshpots of London and Europe

    23. This was a Select Committee of Senators that already had a parliamentary brief to look at the whole issue of artificial cloning, IVF and abortion from the point of view of the ethics involved

    24. He saw the drawbacks of the method of governance by British Parliamentary system

    25. “The most important issue is that Pablo Morientes has been implicated in at least five companies that are affiliated to the Aryan’s, none of which he has declared in his parliamentary declaration of interests

    26. She recognised the difference because one of the parliamentary committees she had worked closely with had on its team two delegates, one from the north and one the south, both Labour MPs

    27. They would then produce a comprehensive report on the exercise specifically for the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence

    28. Appearances before the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence were feared and dreaded by ambitious senior local government employees

    29. The ultimate humiliation was for the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence to declare an authority as ‘failing’, and therefore in breach of its covenant

    30. Although he sat on the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence, as a civil servant Sir Peter Stevenson was not permitted to be an official member of the committee

    31. had a Parliamentary Democracy, and it still doesn't

    32. I am from Angus, Scotland, and I came to Paris to escape for a while the depredations of the parliamentary armies

    33. That Lady Lisbeth of Strathmore is a staunch monarchist and hates that parliamentary rabble

    34. That left Nancy with an open way to the main entrance of the palace 120 meters to her front, where she could see four parliamentary soldiers looking nervously at her while readying their muskets

    35. Three weeks later, we testified before a parliamentary committee on the cash-for-votes sting and placed all the tapes before them

    36. Advani refused to attend the parliamentary board meeting where the decision was taken

    37. Debates had been debated, referenda had been held and won, votes had been taken, elections had been held, Parliamentary Bills had been tabled, amended and eventually passed, allies had been consulted, new treaties had been ratified and old ones re-drafted

    38. For example, black people could not vote in parliamentary elections, and until 1990 many public facilities and institutions were restricted to the use of one race only

    39. At the time Mr Zuma was aware that his actions were unlawful and constituted the crimes of theft of state (that is, taxpayers) funds; corruption in that Mr Zuma, both personally and via his private architect, unlawfully and intentionally, instructed and induced state officials to act contrary to their official duties and obligations by allocating state funds to build structures for Mr Zuma's private use, and fraud in that Mr Zuma, in full knowledge of the fact that state funds were misused during the Nkandla project to build structures for his private use at his Nkandla residence, misled the South African public and the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa by stating in in a parliamentary address that Mr Zuma and his family personally paid for all homes built at his residence whereas in truth Mr Zuma knew at the time that state funds were used to build a house and other private structures at the Nkandla residence

    40. DA parliamentary leader Lindiwe Mazibuko asked whether Zuma could ‘justify the spending of R2-billion in one area that just happens to be just 3km from his homestead, while other areas a few kilometers away are without the most basic services’

    41. ‘It’s official: nothing of any value will come out of the Parliamentary committee set up to consider the President’s response to the Public Protector’s report on upgrades to Nkandla before the elections

    42. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades is holding the emergency meeting of party leaders and the central bank governor in Nicosia to “examine alternative plans to address the situation that may arise following… the parliamentary vote”, his office said

    43. So, one can expect the political satraps to keep the parliamentary circus on, for everyone knows whose interest in the end prevails in the mobocracy of India

    44. Far too busy with his parliamentary aspirations

    45. It reminded him of the parliamentary battles he had covered in Canberra and he was glad the political scene in his new home was becoming more lively, though thankfully not quite so abusively rowdy

    46. There was no public or media probing, no parliamentary enquiry or no way of calling witnesses or informants to ascertain relevant information

    47. A date for its parliamentary debate had been set for next week

    48. Security up beefed up around the parliamentary buildings, and all major police head quarters in Greece

    49. In 1930, Churchill left his government post and retained only his parliamentary

    50. parliamentary statute, and was now third in line to succeed the king –after Edward

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    "parliamentary" definitions

    relating to or having the nature of a parliament

    having the supreme legislative power resting with a body of cabinet ministers chosen from and responsible to the legislature or parliament

    in accord with rules and customs of a legislative or deliberative assembly