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    Usa "personify" in una frase

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    1. he endured the madness of the itch because he was impotence personified, that

    2. Vincef personified himself as a bear of a man with big jowls and thick black hair

    3. All that Smith was aware of was the equivalent of a cosmic itch, and he endured the madness of the itch because he was impotence personified, that impotence inherent in not quite understanding the concept of the scratch, Smith unwittingly agreed with the future earthly Buddha in that He found the unformulated conjecture of eternal peace to be vexatious and maddening

    4. She was personified with a rather round face and large forehead

    5. Older than the idea of one man personified as a God was on Earth

    6. God, by contrast, is seen as the Godhead personified

    7. Now, I ask the independent-minded, somewhat intelligent reader: „What in the world does that mean?" I maintain that it is nothing more than logical implausibility personified

    8. Of how many, children or grown-ups, can that be said? Una Meredith is sweetness personified

    9. ” This vilification, personified in the derisive phrase “the nine old men”- was taken up and expanded in the press, in magazines, and on the radio by the New Deal cohorts and the growing advocates

    10. Thus, as Ferdinand who personified those qualities, I would be naked

    11. Vilitar and his family were killed in the Creation, and now the once merely fun-loving Maarisa is Malice personified

    12. He was a dignified man who personified integrity

    13. Now, sitting on the mountain of a moolah, he’s humility personified, and what is more, he sees the true potential of his wealth to bring smiles to his associates and others

    14. Conan became stealth personified

    15. She was love personified

    16. This was the store where I dropped off ten copies of stupidity personified and eventually retrieved

    17. To further spice up my life, the Taliban leadership in Pakistan have decreed that I was the Devil personified and proclaimed a fatwa calling for all Muslim believers to kill me on sight, this after I led a platoon of Afghan policewomen in a battle in 2012 where nearly 400 Taliban extremists were killed, wounded or captured

    18. We’d talk for hours, and as the weeks ran into another one, the conversation evolved more and more toward the things of God, and Him personified

    19. ’’ Replied simply the female voice that personified the main computer

    20. Earth was personified

    21. In Aslam, he said, he found a competent drafter and that Narasaiah was courtesy personified

    22. Marduk declares elevation over the Gods, and declares victory over the primal chaos water personified by the dragon

    23. We live in the teenage years of the Syndrome Age, that umpteenth ego rebellion of identity separation that is personified by the Promethean cry, I am! This I am meme wants to instantiate itself, to incarnate its thought as will, act, organ for being to perpetuate itself and find form, e

    24. Jesus personified the classic messianic martyr turned hero, when his followers prophesied that someday he would come down from heaven to destroy the evil doers

    25. I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I had no desire to set foot into that home of personified evil

    26. And however crazy Pauline seemed to be on a first glance, there was more to her, a kindness and warmth that made me feel grateful for letting the fresh breeze (tornado, cough) she personified into my life

    27. The choices of each of UU-VVU-copies that are “fragmentarily” personified only with some very narrow range of life creativity of all “personalities” of your Stereo-Form are limited in an immensely greater degree in their realizational “niche” than the creative possibilities of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by You, although they represent a more “external” (energy-informationally reprojected from ODS into Formo-systems of Worlds) part of the common creative dynamics of the Collective Intelligence of “humankind”

    28. Whenever “a personified” UU-VVU-copy wishes to communicate with LLAISS-Forms (Formo-Types of animals), SSAALM-Forms (Formo-Types of plants) or OOLLM-Forms (Formo-Types of minerals), it immediately gets such possibility! No problems! Because “your” UU-VVU-copies, just as the NUU-VVU-Configurations used by You, are also holograms and that is why each Form of any Collective Intelligence is potentially represented in any of their wave structures

    29. In order to “be combined” independently — without any participation of the Primary Time Axis! — into a certain “rezonational factor” (the dynamics of a stable resonance between Energy of Forms and Information that corresponds to it in quality) that consists of at least several conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies that energy-informationally (and also “in a personified manner”) complement each other, there must be exclusive uniting circumstances found only in Formo-systems of Worlds

    30. been personified as some outside entity but usually, it is the devil inside that starts the trouble

    31. He always believed she was innocence personified and intrinsically

    32. The mother of Dhruv was wisdom personified and she

    33. Frank, you are negativity personified!”

    34. Their entire motivations personified the concentration of the most evil, vile cultural values and ideas of the cultures they lived-in

    35. Color(ed)–Marked by, characterized, personified by

    36. devil was inserted into The Apocalypse to confuse the understanding of dragon and foul spirits and thereby pose a personified opponent to their false images of the Creator and the fantasy messiah

    37. other “gods” (neter) were merely personified aspects, hence servants of the one true creator “god”

    38. She personified truth and justice and her consort

    39. Pay close attention to the fact that the “god[dess] of the sky/heavens” (Nut), is personified as

    40. was the personified (symbolized) guarantor of universal order, truth and justice were considered the

    41. obvious examples of related symbolism are the neters (personified universal principles) Maat and

    42. Maria’s head turned to see the truth of the presence she felt, even as her spirit leaped for joy as the rest of her trembled in awesome fear of Holiness personified in living form

    43. It was beyond any capability of ours to overcome such demonic aberrations personified in the flesh

    44. But this does not necessarily follow; for 'being cast alive into the lake' indicates that up to the actual time when they were cast into the lake of brimstone and were brought to final destruction by His mighty power and judgment, these two personified forces of political and spiritual power were actively fighting against the Lamb

    45. softness and strength personified in a woman of substance and personality

    46. “Fohat, then, is the personified electric vital power, the transcendental binding Unity of all Cosmic Energies, on the unseen as on the manifested planes, the action of which resembles — on an immense scale — that of a living Force created by WILL, in those phenomena where the seemingly subjective acts on the seemingly objective and propels it to action

    47. Can say that lower Plans personified the history of Earth (and not only of Earth, but in general, in oecumenical scales), the history of formation and evolution the life on it

    48. The lady was also in green, and so richly and splendidly dressed that splendour itself seemed personified in her

    49. Bovary was searching at the bottom of his purse for a centime, and without appearing to understand all there was of humiliation for him in the mere presence of this man, who stood there like a personified reproach to his incurable incapacity

    50. "Oh, sir," said Danglars, after he had convinced himself of the authenticity of the documents he held, and rising as if to salute the power of gold personified in the man before him,—"three letters of unlimited credit! I can be no longer mistrustful, but you must pardon me, my dear count, for confessing to some degree of astonishment

    1. There is a strong base if each one will strive to be a person with strong determination and purpose of what he wants in life and be principled enough to find a mate that is compatible to what one personifies or even complements her level of compatibility

    2. As the anima represents and personifies the elements of the collective unconscious, so Luna represents the other six planets, and her metal Silver is the sum and essence of the spirits of the other six metals (Jung, MC 176)

    3. The famous oil painting ‘The Water Seller’ by Degas personifies this ancient cultural tradition of Spain

    4. It personifies my freedom

    5. philosophy (bird's “head”) and is the consort of the dual-winged Maat, who personifies truth and

    6. A dialogic reaction personifies every utterance to which it responds

    7. He constantly dwells upon what Christianity and the condition of a Christian ought to be, without for a moment dwelling on the thought that Christianity is precisely what he professes, and that he himself personifies the condition of a Christian

    1. I charge those that personify truth and are the very same persons that I

    2. Here he was given the name of the Divine Mother of Seven, because some religious systems personify the Spirit as Feminine Deity

    1. arrives at his conception of God by personifying those qualities in himself

    2. “ He’s cruel and bloodthirsty, personifying the evil intentions of dark wickedness, ruling the forces of chaos and confusion

    3. He is cruel and bloodthirsty, personifying the evil intentions of dark wickedness, ruling the forces of chaos and confusion

    4. And so the governor, like the Governor of Túla, arrived on a special train with a battalion of soldiers, with guns and rods, having made use of the telegraph, of telephones, and of the railway, and brought with him a learned doctor, who was to watch the hygienic conditions of the flogging, thus fully personifying Dzhingis Khan with the telegraphs, as predicted by Herzen

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    Sinonimi per "personify"

    personate personify be embody body depict characterise characterize impersonate portray delineate illustrate incarnate exemplify reflect simulate demonstrate image typify signify stand for