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    Usa "social" in una frase

    social frasi di esempio


    1. losing most of the normal reference points that social event smal talk requires:

    2. "Learning Kulai's business, taking over his math, and for the first time in my life, actually being an asset on the social scene

    3. about working with others and help her learn social skil s

    4. Instead of spending time on social media how about going on YouTube and instead of watching

    5. But if you are using your time playing games, going on social media, watching useless

    6. Earning for our food, rushing to work by various modes of transport, waiting in queues, communication using modern means, social responsibilities, all have been added to the man who was originally created to deal with only nature

    7. Changes in family and social environment are taking place at a fast rate within the lifetime of individuals

    8. Online groups and social networks can even drain your energy if the people on there are always complaining

    9. Along with simple activities such as dance, yoga, pilates and wobble boards, Tai Chi is one of the most effective things you can do and has both physical and social benefits

    10. This will not only bring peace and solace to one’s mind but also open up one more avenue for social interaction

    11. "This really isn't a social call

    12. Ackers wasn’t very good at social interaction

    13. A study found that females of many species, including humans, respond to stressful situations by protecting and nurturing their young and by seeking social contact and support from others, particularly females

    14. Thousands of generations ago, fleeing or fighting in stressful situations was not a good option for a female who was pregnant or taking care of offspring, and women who developed and maintained social alliances were better able to care for offspring in stressful times

    15. For his extreme intelligence, there seemed to be a lot Ackers didn’t know about social interactions

    16. of the ‘ageing’ population, both on account of increased lifespan for pension and social security and higher healthcare costs

    17. With one more social comment, she went up the path

    18. The physical, social and spiritual needs of the children were to be met by the entire community with values inculcated by the elders

    19. She comes from a poor family that wants her to dance because she was good at it when she was little and it makes them feel like they can schmooze above their social status if they have a daughter who does ballet

    20. We tend to blame others but continue to flout these social norms ourselves

    21. We can also act as watchdogs even within our own social circles and families

    22. They wanted to retain their old language, and their consumer social structure

    23. You should think about going out somewhere … it might do you good to meet up with some of your friends, Stephen, it’s a long time since you did anything social

    24. · Dharma is the cementer and sustainer of social life

    25. After lunch Herndon paced, waiting for her sister's call, while she and Elond stayed at the patio table and chatted about social theory

    26. Selfless social service is lacking even in the well-known NGOs

    27. It is necessary to bolsters the social status of older relatives

    28. Low government revenues in rural areas and urban bias in central resource allocation have meant that social service provision has tended to start in cities and extend only gradually to the countryside

    29. It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

    30. Many social, economic, cultural or religious differences are not tolerated by us instead we want God not to create such people at all

    31. This gives the on going programmes of the central government in the area of social justice

    32. became a bosom chums during the social whirl of the nineteen fifties and all that

    33. for taxes and social security

    34. She knew she could have as much air in her universe as she wished, it was more like social air

    35. We are the social situation so far

    36. All I've done in these automatons is rig up a little fuller model of the social universe

    37. She had gotten used to native standards of bodily contact in social interaction in this universe and enjoyed his fingers in her soft flesh

    38. This is exactly what the male-vampire offers the woman: A social position (as his wife or mistress) and an acceptable reason to leave (satisfy him sexually and have his children)

    39. Social institutions (such as religion, family, work) are nothing but different faces of vampirism

    40. As about my social life, it is not at all satisfactory: I don't see the guys from Janus anymore and I seldom go out at night

    41. Men have been appointed who are not qualified to lead but have been put into the eldership because of political, social, or monetary reasons

    42. I don’t add that it means I don’t sit around the house moping because I don’t have anything social to do

    43. On another attempt to develop my social life, about a month ago I answered to a classified ad for correspondence and friendship, placed by the 25-year-old Denia Chrysanthou

    44. This afternoon I saw Diana at the gym, we had an aerobics lesson and then, as we were leaving together, she revealed to me some more interesting details about her job; in fact, she didn't hesitate at all to describe -always with an air of importance- a fixed fraud committed by the company she works for: It all starts with an advertisement they place in the newspaper every week, looking for new commercial travellers; they offer an alluring basic salary, as well as commission on the sales, plus social security

    45. Snitching was about the only social activity going on

    46. New year, new (hopeful?) start: Despite the relative improvement of my social life in the last two years, I can't say I feel satisfied

    47. Not knowing what else to do in order to improve my social life, I have decided to quit gyms and start taekwondo lessons at Nicky's school, which is only a five-minute walk from my house

    48. It is said that humans become wicked and do evil so as to get more money and a higher social status

    49. The one thing that our companionship did achieve was the restoration to us of the essence of being social creatures

    50. Herndon had used a little technology and a bit of money to establish this ranch farther into the chaparral than any other fenced operation, but tried hard not to upset the social or economic fabric of the area by encroaching too much on the open prairie

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