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    Use "brackish" em uma frase

    brackish frases de exemplo


    1. and a pair of lips sip scalding, brackish water

    2. The water is low and sluggish, brackish in the pools which have formed along the bank where trees have fallen and blocked the flow

    3. The pools of brackish water reflected the blue of the sky, their still dark depths rendered more mysterious by the surface reflections

    4. The gears, they soon learned, were used to raise and lower a bridge resting at the bottom of the brackish water

    5. The animals drank from the brackish

    6. He was not able either to hold back the brackish waves that sparkled in those hazel eyes

    7. Even the water in my jug was brackish

    8. These waters would most likely have been more of a quality of brackish than salty water

    9. It obliterated the brackish lakes that lay in its path only to disappear into the waters of the Great South Sea

    10. They drank as much as they could of the brackish water and were soon feeling better than they had, the past few days

    11. Although in reality the water had tasted awful and brackish, to them it was the best water in the world

    12. brackish lakes that lay in its path only to disappear into the waters of the Great South Sea

    13. After a few hard tugs from his lips, the cool, brackish tasting electrolyte fluid began to pour

    14. stabbed the bottom of the staff into the brackish still water of the small lake

    15. And since it was underwater for hours – and in brackish water at that – all the electrical items are junk, too

    16. And since the water was brackish, most of the mechanical linkages and small mechanisms – especially those with thin-gauge metal springs – will fail in the near future from corrosion, if they haven’t already

    17. either side of them was a bubbling, brackish soupy bog

    18. This morning Floy talked about Lorila’s old ports, bellicose city-states before they had been swallowed by land, and I felt as though I might be swallowed by sea as I pickled my knickers in the brackish water

    19. Using a backward motion, he churned at the brackish water

    20. In between a freshwater tank and saltwater tank is the brackish fish tank

    21. Descending through the brackish top layer of water and into the more saline, anaerobic layer below, they could not be aware that this lack of oxygen at lower depths - a peculiar feature of the Baltic - would be key to their fortunes being made

    22. I ran for three miles, past the interstate, and stopped on the bridge to peer into the brackish liquid of Willow River

    23. Out where the plane wreckage was the water got more brackish and salty, but in close to the beach the water was pure drinking quality

    24. was brackish and flavoured with dead sheep; he would see the

    25. The body was laid on a mound of grass that sloped into the brackish water

    26. He leaned down and gently slipped the laptop into the brackish water, where it quickly sank to the bottom, probably never to be seen again

    27. The unhealthy nature of the site; the quantity and quality of the children’s food; the brackish, fetid water used in its preparation; the pupils’ wretched clothing and accommodations—all these things were discovered, and the discovery produced a result mortifying to Mr

    28. Other cases could be added, as the relation between the extinct and living land-shells of Madeira; and between the extinct and living brackish water-shells of the Aralo-Caspian Sea

    29. Clear old prime Nantucket water; which, when three years afloat, the Nantucketer, in the Pacific, prefers to drink before the brackish fluid, but yesterday rafted off in casks, from the Peruvian or Indian streams

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    Sinônimos para "brackish"

    brackish briny saline salty tainted