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    saline frases de exemplo


    1. I survived through the application of saline and the touch of a stranger’s hand

    2. The medic finds a vein and despite the distraction of rapid motion caused by hanging drip lines he is deft and assured as he inserts a catheter into her forearm, hooks up a bag of saline and begins to administer four hundred micrograms of naloxone through the intravenous connection that is keeping Bex in touch with the physical world around her

    3. It becomes mechanical, one of drips, saline solutions and sterility

    4. Sweet foods and drinks when properly digested are reduced to saline and the blood becomes alkaline

    5. of sterile saline, then inserting an intravenous needle in the sergeant’s arm

    6. He maneuvered the “IV stand” around his bed with what I presumed to be bags of chemo, saline, and god only knew what else were in those “intravenous bags

    7. bag stand and I noticed that he only had one bag of saline pumping through his veins

    8. Bags of harmless saline are re-marked for IV feed into Denson’s hand

    9. saline drip since he was placed on the medi-vac helicopter

    10. “Cut open a bag of saline and start flushing the cuts

    11. This area can be cleansed with pure saline wash, no extra or outside chemicals

    12. This area of the eye can be cleansed with pure saline wash; no extra or outside chemicals should be added

    13. Saline rinse, thanks nurse

    14. Carla set about gathering the surgical instruments, different suture types and saline drips etc

    15. “We need to get this appendix clamped off immediately, and then deal with the arterial supply which runs in the mesoappendix, while I suck out the pus and enteric contents and wash out the abdominal cavity with saline,” Carla directed

    16. Tiny saline tears trickled down his bulbous

    17. Once exhausted, the ion exchanger is rinsed with a saline solution

    18. heated water or saline, decreased nasal secretions, although inhalation of water vapour

    19. Indeed, we have deprived ourselves? Have you considered the water which you drink? Was it you that poured it from the cloud or We? If We pleased We could turn it saline, will you then give thanks?"

    20. She pulled back on the syringe, filling it with sterile saline water until thirty milliliters were expelled and removed it from the port

    21. Descending through the brackish top layer of water and into the more saline, anaerobic layer below, they could not be aware that this lack of oxygen at lower depths - a peculiar feature of the Baltic - would be key to their fortunes being made

    22. Andrew just lay there on the bed with a tube running up his nose and sometimes a saline solution dripping in his veins

    23. Women and girls still have breast implants using a saline solution: even though they are still incredibly toxic and dangerous

    24. “Oh, Sophia!” Jericho rushed to catch her lips, tasting the saline in her tears

    25. "Salts," he said, "fill the sea in considerable quantities, professor, and if you removed all its dissolved saline content, you'd create a mass measuring 4,500,000 cubic leagues, which if it were spread all over the globe, would form a layer more than ten meters high

    26. Murky as well, and very rich in saline material, their pure indigo contrasts with the green waves surrounding them

    27. Claire joined her, absently watching a lone squirrel hop across the decking and drink saline water from the pool

    28. The “poison” had been a simple saline solution

    29. “I was on a stretcher, with a saline drip in my arm

    30. ‘Syringes, antibiotics, bags of saline solution, over-the-counter medicines

    31. 3 depicts a sequential trial of a new vaccine after five patients who had received either the vaccine or an innocuous saline solution had come down with the disease

    32. Each time a patient who had received the saline solution came down with the disease, the jagged line was extended downward one notch

    33. extinction trials where cocaine is replaced with saline (Stuber et al

    34. thresholds was also seen in saline controls, suggesting that the effect of bupropion is

    35. A rough concrete pool had been constructed here large enough for two bodies to lie in side by side; you took your towel and soap and went to the hut and locked yourself in and bathed in the warm, saline water flowing through the pool

    36. Then he aroused it with saline and touched it here and there with the frustrating needle, noted the flush, the growing intensity of color, the uncertain whipping and groping of the arms, until suddenly it collapsed and died

    37. His were the shinbones of the saline beef; his would have been the drumsticks

    38. I knew that foul exhalations like these daily rose in our cities, and crept along the ground, just as high as the spirits of lampblack and saline oil could elevate; falling, soon, by native baseness, into oblivion, in the jakes

    39. In similar cases, it was the custom of the ancients to construct cisterns; but these are not only expensive in themselves, but their utility depends upon the quantity of rain that falls; while upon the shores of the most barren places, nature has supplied a variety of vegetable matter, which, when dried, would not only serve as a fuel for the purposes of distillation, but from the ashes of which might be obtained a saline substance, sufficient to repay the expense of collecting, drying, and burning

    40. It is thus the various arrangements in saline crystallization, the freezing of water, and cooling of melted metals, may be accounted for

    41. Observations on Salt Storms, and the Influence of Salt and Saline Air upon Animal and Vegetable Life

    42. It must have been early observed that the atmosphere in the vicinity of the sea frequently becomes impregnated with saline materials; but the first and only account of a salt storm that I have met with, is to be found in the Transactions of the Linnæan Society of London

    43. Besides this effect upon vegetables, there were additional evidences of the saline quality of the wind

    44. The next object of inquiry is, the influence which this saline air has upon vegetable life

    45. May not this be occasioned by the saline quality of the air? The native plants are doubtless accustomed to its action, and do not so sensibly feel its injurious effects

    46. Besides, is it not rational to conclude, from the large quantities of soda which are always found in sea plants, that this saline atmosphere is rather propitious than otherwise to their growth, and that it only proves injurious to plants accustomed to the unadulterated air of the land

    47. I shall devote the remainder of this paper to a few concise observations on the effects of salt, and a saline atmosphere, upon animal life

    48. Among the deleterious effects caused by a saline atmosphere, may be mentioned the ophthalmia of Egypt

    49. Of all diseases, however, those of the lungs appear to be most affected by a saline air

    50. The external qualities of this substance are as follow: small white lumps, hard to the touch, but dry and easily yielding to pressure, somewhat gritty to the teeth, and imparting an earthy and saline taste to the tongue

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    saline saline solution salty alkaline brackish briny