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    Use "cyan" em uma frase

    cyan frases de exemplo




    1. Ron was looking intently at a star chart, its black band of glass colored cyan, in a desperate attempt at trying to be, in its own words, ’rad’, a colloquialism that Hilderich never inquired further about

    2. The sky was a beautiful, royal blue, fading into a light cyan near the horizon

    3. Mother spun one more time and the cape flared around her ankles, revealing the cyan skirts she wore beneath

    4. They trod over the short blue-green lawn beneath the cyan sky towards the white glare

    5. They settled into their acceleration couches and a few minutes later, the shuttle lifted up on its anti-gravity units and, gathering speed, shot up into the blue void, the sky darkening from cyan through to midnight and eventually to the utter blackness of outer space

    1. So then he would carry a cyanide capsule: a standard procedure, he'd learned, for any spy

    2. It has been very easy for other aggrieved social groups to be intoxicated by the cyanide of Marxism

    3. Too bad she had a cyanide capsule

    4. And now, even though Bianca is allowed to finally witness the last act of humanity’s drawn-out play, she wishes she’d instead chewed the cyanide capsule when she had the chance; anything would be better than this mocking laughter!

    5. He was able to translate enough of the Stellar to realize they were like cyanide

    6. with cyanide and a sedative

    7. There was a good chance that methyl isocyanate thermally decomposed to yield a group of other toxic substances, including cyanide and carbon monoxide

    8. “It’s a cyanide capsule,” he explained as he held it to the light

    9. Before any of this, as a precaution against tampering, the complex is flooded with cyanide gas, followed by an inflammable vapor that ignites and sterilizes the inside of the complex

    10. cyanide pil in case of capture but he had good reason for not using it

    11. There were also traces of chemicals rich in chlorine and cyanide, whose only purpose was to kill

    12. handing me a glass of cyanide based Kool aid

    13. Because all the walls and ceiling and floor of that small chamber was so impregnated with Hydrogen Cyanide that passing through those poison-filled walls killed them DEAD

    14. This second hand smoke can include substances like carbon monoxide, nicotine, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide

    15. ” She was the second of what would become six Goebbels children, all of whom Magda Goebbels would order murdered with cyanide eleven years later

    16. And last but not least, ever popular, right back at the top, second only to the shotgun, is cyanide

    17. The only chemical that can affect gold is cyanide, which dissolves gold

    18. 5% of its value in a week when several people died after ingesting Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide by an unknown outsider

    19. A couple of thousand times more powerful than cyanide,” Claire said, nodding

    20. Potassium cyanide shows up on the tox screen, and Joey’s best friend turns the letter over to the cops, and Luke Flynn is arrested and charged with murder

    21. The most common and potentially lethal types of man-made or synthetic materials and the toxic fumes that they give off are: polyurethane foam (often used in furniture), cyanides including hydrogen cyanide, PVC (used to cover electrical wires and in plastic goods), and hydrogen chloride

    1. The most common and potentially lethal types of man-made or synthetic materials and the toxic fumes that they give off are: polyurethane foam (often used in furniture), cyanides including hydrogen cyanide, PVC (used to cover electrical wires and in plastic goods), and hydrogen chloride

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    Sinônimos para "cyan"

    cyan blue-green bluish green teal