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    Use "dashed" em uma frase

    dashed frases de exemplo


    1. James dashed out the front door and ran straight to his dragon

    2. They were trying hard to be respectful in the chapel but all at once got to their feet and dashed outside, unable to contain their laughter any longer, groaning and rolling on the ground as though they were going to die whilst I patiently waited for their game to end

    3. Ken and Eileen, both being able to work in full time jobs, saved and scrimped and carried each other all the way to the fertility clinic, where they found sympathy, helping hands, many months of pain and many dashed expectations

    4. Quickly grabbing her toiletries and a towel, she dashed into the bathroom

    5. Ozzie dashed drunkenly over to where Chas was lying and tried to revive him

    6. He dashed up the stairs to his office, it was an open floor above the tool crib

    7. Higher and higher still they flew, nearer and nearer to the stars, when suddenly the mirror shook so terribly with grinning, that it flew out of their hands and fell to the earth, where it was dashed in a hundred million and more pieces

    8. Eventually, even we gave it up and dashed for the relative

    9. In a foolish attempt to impress Solo Ki, Theodorous dashed forward, his axe blowing the undead back like a battle ram

    10. McReady, good to see you back with us," the captain said as Victoria dashed into his space

    11. Adros dashed through the tunnels

    12. The pair of young elves dashed past him, moving to obey

    13. Only a miracle would prevent her from being dashed against sharp rocks at its base

    14. ” Reluctantly, the crowd parted and Savannah dashed through

    15. stopped and we both jumped out, and dashed for the tea stall

    16. looked at the clock and dashed off to meet the children as

    17. “That reminds me!” Isin dashed off to her quarters

    18. “Yes Ma'am!” came their unanimous reply, and they dashed off on a different path than the Elf and Dena continued along with their vanguard of Nephlii

    19. As she was about to leave the reception area, Jannson dashed out from his office, his face etched with worry

    20. The nurse yelled for back up while Hans dashed into the room, sporting his magically charged Sword of Light, the chosen weapon of all Temple Guardians

    21. She dashed to them, but was pulled back by Psyche

    22. I found Beth and told her about the strange behaviour at first I think she thought I was joking but when she saw the look on my face she dashed upstairs

    23. dashed for the taxi

    24. “Our friends,” he said, feeling the bottom fall out of his world, hope dashed beyond hope of

    25. At that, the young pair thanked him and dashed back into the village

    26. Officers and correspondents dashed off to their quarters to pack, dress, and catch the 11 o’clock train for war

    27. Some frightened volunteers dashed into headquarters, shouting that the enemy had broken our line

    28. “That’s good, but any chance you and Sespian had of forging a relationship was dashed

    29. It dashed through the wet grass but tumbled over its own legs and fell on its nose

    30. I looked at Glenna and knew she was right, of course she was right, and I dashed off to the head security officer

    31. But that hope was quickly dashed when an enormous group of badgers spewed from the entrance of the sett ahead of them, and at the same moment, a yelling mob charged from the labyrinth behind

    32. His hopes of a quick entry were dashed when he saw that it was well defended by three guards

    33. Hastily wrapping herself in a towel, Beth dashed to the outer room in the hope that Truman might be calling, but it was only Herminia, wailing and sobbing hysterically

    34. For the next few days the moth did its best to reach the sun and ask for new wings, flying as high as it could, over and over again, only to be dashed back to earth by the wind

    35. He dashed to the booking room for the other, but it had also ceased to exist

    36. Could it be that, when their man was arrested in Boston that Caroline had decided they should switch their delivery method from mules to horses, and that was why when he made the arrest at the airport nothing had been found? How he craved a look around those stables, but it was out of the question: almost the entire length of the switchback entrance was clearly visible from the hotel, and any nighttime attempt without lights was an invitation to be dashed to bits at the base of a cliff; besides, if he was so much as seen on the property, he would likely lose his badge

    37. Caroline dashed from the room, screaming obscenities, only to return moments later with carving knives clutched in either fist

    38. Edgar’s high hopes to have been the principal figure in breaking a cocaine ring all the way to its source were, with one act of violence, dashed to bits

    39. Before I left the mall, I dashed into the convenience store and bought a package of medium sized zip lock plastic bags

    40. He dashed with all the speed he dared over the naked beams then, on flooring again, bolted through the darkened skeleton of the building

    41. Two bandits dashed the joint with cord and

    42. The other one just dashed towards a low-walled flower fence and jumped over, creeping away back into a semblance of adequate cover

    43. and dashed head long at the boat

    44. In the same instant, Trevor dashed back to the airlock and screamed, ‘Get out of there, Russell, the aliens are coming

    45. “Terah!” one of the guests had begun the dialogue, “Is there no way that we can convince you to stay? You are our ‘rock’ against which they have dashed all of their efforts to coerce our families

    46. They had somehow managed to come this far without meeting any other Russian patrols, and Colling did not want such good fortune to be dashed by their tearing the bottom of the Syrena out on the carcass of some submerged ship

    47. The instant Wynne had pushed the button, he turned back and dashed for the

    48. from the floor to Eynochia’s hand of its own accord, Orphenn dashed back to his

    49. Dacian turned and ran, crossed the main hold, and dashed down the hallway

    50. He dashed to the tier and blew from his palm the

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