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    Use "dotted" em uma frase

    dotted frases de exemplo


    1. The shelves and racks were dotted

    2. It was set in the middle of extensive well-tended fields and pastures dotted with fat eight-legged cattle

    3. I look around at the expanse of lawn, dotted here and there with island beds of shrubs and the occasional stretch of herbaceous border set against a wall

    4. The leaves are curled at the edges, frequently dotted with yellow or brown patches, the trunks scabbed with fungus suggesting rotten cores

    5. Fires dotted the neighbourhood skyline

    6. They were dotted with outcroppings over which goats scampered and cattle grazed

    7. dotted along the coast

    8. The hole spread over a large area, possibly three or four metres across in places; muddy throughout its entire extent: deep, claggy, black mud, sloppy with water and dotted with bits of green from the decimated plants which had been wrenched from the ground by its making

    9. the south, the rugged coastline was dotted with many islets, some

    10. stunted trees that dotted the coastline

    11. On my left the ground drops away steeply and the view runs for miles towards the misty horizon – rolling green hills with patchwork fields and tiny villages dotted with copses of trees

    12. At first the landscape was that of a patchwork quilt, neat almost square sections flanked the road, slowly giving way to a rocky terrain, dotted with small pines, and then they were engulfed in a dense forest

    13. fanned out beneath the cliffs, dotted with pine forests and

    14. Ruins of once-white stone structures dotted the countryside and she loved climbing up into them

    15. Auburn hair framed a pleasant face dotted with a few freckles here and there

    16. Thousands of 30-foot high marble bookshelves stood, dotted here and there in an understated, yet definite pattern

    17. He could see the tunnel entrances dotted here and there

    18. The town of Homestead lay beyond the bridge, hidden in the darkness with lights that dotted the roadways

    19. Flowers of pink, blue and purple dotted the countryside

    20. He nodded and grinned through a milk mustache dotted with bread crumbs

    21. Dotted around were people, some with their trouser legs rolled up or skirts hitched up above their knees; couples soaking up the sun together or rolled in an intimate embrace

    22. Beads of perspiration dotted her forehead as she

    23. Early frogspawn dotted its way around the

    24. A double row of five metre tall electric fences stood before a towering brick wall, watchtowers dotted at fifty metre intervals, guards sitting armed and alert, observing everything before them

    25. Dotted across the grey bed covers were drawings and photographs of Rome before the bombing

    26. Only a few, dotted amongst the pack, looked at her with curiosity in their eyes – a small flickering interest in whatever this new emotion was that they were being made to feel

    27. Smooth bollards like bald men’s heads were dotted around

    28. Fysto grabbed a handful of sand from the standard firefighting buckets that dotted the deck and threw it in the port agent’s face

    29. The morning light was dim, rain shrouding any lights that might have been showing from the houses dotted along the shore

    30. It had been perfect when we’d found each other and all the dots had dotted together to bring us as one before God, but our careers seemed to have taken precedence over our marriage

    31. It's one o' them Juicy Coozy things, ain't it?" He rubbed his hand along the rim while I studied the chrome water outlets dotted around the inside, pursing my lips

    32. Nadir and the others agreed that the water issued from one of the glaciers that dotted the Seven Sisters volcanic chain

    33. She had been there, Caroline said, and described it as a slice of tropical heaven on Earth; an enormous bay of calm turquoise water, crystal-clear when you looked in directly, that was dotted throughout by tiny islands

    34. Small rasp like marks dotted the edge

    35. Nesting curlews and magpies were crying everywhere, and green pasture by streams were dotted with young lambs and the occasional fluttering rabbit

    36. Names were written at key points on the glass wall with arrows and dotted lines linking names to pictures and to places

    37. Care lines dotted his forehead, and one could easily spot he was not a man prone to laughing easily

    38. The curves he saw dotted on the screen predicted a relatively mild descent

    39. Small wet brown lime stone indentations and juts dotted the ground

    40. In less than a minute, Ingrid drove through the van park entrance, opening up into a rainforest area dotted with campervans

    41. Entering the city outskirts, LP pulled into one of many Top Ten van parks dotted around the country

    42. A handful of sweat hogs dotted about

    43. There were small groves of flat, brownish ground that dotted the landscape

    44. Once he was outside and on his feet, he saw nothing other than a wide, frothing river with small isles dotted in its flow

    45. You can’t swim there but the view from the sea wall is superb looking across to the many islands dotted around the Andaman sea close by

    46. A few of them are split from punching Caleb, and dotted with faint bruises

    47. We rode through the city, which was very large, larger than Tlatelolco and Tenochtitlan together, and spread out toward the northeast from the east bank of the river in the midst of an extensive grassland dotted with lakes

    48. Outside our window, the view was just what you would expect from a Swiss restaurant, with meadows stretching away into the distance, dotted with traditional wooden chalets with their steeply sloped roofs, to prevent the snow from accumulating

    49. Century old trees dotted the bank, lowering their overgrown roots into water’s edge

    50. inland; fires dotted the moving sea, and smoke billowed from the piles of timber that were

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    dashed dotted flecked specked speckled stippled