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    flecked frases de exemplo


    1. the tension of surface waters, foam flecked, where only

    2. Colours begin to merge, a ragged paint job, primary bright and flecked with rust at the wheel arches

    3. Eyes a clear hazel flecked with green

    4. The sun had begun to creep up along the horizon, and the sky was flecked with early morning hues of pink and blue

    5. This far north, summer evenings are glorious sensory treats: the clear blue afternoon skies give way to pink-and-gold sunsets, flecked with red in bad fire years

    6. There was not a single fish to be seen, just the spray flecked aftermath of their activities

    7. The fields on either side were bare, flecked by patches of snow, and they passed only a handful of locals using the road

    8. Yukino stood shaking in the howling wind, her tattered hair flecked with snow

    9. Its coat and hooves were flecked with blood

    10. their root feet made haste to hide behind another giant blue flecked monster

    11. The thin parchment--a flecked color-

    12. Hartstongue runs one hand over his lips and his fingers come away flecked with blood

    13. Spittle flecked her lips, which were drawn

    14. They don’t bother to pipe music into the warehouse floor, sparkle flecked linoleum tiles bleed up to the four walls of Dr

    15. Bart looked at the hysterical old man - mauve lips flecked with spittle, veins standing out on stringy neck, watery eyes staring straight ahead - and was repelled

    16. The room was painted grey and was flecked with dirt and had cobwebs in the corners and on the ceiling

    17. Rust flecked the iron bracings of the mighty bronze portal

    18. Suddenly his beard was shot with snow, his locks flecked with gray

    19. Granite flecked wind that beats on my

    20. questioningly, while the blue one seemed flecked with whatever emotion he was

    21. The pale moon flecked on the shimmering sand, casting it in a silver light

    22. The moon was defined by the cool colors of turquoise, green variscite, and chrysocolla on a field of dark blue lapis lazuli flecked with silver

    23. Dark unkempt hair was flecked with bits of grass and straw

    24. at his feet, his beard flecked with vomit

    25. Her black eye shadow—even thicker than Cali’s—was flecked with gold sparkles, and her lips were painted a bright, garish red

    26. Jesse gazed at me and I felt myself lost in his beautiful, hazel eyes that were flecked with gold

    27. He had a neatly trimmed beard flecked with grey and deep set dark brown eyes and a

    28. Chair legs scraped across the flecked industrial tiles

    29. The wind blew gaily over the rye; the sky was flecked with small white clouds

    30. She seemed the vividest thing, suddenly cleaving the pallors and uncertainties of reeds and water and flecked northern sky

    31. “But if you saw her Dalgleish! Her hair is red, the colour of burnished copper flecked with gold

    32. His grey hair and neat trimmed beard were flecked with the black of his youth

    33. was tall for a Barbeg and her white fur was flecked with golden

    34. A female warrior surged up past me on a foam flecked mount and grabbed the reins of Talin’s horse and urged both towards the fast approaching wall

    35. In fact it was a huge grinning mouth, with two rows of yellowing tombstone teeth, flecked with saliva and rimmed with purplish lips, the full lips of dissolution, a Sybarite's lips that quivered in excited expectation

    36. She looked up at the lowering sky, down at the crimson bow already flecked with black, forward along the muddy street, then one long, lingering look behind, at a certain grimy warehouse, with `Hoffmann, Swartz, & Co

    37. The light from our glass coils produced magical effects at times, lingering on the wrinkled roughness of some natural arch, or some overhang suspended like a chandelier, which our lamps flecked with fiery sparks

    38. flecked with bloody foam, lay on the bed of torture, in place of the intellectual being who so

    39. No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her feet but rather a manly man with a strong quiet face who had not found his ideal, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and who would understand, take her in his sheltering arms, strain her to him in all the strength of his deep passionate nature and comfort her with a long long kiss

    40. She had a small round face with neat, regular features; mid-brown hair; and green eyes flecked with gold

    41. Perhaps Tom had also had the green eyes flecked with yellow that they all shared

    42. Uncle Anthony had green eyes flecked with gold, like all his family

    43. Blood had splashed up from his chest and flecked his mouth and cheeks

    44. But what did the mere reckoning of years matter when he felt as young in heart as he had been twenty years ago? Was it not youth to feel as he felt now, when coming from the other side to the edge of the wood he saw in the glowing light of the slanting sunbeams the gracious figure of Varenka in her yellow gown with her basket, walking lightly by the trunk of an old birch tree, and when this impression of the sight of Varenka blended so harmoniously with the beauty of the view, of the yellow oatfield lying bathed in the slanting sunshine, and beyond it the distant ancient forest flecked with yellow and melting into the blue of the distance? His heart throbbed joyously

    45. He stared at the sleek horse flecked

    46. In the midst of it there wound lazily a dark river of brown water, bordered with ancient willows, arched over with willows, blocked with fallen willows, and flecked with thousands of faded willow-leaves

    47. The red beard, flecked with gray

    48. He recalls her walking on the hot sand with Pat’s dogs and stopping to admire the deep blue ocean so flecked with whitecaps

    49. One gleam of light lifted into relief a half-submerged mast, on which sat a cormorant, dark and large, with wings flecked with foam; its beak held a gold bracelet set with gems, that I had touched with as brilliant tints as my palette could yield, and as glittering distinctness as my pencil could impart

    50. Their leaps and bounds increased, their bared fangs dripped saliva, and their lips and breasts were flecked with foam

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    Sinônimos para "flecked"

    dotted flecked specked speckled stippled