Use "hardy" em uma frase
hardy frases de exemplo
1. That passage she mentions, is it 'Far from the Madding Crowd' which opens like that or does it come later in the book? I know there's something similar at the beginning of 'Oliver Twist' but that's Dickens, not Hardy
2. Are there any plants worth keeping there? A few extra hardy shrubs are starting to show signs of spring – the hydrangea has big, swollen buds on the bare branches and the forsythia is giving it all it’s got with long flowing branches covered in bright yellow flowers
3. What about some hardy perennials? That grey-green ferny leaved thing, the label says it’ll have daisy-like flowers in the summer, and what about half a dozen of those bedding plants? Maybe some tough-looking grasses would colonise part of the border
4. Jacob, continued to walk on with her, and as they approached the truck, Jim stepped from the driver’s side and called a hardy hello, to the two of them
5. The breeze was freshening giving some relief to the locals and then he saw it, a tiny burst of flame, hardy any smoke, right at the bottom of the Perols paddock
6. Such a clergy, when attacked by a set of popular and bold, though perhaps stupid and ignorant enthusiasts, feel themselves as perfectly defenceless as the indolent, effeminate, and full fed nations of the southern parts of Asia, when they were invaded by the active, hardy, and hungry Tartars of the north
7. Hardy Old Dears
8. He was not what she would regard as good looking, but he had a hardy handsomeness and a modern sophistication mixed with country charm that took her by surprise
9. Corsairans were a hardy people, mostly farmers and villagers with a few larger towns
10. "Patty and I were hardy children, and accustomed to 'run out' in all
11. I explained the concept of satori as quickly and simply as I could and followed that with a short identification of the Laurel and Hardy comedy team of the twenties and thirties
12. Its feathers are from an exotic bird; the feathers are hardy and slice through the air
13. This included training boys after age seven in military schools, belonging to military clubs though age thirty, culling out weak infants, and training girls to be hardy and fit to produce strong lads
14. overtake the Hardy Daytona, his attention fixed on the truck
15. He looked as hale and hardy as usual, but I noticed his hair was beginning to turn gray
16. “My mother liked The Hardy Boys
17. I think I rode home with one of the two male court reporters, Mark Brumley and Hardy Scott (who was a throwback—still taking transcripts by shorthand)
18. He says, “You’re Andy Hardy! You’re the United
19. A killing blizzard that slew in one hour six-tenths of a hardy mountain folk who were fully prepared for harsh winter
20. Stick thin and wear hardy nothing
21. As the rest straggled in, the volume of grumbling increased until at the rear of the entourage came those who would have chosen to remain imprisoned except for the remonstrations of more hardy souls
22. 14 Now when Judas perceived that Bacchides and the strength of his army were on the right side he took with him all the hardy men 15 Who discomfited the right wing and pursued them to the mount Azotus; 16 But when they of the left wing saw that they of the right wing were discomfited they followed onto Judas and those who were with him hard at the heels from behind; 17 Upon which there was a sore battle insomuch as many were killed on both parts
23. imprisoned except for the remonstrations of more hardy souls
24. These infectious agents were amazingly hardy, but also
25. I was hardy enough to watch only the first, but the Austrasians considered it fine sport
26. Sheila continued to fascinate them, more so than ever with her new pose as man-killer and hardy warrior
27. "Have to be a hardy bunch of nuns to invite you in
28. Our plan was to take the ferry from Sitka to Prince Rupert in British Columbia and then by another ferry to Port Hardy at the northern tip of Vancouver Island
29. We bought two used bikes, attached our panniers to the bikes, stuffed them with our camping gear, and boarded the ferry for Prince Rupert and then on to Port Hardy
30. Ten metres from the centre of the hill a hardy thorn bush stood
31. You look like a collection of hardy and stalwart individuals
32. hardy looking, it was hardly a horrid species
33. With the introduction of RNA enzymes and nucleotides from the moss which thrived around the small freshwater lake inside the citadel and by altering the grass and floras DNA, they’d created a hardy form of plant life that required little or no light as photosynthesis was accelerated within the plant
34. His personality not only appealed to the spiritually minded women among his followers, but also to the educated and intellectual Nicodemus and to the hardy Roman soldier, the captain stationed on guard at the cross, who, when he had finished watching the Master die, said, "Truly, this was a Son of God
35. They were hardy and robust, but his was the endurance and vitality of a wolf, his thews steeled and his nerves whetted by the hardness of his life in the world's wastelands
36. Its people are a hardy, war-like race, toughened by continual wars with the Picts, Zingarians and Cimmerians
37. The latter, then, adapted themselves to their hardy new environment and throve
38. Always a rich kingdom, untold wealth had been rolled in by conquest, and sumptuous splendor had taken the place of simple and hardy living
39. "Port Hardy," cried the pilot with a confidential nod to his two passengers
40. Curran, still uncomfortably damp, sat next to Anna in the rear seat and the Buccaneer took off again heading for Port Hardy
41. Port Hardy is one such community
42. The appreciation they held for each other, gave most people the impression they would stay here amid the profusion of pink and red roses overlooking the bay at Port Hardy forever
43. Have you ever seen this man around Port Hardy?"
44. "How often does he come to Port Hardy?"
45. "The Reeds in Port Hardy
46. The journey to Port Hardy
47. In a few hours the plane would take him to Port Hardy
48. "They've just left for Port Hardy
49. Curran, feigning fear of an outraged KGB, had insisted on tagging along with Travis to Port Hardy
50. Garnet Reed had mentioned back at Port Hardy that John- Paul was reported to have a trading post somewhere on the west coast