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    Use "hoop skirt" em uma frase

    hoop skirt frases de exemplo

    hoop skirt

    1. about the Yankees and the war, and proud of his three pretty daughters in their bright He was happy, pleasantly excited over the prospect of spending the day shouting spreading hoop skirts beneath foolish little lace parasols

    2. had come forward to welcome her when she came into the back garden, but Melanie She was a tiny, frailly built girl, who gave the appearance of a child masquerading in her mother’s enormous hoop skirts—an illusion that was heightened by the shy, almost was so sternly repressed beneath its net that no vagrant tendrils escaped, and this dark frightened look in her too large brown eyes

    3. I employed a delicate system of blackmail on a friend in Washington who staunch Union patriots from whom I used to buy muskets and hoop skirts for the Confederacy

    4. The Hoop Skirt, I reason’d, was an Instrument of Imprisonment

    5. Gala Placidia helped them lace up the corsets, she showed them how to move inside the wire frames of the hoop skirts, how to wear the gloves, how to button the high-heeled boots

    6. Gala Placidia watched from the balcony as they crossed the park with their parasols open, tottering on their high heels and pushing against the hoop skirts with their bodies as if they were children’s walkers, and she gave them her blessing so that God would help them in their portraits

    7. Urbino understood that she was referring to her hoop skirt, and he seized the opportunity as it flew by

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    shift underskirt skirt underwear petticoat undergarment lingerie