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    Use "underwear" em uma frase

    underwear frases de exemplo


    1. It was caused by the pressure from her underwear being torn away

    2. She looked good but not gaudy today, in a white peasant blouse and big colorful skirt, both of a gauzy material, both without underwear

    3. She had great globes on her chest like a cartoon character, a good strong shape to her hips and she was dressed in a snug, thin jersey just long enough to touch her thighs in the back, but she was entirely free of underwear like a cherub from Alan's universe

    4. His comprehension of it was so automatic he might not have noticed if it wasn’t for her lack of underwear

    5. She was in a sheath, one that might have even come from Alan's universe, but she had underwear on

    6. It is also a rather sad fact that my underwear veers on the sensible side of practical and maybe I ought to think a little more in terms of sexy …

    7. The way she jiggled told him she was very firm for her size, and like cherubs from Alan’s world, without underwear

    8. That jersey was too thin for duty on Gordon’s Lamp without underwear, but this wasn’t duty hours any more was it?

    9. Instead they had put a sail across the stern so she could bathe, use the rail and wash out her underwear in privacy

    10. She had a long cloth wrapped around her for underwear which she did not take off

    11. They hardly even looked at her except to note her underwear and talk about that as they had about the dress

    12. He is still wearing yesterday’s underwear underneath his yoghurt stained shirt

    13. had to wear each other’s underwear for the remainder of the game

    14. Roman sat on the couch in only his underwear

    15. Believe it or not there were students at Don Bosco which was a good Catholic high school, who would steal your dirty underwear if they could

    16. Into this he put a wooly jumper, spare socks and underwear, an extra shirt and a pair of shorts and a sleeping bag

    17. He handed them to Tom who sorted quickly through them, picking out his sister’s underwear, jeans, t-shirt and sneakers that he gave to her

    18. To dream that you are in your underwear signifies a situation that has created a loss of respect for you

    19. If you feel ashamed of being seen in your underwear, then it indicates your hesitance in revealing your true feelings, attitudes, and other hidden habits/ideas

    20. If you are not bothered by being in your underwear, then it suggests that you are ready to reveal or expose something that was previously hidden

    21. To see dirty or torn underwear suggests that you are not comfortable in your own skin and have feelings of inadequacy

    22. He curses beneath his breath, straightens his underwear and one of his eyes manages to fix us with a baleful stare

    23. He never wore underwear, though she had tried on several occasions to induce him to at least wear briefs, without success

    24. He scattered his items on the floor, “Some rations, coffee, my notebook, underwear, two changes of clothes, shaving kit, and some other stuff

    25. He was standing in a set of tan underwear

    26. Russell shook his head to clear it before stepping into his pants, not bothering with underwear

    27. She tried to remember if she’d left any underwear strewn about, as was so often the case

    28. He only bothered to strip down to his underwear before lying on top of the covers next to Russell and falling into a fitful sleep

    29. He pulled his shirt over his head and shucked his pants and underwear to the floor in a matter of seconds

    30. ” I thanked him and followed the Corporal to the stores and there I received a brand new uniform including socks underwear and boots

    31. I did as I was asked and undressed down to my underwear I then led on the cold leather surface of the examination table and Dr Sullivan came across and said

    32. ” He then told me to remove my underwear and he then examined the wounds on my groin, lower back and leg asking

    33. ” He told me to put my underwear back on and then passed me a dressing gown telling me to put this on and to lie back on the table whose top he had raised

    34. “Would Sir not like some clean underwear as well or maybe I could take our Sir’s suit for cleaning

    35. She grabbed a pair of thermal underwear from her drawer and pulled them on with shaking hands

    36. Once we got back to safety, Grandpa would go ahead and start washing the eggs, while I would go inside to change my underwear

    37. I gathered up two of the socks, some clean underwear and trundled off to the bathroom

    38. She picked out a nice pair of jeans and a bright tee-shirt, dropping her towel on the bed as she stepped into her underwear

    39. It’s illegal to be out and about sans underwear

    40. president to wear underwear?”

    41. Half the drink was gone before he had his socks and underwear off and the water running at the correct temperature

    42. With a twinkling glint in his eye, he unhooked his pants and let them drop onto her then ripped his underwear open at the fly

    43. “Was it? Tasted like rat’s piss, I think,” said Steve with as much naivety as his face could express wearing a piece of underwear around his head with a dick-shaped carrot tied to it

    44. She literally ached for him as, with agonizing slowness, he rolled her underwear the length of her legs and tossed it aside

    45. “Actually, I still need some underwear, perhaps more than before

    46. He bought a worn suit for himself, together with two extra shirts and another pair of trousers, a pair of shoes that he guessed were German military issue, and some well-worn underwear and socks

    47. When he set aside several pairs of old-fashioned underwear that resembled what Colling had heard called “Bloomers,” the old man snickered

    48. However, when Colling showed him his roll of zlotys, he became very accommodating, and suggested additional items of women’s underwear, stockings, and kerchiefs to cover the hair

    49. At the moment, she felt only despair, although there was plenty else: her skin was so insect bitten she could be mistaken for a smallpox victim, her feet were encased in sun-dried mud bricks, her ankle swollen and throbbing, and her underwear felt as though she had messed herself – none of it registered on her conscience

    50. Padding out in socks and underwear, he was reassured to hear the fridge door opening

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