Use "immigrate" em uma frase
immigrate frases de exemplo
1. He asked the Breitmanns if they wished to immigrate to the States or remain in Germany, and Colling was surprised when Hermann asked if they might return to Berlin, the American Zone, of course
2. Wizards from other elven nations who are strong or skilled or knowledgeable are more likely to immigrate here than to anywhere else
3. So in March of 1983 he decided to return to the US, this time to immigrate
4. Why did I not immigrate like so many others? Of course, I could hardly come through regular channels, I explained
5. The United Nations also offered to allow those who wished it to immigrate to their planet, where they and their families would be offered jobs, a home and equal rights as the native species
6. decided to immigrate to the United States
7. The only hope they have left is to immigrate to Palestine, where they could rebuild new lives
8. Thus did I immigrate to the land of promise
9. immigrate to America, because he had lost his parents in the war
10. of Muslims into America – allowing another million to immigrate over the next ten years
11. suggested we immigrate to the United States and get jobs to
12. In 1870, Muslims started to immigrate to America
13. dreamed of a new life in Canada with his family, but his efforts to immigrate had been
14. America in 1854 was predominantly Protestant and many of those citizens did not believe that it was a potato famine that drove Irish Catholics to immigrate
15. They would sooner accept that the Pope could fake millions of deaths due to a non-existent famine and convince millions of Irish people to immigrate, all of them keeping the secret, than to believe that a true natural disaster had occurred
16. In desperation, he got the idea to immigrate to the United States
17. The few, rare, lucky children who manage to escape the old vicious cycles of poverty, oppression, powerlessness, those who immigrate and live in industrialized cities…
18. Only the rich have enough money to immigrate to richer countries and set up businesses which will make them even richer
19. If they had not allowed millions more Europeans to immigrate into the colonies because of their constant need to fill the slave jobs that no decent American voter, no white man wanted to do
20. I wish to apply for leave to immigrate to the USA for the purpose of becoming a cowboy
21. Let the climate and vegetation change, let other competing rodents or new beasts of prey immigrate, or old ones become modified, and all analogy would lead us to believe that some, at least, of the squirrels would decrease in numbers or become exterminated, unless they also become modified and improved in structure in a corresponding manner
1. Her younger brother and two sisters had immigrated to Wales, the land of the original Morgan’s
2. Iredell had immigrated to America from England when he was
3. Frank Vera was a whaling master who had immigrated to the United States from the Azores
4. He immigrated to the U
5. They asked all sorts of questions about the United States, and related stories about friends and relatives who had immigrated to America
6. Rafael Vasquez was a Guatemalan who, as a younger man, had fled the terror of war and immigrated to San Antonio, Texas as a refugee, where for many years he operated a bookstore
7. About twenty thousand people had immigrated into the area, mostly from the United States
8. The Russian mob swore revenge, and John closed up shop and immigrated to the US where he has family,” Tyler said
9. Vladimir started working for me a year before I immigrated to the United States
10. She remained Chief of the Nursing Service until 1972 when she immigrated to the United States to take a teaching position at the Bronx Community College in New York
11. To give me all support when I immigrated to the USA;
12. Atta girl! After the war, my parents immigrated from Europe
13. He immigrated with his family to the United
14. of South Vietnam, he immigrated to France in 1975 and
15. Immigrated to the United States in 1981
16. Immigrated to the United States in 1986
17. Immigrated to the United States in
18. Immigrated to France at the age of 13 as a Eurasian
19. Years later more alien immigrated to Sangetsu, even the Rapturans, Ginlanks and Yautgans
20. Look, when my parents formally immigrated to the United
21. This lasted until my mother immigrated to America with my
22. His dad had been a UFO fanatic ever since they both saw what they agreed must have been a UFO way back in the early sixties not long after they immigrated to Australia
23. in the ten year civil war in Yemen – had immigrated to Oman over the space of a year, taken jobs
24. United States, of Sunni parents, who immigrated from Syria to the USA in 1982
25. She immigrated to Australia three years ago and had settled in Dubbo almost immediately
26. lost touch with him when he immigrated to England in the nineties
27. who immigrated to New York from Russia
28. In the 1870’s Chinese, mainly from the Canton Province, immigrated to South Africa
29. I was two months pregnant when I immigrated to England
30. The rebellion had failed and great numbers of the revolt's leaders and followers immigrated to America in the hopes of creating a new Germania
31. Omar and Juliet immigrated to America, which was always Omar's dream
32. When I heard they divorced I was already married and I often thought that if I were not, I would have immigrated to Canada to woo her
33. In San Diego I contacted a Greek fellow student from my London days and a distant girl cousin who had also immigrated to the States with her husband
34. They thought that simply by supplying overpriced goods in a small community that did not have cars to drive to stores where the prices were cheaper, that they didn’t have to bother learning the language of the country they had immigrated into
35. Mainly, they immigrated to Canada
36. Two years later, brother and sister immigrated to Canada and my father
37. Traveling was very typical for those that immigrated into the nation and it can be something challenging for you to trace
38. immigrated to Abyssinia with her
39. I am an American of Indian origin whose parents were raised in India, met in Africa, and immigrated to America, and now I am the star and creator of my own network television series
40. We may safely infer that with marine animals of all kinds there has been a large amount of migration due to climatal and other changes; and when we see a species first appearing in any formation, the probability is that it only then first immigrated into that area
41. But it by no means follows that, because in an island nearly all the species of one class are peculiar, those of another class, or of another section of the same class, are peculiar; and this difference seems to depend partly on the species which are not modified having immigrated in a body, so that their mutual relations have not been much disturbed; and partly on the frequent arrival of unmodified immigrants from the mother-country, with which the insular forms have intercrossed
42. , seem to me to accord better with the belief in the efficiency of occasional means of transport, carried on during a long course of time, than with the belief in the former connection of all oceanic islands with the nearest continent; for on this latter view it is probable that the various classes would have immigrated more uniformly, and from the species having entered in a body, their mutual relations would not have been much disturbed, and consequently, they would either have not been modified, or all the species in a more equable manner
1. anyone immigrates under such conditions
2. that when she immigrates to America
3. Women immigrates to western world to do the dirty jobs such as sexual message, hot body rubs, male escort and so on