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    1. Your souls will have to migrate to this substrate sooner or later, why wait?"

    2. There was a bit of silence again, so Kelvin said, "She said their science can allow us to migrate to their substrate

    3. Cranes migrate here too

    4. Most of the missionaries were slow to migrate into the vendor area from

    5. Slowly the eyes of the other initiates, including Christina, migrate from him to me

    6. would migrate in, speak with and settle the Planet, then move on

    7. There, one can find also all kinds of birds that migrate from colder climates in the

    8. connection I have to arms and legs are the electromagnetic impulses that migrate through

    9. , extreme Calvinists) were starting to migrate to New England

    10. In Israel, the Law of Return states that any Jew can migrate to Israel

    11. used to migrate to India for labour or security agencies and sent remittances that

    12. or to migrate to other places both inside and outside the country for better

    13. records that almost 28,00,000 people migrate to India and out of them 10% are

    14. This happens when the departed migrate from the etheric to the astral mag-

    15. Sprugs tended to migrate from the countryside into

    16. ” Denson adds, "They didn't come to America by steerage to migrate

    17. Our Morphozoid friends chose to migrate with us to your Plane

    18. After all, we migrate to horror, suspense, and tragedy because they trigger in us a kind of biochemical rush, which makes utopias boring and dystopias thrilling

    19. They did not migrate to fresher lands

    20. Corridors have been carved out to enable pandas to migrate

    21. his followers to leave Mecca and migrate to Medina, roughly 260

    22. thousands of years to migrate to the promised lands of Abraham

    23. Since Cain was banished to the wandering lands, he and his brethren would then migrate northeast as is said, and begin their voyage or wonderment to their own lands

    24. This view was instilled again after the flood and later the people began to transgress again and Ra decided to migrate

    25. The Warren Commission had the back wound migrate to the back of the neck and then they had him leaning forward like he did later, after the throat shot, to concoct a closer angle for their single bullet theory

    26. As his jaw dropped, Mitchell felt the true magnitude of the situation migrate into him

    27. Okay, so what have we done so far? We've configured migrations to run in CodeIgniter, we've created our first migration file (taking care to name it properly), and we have two files: the controller migrate

    28. In the controller migrate

    29. The first thing we should bear in mind is the constructor in the migrate controller

    30. The constructor is looking at how the migrate controller is accessed; it'll deny access to the migrate controller if it is accessed via anything other than the command line—a useful security measure

    31. adventure, migrate out of their home areas and into areas bearing

    32. The males migrate, while the females

    33. We all migrate back to the living room and hang out for a little

    34. She was in a state which used to lean Democratic, but which started to migrate to the Republicans in the last election

    35. So blending these 2 observations, we may migrate customers from a

    36. Just as he was about to speak, his boss's phone resounded – and a smile seemed to migrate across his boss’s lips as the conversation continued

    37. An ear-to-ear smile began to migrate across Ellen’s face, and she winked at the brown hair adolescent now resting in the back seat

    38. These then migrate towards the cathode or anode, as

    39. Then, God commanded the prophet to migrate to Medina with the Mecca’s believers

    40. When this noble messenger, our master Job (pth), called upon his Provider, He, the Almighty, responded to his call and taught him what to do by ordering him to migrate from his own country to another

    41. This tale is exactly the same as what happened with our master Mohammad (cpth), who was patient, despite his people’s shunning of him, until he was given the permission to migrate: “As your Provider bade you to leave your home by right…”

    42. As business gets better you can migrate that product to their full-

    43. antigravitational forces will migrate to the poles

    44. This park is special because many of the birds that migrate between Africa and Northern

    45. They have struggled to migrate to a

    46. Many species that could not migrate or adapt

    47. migrate all year to find hospitable climates

    48. In the north, herds of caribou will migrate several thousand miles during the spring and autumn, searching for better weather and pasture

    49. He says that nearby caribou do not migrate from one place to another, as is normal, but instead walk around in a vast circle, which they hardly ever leave

    50. wanted to migrate to Mars

    1. migrated to the US with the vision to build the Kingdom of God,

    2. When Buddhism migrated to China, it met with Taoist philosophy, and from this encounter emerged what is known as Zen Buddhism

    3. ” his right hand slowly migrated to the

    4. Slowly, Jacob’s hand migrated from my mouth to one of the sabres strapped

    5. Teeming generations of immigrants from all walks of life, with their bellies full of hunger and a pocketful of dreams, bravely migrated to distant shores hoping to discover a better life for themselves and their families

    6. The entire mass of humanity migrated from the lawn to gather around the dining table, and began unraveling the events of lives

    7. So it seems that EL, the “God Most High” migrated south as his people carefully ventured into a new land, occupied by many small kingdoms, led by what was more than likely tribal, or clan chieftains, who fought each other periodically over land and water rights

    8. Word would likely have spread ahead of them as they migrated south, that they were peaceful and that they were, in effect, only fleeing oppression

    9. Using all sources, not just the Bible, the controversial British Egyptologist says that the inhabitants of Paradise migrated to Mesopotamia in the sixth millennium BC and settled in Sumer, where a great culture flourished that led to the invention of writing and the creation of Uruk, considered the first great city of humanity

    10. According to the Bible, the plain of Sumer, south of the city of Zagros, is where Adam's descendants migrated after the flood

    11. His anger and guilt migrated into his current life

    12. His sense of shame and isolation migrated into this life as well

    13. To cut a long story short, I still believe that the only scope of journeying into past lives is to clear the negative feelings that have migrated in the memory of the spirit

    14. “Salties” maintained almost instant contact with one another when the fish migrated

    15. During the Bronze Age, 2500 to 1000 before Christ, it is believed that the act of cremation migrated to the British islands and -what we know today as Spain and Portugal

    16. Cemeteries for cremation developed in Hungary and North Italy and then migrated to North Europe and even Ireland

    17. The Aztecs had migrated from a north region known as Aztlan

    18. The Indians were the descendants of the original hunters who migrated from Asia

    19. they needed to write, a list of all key data and attributes to be migrated, and relevant

    20. He discovered similarities while talking to the locals and surmised that some of his people must have migrated in the past, although he knew of no legends about such a migration

    21. In ancient times they had migrated there for safety to be left in peace since it was the least desirable land

    22. The blue fin tuna migrated from Japan to

    23. The Aboriginal Americans were not a static people, but migrated to a greater or lesser degree for a variety of reasons

    24. Dinne—the name of the Athabaskan tribes that migrated from Canada into the Southwestern U

    25. It was held to be their first town in the area after they migrated from the north

    26. ” This term will refer not only to those above, but also to those who subsequently migrated from these places to what would later be called Eastern Europe, states such as Poland, Lithuania, and Russia

    27. Portugal, he migrated to Amsterdam

    28. Another Protestant, Andrew Carnegie (1835–1919), was born in Scotland, but migrated

    29. Massive earthquakes, volcanoes, and tidal waves separated them into groups that migrated in different directions

    30. mean you won’t see animals that have migrated from them, or

    31. 3% have migrated to India

    32. those who had migrated to India many years earlier as unskilled labours and

    33. households who had not migrated to India

    34. The young author’s grandmother had migrated from Korea to Japan with her husband but ardently supported the socialists

    35. was found that almost 75% of people in Dhakari migrants migrated due to the

    36. "Some African disease that's migrated here

    37. camera He found that the substance migrated along classical Chinese acu-

    38. of it migrated to very dark, very cold areas at the poles

    39. They have migrated from a place far to the south, where the sun shines continuously and huge forests dominate the plains

    40. I lost everything when we all migrated to the States, so this is where I hideout and keep to myself

    41. “Recently they’ve migrated to the deeper ocean, requiring greater effort on our part to stock our markets

    42. Cars, noise, western music and obscene graffiti! All senses were assaulted and I despised my own culture which the Israelis had brought with them when they migrated from Europe and the U

    43. Almost all of the population of North America had migrated south, except for the slaves in the domes—which weren’t even really domes at the time, so she’s been told, but really just well guarded cities undergoing reconstruction and restructuring

    44. He migrated out here

    45. she had to come to meet me once she migrated to

    46. young lady migrated and moved when the ‘house was set

    47. mother and daughter in Sri Lanka (she had just migrated

    48. He was the first of that generation that knew each other and had migrated in those years to be buried in England

    49. One that we are all descendants of apes or ape-like creatures that migrated from Africa and replaced similar species in Europe and Asia either by extermination or assimilation

    50. Among these were four large Jewish groups that migrated to a single planet about mid way out on the arm

    1. Though the body ages in the perpetual present, bearing the record of the past and being the vessel of the future, it is not simply, nor primarily, the physical that migrates between habitations and from those habitations create the zones of their relationships

    2. In this way, by incessant gaming, one's addiction migrates from the incentive of rewards to the stimulation of gaming

    3. Migrator a being within samsara who migrates from one uncon-

    4. If the Karta himself migrates, an alternative Karta of the HUF is appointed by the

    5. If this should fail, the service then migrates the application to another computer in the cluster

    6. HSM is a software product that automatically migrates files between the various media, depending on how often they’re accessed

    7. The command shown in the following screenshot migrates a live virtual machine live called "New Virtual Machine" to a remote Hyper-V host named server2:

    8. If this were the case the process of laying and hatching might be inconveniently long, more especially as she migrates at a very early period; and the first hatched young would probably have to be fed by the male alone

    9. Ere long, not only on these banks, but on every hill and plain and in every hollow, the frost comes out of the ground like a dormant quadruped from its burrow, and seeks the sea with music, or migrates to other climes in clouds

    1. • Empty tunnels will be used by migrating moles in the fall

    2. "No," she said, "I've been in touch with one of the guys I met while migrating north, actually he's been in touch with me

    3. Minutes later we were soaring above Athens then circling towards the south like a migrating bird

    4. You just said that if the test you mean to run doesn’t show souls migrating into the dark matter, we probably have a hack, and Alan has to be the prime suspect if it is

    5. Migrating birds flourish along with the national white wagtail

    6. Famed for Havana cigars and vintage American cars, this island has 4000 miles of coastline and is home to the world’s smal est frog and bird, migrating land crabs, and bee

    7. With 21 beaches, there are warm water sharks, green sea turtles, and migrating whales and dolphins

    8. The far south (near the South Pole) is home to whales, penguins and migrating seabirds

    9. Matrix migrating through the core of a star

    10. In modern times, with the exception of importing cheap(er) labor from (Mexico) or migrating to friendlier working environments in (Right to Work States), a growing number of companies are fulfilling their labor requirements by (Outsourcing) abroad

    11. The spring return of the migrating herd was vague, almost unremembered

    12. I moved on to the second house, because it was about time for the migrating birds to be arriving

    13. On the third day, the morning was filled with the unmistakable racket of migrating birds

    14. It had worked and they had flourished, eventually growing too large for their valleys in the northeast and migrating in all directions

    15. As most of the eastwardly migrating Jews came from German-speaking territory, they

    16. migrating to your list, you won't have to worry about them running off and leaving

    17. Pull Factors refer to those which encourage migrating

    18. It has been an intricate task to sort out the reasons for Nepalese migrating to

    19. difficulties, people have been migrating from the hills to the Terai (plains),

    20. sending and receiving countries and the level of the migrating individuals and

    21. members from the family migrating to India, and the remaining 8% of the

    22. families had three or more members migrating to India

    23. This has resulted in a decrease of people migrating for political reasons

    24. population enhances the migrating trend causing people to move away from their habitation

    25. migrating trend of Western Nepal is because families want their children to have

    26. As in the physical world, we see people migrating to groups that reflect common principles

    27. migrating from Australia to the warmer climes in

    28. The catbirds? She had seen Cleoka Catbird join the migrating group that had formed around Rosenibbler and Fliptail and had then heard how her chatter kept pulling everyone off track

    29. Migrating to the states, he entered organized American professional wrestling and turned this choreographed event upside down

    30. The survivors had mostly taken to a nomadic way of life, migrating north in the summer to avoid the worst of the scorching heat and, from the few reports that Siri had heard, they were best avoided

    31. in winter… Our totem animal is the migrating bird

    32. the wild elephants spend much time eating and migrating in

    33. The world has contained and still contains barriers that prevent living things from migrating

    34. Another constant in this kaleidoscope of mud were the storks, who showed an embarrassing lack of originality in migrating along the very same route we were travelling

    35. But if it’s true that migrating creatures use the earth’s magnetic field as a guide, the results must be catastrophic

    36. migrating geese and a handful of squirrels, but little else

    37. Composed only of mutating targets migrating across hir face, love stared into the iEyes of AS

    38. pampatheres, and armadillos did the opposite, migrating to the

    39. So, he migrated with his migrating companions to Medina, where he met people who believed in him and who stood by him, and then he went back with them to his people in Mecca, where Al’lah granted him victory over them and let them be guided at his hands

    40. You can think of migrating for better life, when you only know that the other country has better infrastructure for its citizens, than the country you live in

    41. The rock is in the road of migrating salmon

    42. will send out an expedition to track migrating animals

    43. knowledge of earthly cataclysms, the migrating

    44. were migrating to Mars were given in reverse, teaching Martians what they

    45. So; how could a slower, less powerful scavenger with poor eyesight, smell and hearing, compete and survive during the seasonal drought of the African Veldt? The drying up of vegetation, waterholes, the migrating herds gone

    46. Then migrating to do the same thing, then coming back to do the same thing endlessly

    47. It was from this area: the center of Asia, which the most recent waves of migrating tribes spread out in all directions across the earth to settle in different areas

    48. Scientists found a small area where the selenium of farmland had been leached into the wetlands and waters migrating birds used on their seasonal routes, and found the birds dying in huge droves because they were ingesting all kinds of small organisms in those wetlands that had too much selenium in them

    49. They conveniently did not study just what artificial chemicals and fertilizers the farmers in that area were using to produce this deadly effect on migrating birds using this one small pond

    50. Having to use all of their body energy to stay alive and escape predators while migrating hundreds of miles

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