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    prostitute frases de exemplo





    1. And did you know that the average age of a prostitute abducted into the sex trade is 16? The same age as your daughter

    2. Prostitute: If a man dreams of a prostitute, he will have misfortune, poverty and shame

    3. “You should have done this from the start so I wouldn’t have had to be a prostitute

    4. Regardless of who he was, or where he came from, there wasn't a prostitute, thief or chopa dealer in the entire city who didn't hand him a cut of their earnings -- including Alec and Nathalia

    5. On one of those many long nights in the hold, when the last sailor had left, Berenice confided she was the daughter of a prostitute and she’d never known her father

    6. “No way – I can’t wear that! People will think I’m a prostitute!” Helez had said when Xonia showed her a sketch of the costume she had in mind

    7. It was undoubtedly more fun with a prostitute anyway

    8. it would be with a prostitute

    9. I knew in my heart he was right and that if he branded me a prostitute he would probably get away with it after all I had gone back to his house alone and I knew that it would kill Ma

    10. You put me on the streets as a prostitute when you got tired of me, you bastard

    11. Her penetrating green Irish eyes cast their gaze from one young prostitute to another

    12. “Are you telling me that last night you turned a prostitute loose in the house and she stole two of my cans? Is that it?”

    13. Upon her return to La Hacienda, Mike insisted that Sylvia hear for herself what the prostitute had to say since, as he said: “you’d never fucking believe me

    14. Yet, unbelievable as it was, out of fear for her life, that was exactly the name the prostitute offered as the one who had her money

    15. More likely than not, in his questions, Mike had provided the very information the prostitute needed to create her wacky story – or had it been entirely his own invention? She didn’t particularly care: she wanted her cash and she wanted to know who exactly was this Beth Tierney woman that mysteriously showed up, knowing everyone, and then probably slipped away with the money, cool as a cucumber, in Sylvia’s own car?

    16. Emerging from the bathroom, she saw every available chair, including the one at Mike’s side, was occupied by a prostitute

    17. The prostitute ignored her entirely, cheekily returning to sit at Mike’s side

    18. Caroline’s first official act as general manager was a gratifying one: barring the insolent prostitute, Herminia, Mike’s Chiquita

    19. Wondering how she had found her way into a rat hole like Hotel Paradise, it turned out that she’d befriended a prostitute that worked there

    20. Didn’t that take the cake? In Sylvia’s opinion, she ought to distance herself from the prostitute before she was cleaned out completely

    21. As for where the prostitute was, or what had become of her, that was “anybody’s guess,” Sylvia interjected, but added that she didn’t think there was much to be concerned about from her

    22. “Is that, do, did you shave yourself like that as, when you were a prostitute?”

    23. You would almost take her for a prostitute

    24. I just… I don’t like it when people talk about her like she’s some sort of… prostitute

    25. Just as we cannot sleep with a prostitute to “prove all things” to know whether this is good or bad, you cannot cremate yourself to “prove” whether it is good or bad

    26. criminal record, there are hundreds of relatives is "beggars, indulgence and prostitute"

    27. nothing most interested, was unjustly accused of being a prostitute,

    28. The young murderer and pathetic vampire that couldn't even get a date, the only women that had slept with him when he looked like this was a prostitute that was now dead and mourned by only those that remembered her before her life became such a tragic painting

    29. Later the Law of Moses stated that a prostitute be stoned to death if she is caught red

    30. She has a tendency to use men in her affairs as she was once a prostitute, which is the norm for homeless women, but she was a total sweetheart

    31. 29 Do not prostitute your daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness

    32. 29 Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of

    33. “No it’s nothing like that, no sex I'm not a prostitute

    34. short time when I was forced to work in Dubai as a prostitute

    35. the hotel bar, and you will work there as a prostitute

    36. now lying on the bed of some prostitute, forced to decide whether

    37. But was I really destined to become a prostitute? Did God really want

    38. brought to work as a prostitute

    39. a prostitute, which I had become

    40. This man did not need a prostitute; he needed his wife or

    41. He explained to me that he had not wanted a prostitute

    42. without irony, “this is what a prostitute does

    43. to be a prostitute, ready to sell her own jeng e? Maybe this was why

    44. The prostitute glanced at the sky

    45. the prostitute with some amusement as she entered the

    46. prostitute, and moved towards her

    47. Passing the first hut, the one belonging to the village prostitute, he snaked his mind out a little—not enough for anyone to catch him—and tried to feel what was happening

    48. And the ten horns which you saw, and the beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her having been laid waste and will make her naked, and they will eat her flesh and will burn her in fire

    49. " Pete was not impressed; a prostitute not coming to work was not his problem

    50. Next morning, Norm Duffy reported for duty and was greeted warmly by Michael who told him that he expected Richard Barrett to appear shortly and that they would be working together on the prostitute case

    1. She had prostituted herself to this pig for nothing, she felt ashamed of her actions but even more ashamed by the fact that she had also immensely enjoyed herself in the process – sadly to the point that she had pushed her original intensions from her mind and totally gone with the moment

    2. It was like a great big arena where burgers, cheese steaks, Chinese foods, and hotdogs prostituted themselves out to the consumer Johns strolling past

    3. “Not only was the man verbally and physically abusive in the worse way imaginable ever since Butch was four years old, he also prostituted him in order to get the money needed to cover his addiction

    4. And lo, who was her mother? I told about the woman who once prostituted herself for her children’s betterment; what a piquant situation it was for both of us as we recognized each other, maybe owing to her conviction of her compulsion, she didn’t lose her poise, and my appreciation of her character enabled me to retain my composure

    5. "Oh, so because you're my father and the King, I should let you degrade me to that level? Well, listen here, you're not my King! I renounce citizenship! Send me to jail or execute me for my insolence towards the King of this country! Why would I care? You might be the man who made my mother pregnant with me but are you really a father to me? Not only have you been absent all my life, but you see me as no more than a piece of meat and prostituted me to your nephew in exchange for him becoming your successor so you can save your son! And all that speech a few days ago about legitimizing me, and that you cared about me and everything, was that just a lie?" She responded with the same tone

    6. will annoy the command structure because the girls prostituted as slaves guarantee Bankers and other

    7. As to the Pimp and Prostitute angle I’m the only person who sleeps with my wives and so how are they being prostituted?

    8. He sold himself—in a word, prostituted himself

    9. Laboursaving apparatuses, supplanters, bugbears, manufactured monsters for mutual murder, hideous hobgoblins produced by a horde of capitalistic lusts upon our prostituted labour

    10. “Do you mean that your stepfather prostituted you? That he was your pimp?”

    11. In journals which sold themselves, prostituted journalists, insulted the exiles of 1815

    12. And this is what people of our day and of our circle should understand, in order to avoid the filthy torrent of depraved and prostituted art with which we are deluged

    13. A clever, handsome fellow, but the more pitiful that he was by nature above the uses to which he prostituted himself

    14. When he arrives at Baltimore he is surrounded by tories, royalists, Burrites, and British agents, and treated with great politeness—when he arrives in Philadelphia, he is overwhelmed by the civilities of refugees, tories, Burrites, and United States' Bank directors—when he arrives at New York, he is received with open arms by a set of beings of the same description, who invite him to a public dinner, and to test their attachment to the British Government treat him to "God save the King"—when he reaches Boston, there is great parade indeed; he is welcomed to the city by tories, traitors, disorganizers, and embargo-breakers, and Fanueil Hall, once the Council Chamber of the patriots of the Revolution, is prostituted to the disgraceful purpose of a public dinner to this disgraced Minister, and there we see a distinguished Senator of the United States testing his loyalty by the toast of "Britain's fast anchored isle, the world's last hope

    15. Were gentlemen to confine themselves to a temperate investigation of the propriety of adopting measures either recommended by the Executive, or proposed by the majority, who is there that would not listen with pleasure and satisfaction? But when the liberty of debate was prostituted in disseminating the most unfounded charges, in the indiscriminate abuse of the constituted authorities of the nation, he confessed he could not "always be a hearer, and never reply

    16. the liberty of debate prostituted in disseminating the most unfounded charges, 639;

    1. He was a state trooper called out there to investigate a high occurrence of young prostitutes being raped and murdered

    2. Dad said that only a weird, sad man picks up prostitutes

    3. "Prostitutes? Pimps? That kind of thing?"

    4. Prostitutes, pimps and that kind of thing

    5. However, the cultic prostitutes who serve at the temple of Aphrodite in Corinth flaunted their profession by going unveiled in public

    6. "No, the better people here aren't prostitutes for the most part and the professionals are too exotic for me to enjoy

    7. The way that you worship her is that there were temple priests and temple prostitutes

    8. Every society had women like Susan; we call them whores, and prostitutes

    9. She represented the good and the bad: the politicians, street-players, gypsies, police, drug dealers, prostitutes and priests - all in equal measure - and in between, the cafe owners and their ten-piece bouzouki orchestras

    10. 3They cast lots for my people and traded boys for prostitutes; they sold

    11. and alleys where drug addicts, prostitutes, and those bound in

    12. She was appalled that the Babylonians had temple prostitutes and that intercourse with them at the temple was considered part of their worship

    13. He wondered which ones were prostitutes, in dire need of money for another line of that purple Vex, and which ones were simply home-wrecked girls, in dire need of love and warmth

    14. Rumour had it that the escort clubs (prostitutes) did roaring business with the married farmers

    15. On the way, I was stopped by several prostitutes who offered their services

    16. Twenty-four hours a day, prostitutes milled about and tourists slammed tequila down their throats, often becoming incoherent within minutes, while the bargirls in their company, intent upon the contents of their wallets, sipped expensive cocktails of colored water and offered gleeful encouragement

    17. She and her poor sainted mother had suffered enough of his lifetime of drunkenness and affinity for prostitutes that Sylvia assumed that the nursing home director was probably doing her a favor by not calling the police

    18. Gays, prostitutes, and IV drug users are often left out, the people often most at risk

    19. The CD changer had just replaced the Gypsy Kings with the Rolling Stones, when Caroline inserted, amid her continuous chatter about Brian Walston’s wonderful qualities and her trials and tribulations at having a troupe of prostitutes to herd, that the stable boy, Alfredo, had mentioned that a horse had died at sea of colic

    20. US were either stayed faithful to their wives, partook of the numerous prostitutes that followed Union armies, or found more than a few willing southern women, both prostitutes and simply willing girlfriends

    21. That translated into avoiding the usual hotspots in the gathered crowd, namely blind drinking contests (named so because the winner usually ends up with optic nerve damage), prostitutes (sex workers is a more catchy term, but in Memphis they still call them whores), and alligator fights (popular opinion is that the losing ’gator is turned into women’s accessories, but some local news outlets circulated some rather more sinister rumors about zombie assasin ’gators)

    22. However, of interest to Beth and Truman, there was nothing, though they listened intently to each message which treated them only to a rogue’s gallery of prostitutes and alcoholics

    23. “A few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and took a trip to a distant land, and there wasted all his money on parties and prostitutes

    24. as twelve had been actively recruited to serve as prostitutes

    25. 6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job

    26. He figured the State could make a lot of money if they put a tax on the earnings of prostitutes

    27. As to the prostitutes, he needed not fear, I had no interest in them

    28. Back in the autumn of 1888, the pub was at the very center of the relatively small area in which the five murders were committed, and it was a well known haunt of local prostitutes

    29. It is also a common haunt of the area prostitutes; indeed the poor woman I killed was almost certainly drinking in there on that terrible night

    30. Membership was highly sought after and enjoyed by those who could afford it, either legally or otherwise, and members enjoyed fine dining, excellent wines and spirits, cards and other games, and a selection of high class prostitutes

    31. Once Salisbury had committed the first murder, many of the members thought it would be hilarious to kill more prostitutes and give the impression that a serial killer was on the rampage in the East End

    32. a side street, rejecting the offers of the prostitutes that stood

    33. of scantily-clad prostitutes at the corners, and continued north

    34. In those days, harlots; or prostitutes as we call them now, covered their faces with a

    35. I wondered if they were prostitutes who used serving tables in an inn to line up clients

    36. To set an example, in September 1918, Lenin order the authorities in Ni-zhni Novgorod to ‘introduce at once mass terror, execute and deport hundreds of prostitutes, drunken soldiers, ex-officers, etc

    37. It is then he understands where he is and who these women are—the prostitutes of his village, those whom they never acknowledge although the men in his army use them often

    38. were prostitutes? I stayed in bed the whole day

    39. they could do that, how could they work as prostitutes? I asked them

    40. Several of the prostitutes on the street eyed Connie,

    41. in the same category as prostitutes; they sell their time, and

    42. 30 But when this your son came who has devoured your living with prostitutes you killed the fattened calf for him

    43. " Jesus said to them "Most certainly I tell you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering into the Kingdom of God before you

    44. 32 For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you didn't believe him but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him

    45. 21:27-40 Neither do I tell you by what authority I do these things; So what do you think of this? A certain man had two sons and he came to the first and said: Son go work in my vineyard today; He answered and said: I will not but afterward he repented and went; and he came to the second one and similarly he answered and said: I will go sir; and he did not go; Truly I say to you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the Kingdom of God before you because John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him; and you did not repent afterwards when you had seen it so that you might believe him; Hear another parable: There was a certain householder who planted a vineyard and hedged it round about and dug out a winepress in it and built a tower and let it out to hired farmers and went into a far country; and when the time of the fruit drew near he sent his servants to the hired farmers that they might receive the fruits of it; and the hired farmers took his servants and beat one and killed another and stoned another

    46. He knew that prostitutes live a very itinerant life and that their disappearance from one area usually meant that they had moved on to another town or another part of the city

    47. Mark was not unduly concerned about his actions as he had been expecting that at some stage his movements and activities would be detected either by the underworld or by someone investigating the disappearances of prostitutes

    48. This brought forward a number of anonymous phone calls from men who had been in the red light district and several calls from prostitutes alerted by the underground news network which had rapidly alerted all brothel owners and girls that the police were investigating the disappearance of a number of prostitutes and now the murder of a copper

    49. Correlating information from the anonymous calls and prostitutes it appeared that the vehicle was probably a Ford Fairlane model which was very popular with larger companies as an executive vehicle

    50. Within hours of sending the information out Michael had a call from Missing Persons in Brisbane where a number of prostitutes had disappeared in similar circumstances over the past few months

    1. And that made me wonder what on earth I was doing prostituting myself in a bordello! I might be called an escort, but what was the difference? This would be my third paying client, but this time I hadn’t the right to refuse! The others were chance encounters with attractive men I might have gone with anyway

    2. Gautam surely was guilty of prostituting his wife

    3. … Ron caught it ‘cause last fall the fool decided to start prostituting himself so he could keep affording another fix

    4. While prostituting was profitable and legal, few people respected the

    5. “I guess it’s better than prostituting herself to finance a drug addiction?”

    6. In these situations, Vern Evelee always remarked that she should have sold her planter in ’83, as if that was proof she was prostituting herself

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