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    Use "shorts" em uma frase

    shorts frases de exemplo


    1. His yard boy, who was friendly with Estwig, though half a decade younger, ran a few blocks after them, then snatched off and waved his shorts as they rumbled out of sight

    2. Prince Ahmed, wearing furry slippers, a pair of boxer shorts with Snoopy on them, and a frilly bathrobe, sits miserably on the silk sheets of his huge canopy waterbed, while his portly, graying American lover, RICCI BAOLONI, cardigan sweater and cotton briefs, plays softly at the white baby grand piano nearby

    3. Melinda noticed a stain on her shorts

    4. My still damp jeans and shorts lay at the foot of the bed and I put them in the bucket in a vain attempt to confine their ill-humours

    5. Two pairs of boxer shorts, grey

    6. Already there was a fair bit of activity in the streets – people wandering around in what she could only assume was special holiday attire for men of brightly coloured shorts and tops, some women in absurdly brief skirts, others in long muslin affairs that wouldn’t look out of place on Errd, most of them carrying bags of towels and dragging small noisy children laden with buckets and spades

    7. “Them, just shorts and tee-shirts for the while” replied Fred

    8. She rolled up his other two pair of shorts and put them under the arch of his foot, then wrapped his foot much tighter with Desa's dress

    9. KELLY is in shorts and halter-top

    10. Astride a couple of motor bikes sat a couple of other visitors, rather obvious in matching wraparound sunglasses, identical maroon shorts and gaudy waterproofs; I couldn't help but wonder why they found our van so fascinating

    11. I was quite taken aback and shot upright just in time to catch myself reflected in two pairs of mirrored lenses before reeling into two pairs of maroon shorts and almost passing out

    12. Him in his bathing shorts, scratching his belly, engrossed in his book and me stretched out on a towel in the shade

    13. He crossed himself whilst testing the bundles with his toe and then the maroon shorts came into view and I knew he was the enemy

    14. to our school?' Tapan grumbled as he rubbed the ball on his shorts

    15. In particular she asked each fair maid if she would wash her son’s crinkly boxer shorts and diamond pattern ankle socks

    16. He wore the Australian team shirt, but had a pair of casual khaki shorts on

    17. took his hands out of the pants and slid it again into Ish's shorts

    18. maid if she would wash her son’s crinkly boxer shorts and diamond

    19. ” The crew had given up watching them so he let her undo his shorts

    20. Was it really only a month ago that he was at school with his friends, playing basketball, hitting the arcade after school, ogling the girls as they walked past in their mini shorts and figure hugging tops?

    21. Helen watches the doctor as he packs his clothes, wrapping the American currency in his boxer shorts

    22. There were a few people with shirts and pants and a few with just shirts, shorts or clouts

    23. Heather slid on a pair of athletic shorts, a T-shirt, and over both top and

    24. He is a large muscular man wearing a dark blue shirt and shorts with distinctive orange-red hair

    25. my haste I caught the leg of my shorts on a hook or

    26. Into this he put a wooly jumper, spare socks and underwear, an extra shirt and a pair of shorts and a sleeping bag

    27. She pulled out a pair of black shorts with suspenders attached, and a cropped top sewed to the suspenders

    28. The suspenders rested on the outer edges of her breasts and the shorts ended at mid thigh

    29. He was willing to remove his shorts

    30. Off came his shorts, his socks and shoes

    31. His face growing warmer by the second, Sammy pushed down his shorts and

    32. Scott could just discern a man in a T-shirt and shorts scrambling up the slope towards the waterfall

    33. Sebastian moved quietly to one of his bags and pulled out a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt

    34. Again, he cleaned the dried blood before slipping his gym shorts over her

    35. He had her wrapped in his coat with his sweat pants over the shorts she was wearing

    36. In her skimpy shorts and halter T-shirt, she was back to her old self, before the months of confinement that had left her wasted away to a pale skeletal shadow of this beautiful woman

    37. I looked at Johnny whose uniform was faded to nearly the same colour as the dust his shirt had no arms left in it and his pants were now a pair of shorts

    38. “Where the hell have you come from and where did you get a uniform that looks like that you are more like a tramp than a member of his Majesties army!” I must admit that my uniform was a bit informal the shirt was three sizes to large for me as was the tunic I had on a pair of shorts that were a might small I had no cap and was wearing plimsolls on my feet

    39. The ants were now eating through the thighs of his ragged shorts; he tried not to imagine the new pain once the material had been eaten

    40. wear was shorts, a shirt with collar, low-slung shoes and low-cut socks

    41. office, Maria going along as my interpreter, and me dressed in my shirt, shorts, shoes and socks

    42. She then laid into his PVC lined shorts with her favourite crop, telling him to shut up he was a bad dog

    43. She slipped his gag and collar on after she had shredded the shorts and led him round the house occasionally kicking him and flicking him with her whip, clearly with practised dexterity

    44. James, of course, went up to his room, returned a few minutes later in shorts and a tee shirt and went jogging

    45. I changed out of my overly large and overly used sleep shirt into a pair of denim shorts and a pink strappy shirt and clambered into my car without shoes or brushing my hair

    46. He had to get rid of his tie and chino pants if he ever wanted to fit in with the locals who only ever wore baggies or shorts, jeans and tee-shirts

    47. I noticed he had abandoned his outer town clothing and adorned the local attire of shorts and a tee-shirt, it made him look even taller

    48. The rest was up to the individual and most wore shorts and short sleeves with vellies which is a type of shoe made of leather and no socks

    49. During weekends most Expats wears shorts and sandals

    50. Frank left the shop with a pair of expensive Nikes, some shorts and a running vest, all neatly packed into a new rucksack

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