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    trunks frases de exemplo


    1. Avoid watering the trunks

    2. The shaftwoods were dark green bigleafs, the trunks about sixteen inches at the top of that house, about six feet apart, the housing looked to be six by eight trunks, five or six more floors

    3. Most of the time the banks were a tangle of roots from the trunks leaning way out over the water

    4. The water level might vary a foot here with the seasons and the storms, keeping those trunks fairly big

    5. He was in the center of a thicket, his legs drawn up, his back against the clump of thick reeds that was one of the trunks of this clump

    6. The trunks of this clump of keltoids formed a rough circle about fifteen feet in diameter with the fireplace right in the center

    7. This whole village was built out of one archwood clump, a stream, some big stones carved out of the creek bed and some plank-up plus the trunks that grew up around it

    8. There were plenty of paths to enter the village, all of them lead to a public square under the three grand houses grown from the central trunks of the original archwood clump

    9. The leaves are curled at the edges, frequently dotted with yellow or brown patches, the trunks scabbed with fungus suggesting rotten cores

    10. Lord Tarak, Duncan, First Kai and Lady Rayne piled two of the hovercraft high with large trunks, and set out for the Queens Hold by mid morning

    11. He paid me with trunks full of

    12. I took in the trunks as I had no risk

    13. The bedding was brought out from many trunks located in a storeroom in the back of the cave

    14. Nudity was legal here, but not virtually required like in Kassidor Yakhan, and both those guys had trunks on

    15. The thick trunks were all the decor there was inside except for the bar and the kegs

    16. The structure was the darkest of dark, the trunks of it’s main building had grown so thick and burly by now that rough bark covered everything

    17. The main trunks were at least thirty feet thick, the lumps in the bark on the coils of it’s roots were big enough to sit on

    18. The grounds were roughly walled with loose stone and the lawn was nothing but some mossy slopes leading up to the doors between the trunks

    19. It hadn’t used it’s trunks as part of the front wall as well as some, and it didn’t have canal frontage

    20. All the information was carved into signs screwed to the bases of the huge trunks

    21. “About as long as these trunks have sunk root here,” he said while looking around

    22. There before him was one of the most magnificent traveling trunks he had ever seen, and they had seen a great number over the years

    23. They had to bring in a little help with this and that, new centers of growth have taken over old, what was once the broken-off trunk has put up shoots above everyone now and knee-roots have grown into trunks

    24. It was a place with one main room, basically round, of the new frost-hardy archwood trunks, with alcoves in some of the arches

    25. The ceiling was high and pointed where the trunks came back together into one tree again twenty or thirty feet above

    26. girth of small tree trunks, and he was clearly very

    27. The forest was quite beautiful, huge straight trunks rose to a canopy of tiny leaves far above

    28. He climbed, rather than walked over huge roots and dead trunks, falling into drops under overgrown piles of dead branches and sliding on the dead leaves and damp rocks

    29. He crossed the near clearing, and then climbed down thru a small patch of rocky woodland before coming to another clearing where he was closer to the horizontal trunks

    30. Different plants grew on different sides of the horizontal trunks

    31. Knume’s fireplace was a semicircle, the focus of the cushion, the table and the sink, flanked by stairways down and up and set in the trunks of the house

    32. A few stones had cracked, the trunks and vines were knotty

    33. He had found a large rare enra tree to use as the main structure, and had cut the top off it ten stories above the ground so the limbs at that level would grow new trunks

    34. have to lay poison around the trunks as well

    35. "We don't have any trunks or columns in the abandoned area under us, but the other side of the hall does

    36. There were numerous piles of furniture leading to tree trunks to which handholds had been pegged sometime in the past

    37. From here he found he was able to scamper up and up to where fewer and fewer trunks reached

    38. The flashlight beams began to play around the upper parts of this area where trunks were fewer

    39. He hummed around the pulsating network of trunks and roots listening and observing

    40. He walked off the trail, up the mound and kneeled down between the trunks of the large oaks

    41. When the ship docked in Boston I collected my pay, said my farewells, and hired a “hack” to cart me and my trunks to Paul Matthew’s shop

    42. I took furniture, trunks, the cargo dolly, pistols, sabers, gunpowder, lead shot, money, pocket watches (of which I found five), clothes, hammocks, bedding, soap, books

    43. Inside she could see a large chamber, possibly larger than seating area two but with a lower ceiling, stacked three wide and two high with large metal trunks

    44. Tree trunks probably struck by lightning were lying along the side of the house

    45. As we entered the olive grove, I noticed the twisted trunks of ancient trees with their limbs bent in all directions

    46. It appeared strange to me that trunks of these trees should all bend one way

    47. Their limbs and heads dangled motionless from the trunks of their bodies

    48. ” As he hit one of the supporting small tree trunks which had held up a roof, it swayed

    49. I leaned against one of the gnarled tree trunks, almost unable to stand without support

    50. All that was left was the stumps or shattered trunks of the trees leaving an eerie looking landscape that did not look very inviting

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