Use "underlying" em uma frase
underlying frases de exemplo
1. He realises that there is one underlying homogeneous essence, a living truth, behind these names and forms of living beings
2. The job is at offices in Taunton – damn! – and the job sounds pretty lousy but beggars can’t be choosers and the underlying feeling I get from Jackie at the agency is that I should be grateful that anyone is prepared to interview someone as ancient as I am
3. It wouldn't be the first time he had made a law enforcer disappear and he would enjoy the slow task of peeling him down, literally, to the essential weakness underlying all human bravado
4. There is an underlying driving force that propels the
5. Most people's inherent underlying personalities wouldn't take the illness to such extremes as I did, but it can happen with a type 1
6. As you talk about your struggles, you process the underlying emotions that come along with
7. your health or well-being, the underlying causes of the
8. because the underlying causes of the disease have not
9. are, in my opinion, an underlying cause of cancer
10. an underlying cause of his tennis elbow
11. mind knows what the underlying cause of the phobia
12. lack of proper attention to the underlying causes of
13. came back full swing because the underlying cause was
14. The underlying cause must be
15. perhaps some of the underlying causes of your health
16. underlying causes that can vary from person to person,
17. where it is the major or only underlying cause of the
18. underlying cause of the pain she was experiencing in
19. Trapped Emotions Often Underlying Cause of, 9, 12, 71, 76, 79,
20. There was no mistaking the underlying
21. decorations there was an underlying odor in the arena
22. "What do you think of it, Master Brice?" he asked the mage, his words spoken with an underlying edge of fierceness
23. What is the judicial underlying basis for capital punishment? In other words,
24. Just as a judicial court merits out the death penalty with the underlying
25. Even now two days later, frequent yawns attested to his underlying fatigue
26. There was an underlying hunger that could only be satisfied after they were wed
27. The underlying belief of yoga is that a naturally joyous Self exists within you
28. The reality of the Self is the underlying premise of yogic philosophy
29. That understanding, and the underlying knowledge that supported it, made it's way back to Lascor, but the Matriarch reigning at the time only allowed the Great Knowledge to be shared amongst the royal household for their own benefit
30. The underlying message of this anomaly is that an extremity can be the causation of the other
31. This resistance also indicates that there is an underlying issue that we need to resolve
32. The underlying reason is the intention and should be assessed properly before an action is taken
33. When there is great and sincere underlying intention, prayers and mantras will be more effective as the intent is like an ‘energy boost’ which helps manifest the situations we wish for
34. Although battles and skirmishes are still taking place around the world, the underlying reason is changing
35. Panin discovered that these anomalies were not just there by chance, but that they were actually required for perfecting the underlying structural design of the text, which became evident as his studies continued
36. The names also had to be in a specific order, so that this passage, as it was written in Greek sometime after 30 AD, would conform to an underlying design
37. It becomes immediately obvious that this underlying structure in the numerical qualities of the passage, when compared to the definitions of “design” and of “chaos”, would have to fall under that of being designed
38. The process I used to hide the code in a sentence is aimed at achieving one design goal (to create an ELS), and does not at all comply to any underlying numeric design or higher levels of design that may also exist in the sentence, as we find existing in the Bible
39. None of them contained any codes that were outside statistically expected probabilities and none had any numeric underlying structure to them, similar to what is found in the Bible
40. Compared with the underlying structure of the Bible and Bible codes that have to be studied in the original languages, prophecies are relatively easy to assess and test for truthfulness
41. As these tectonic plates started moving away from each other, the underlying layers which had been under immense pressure from the crust above, were no longer pushed down by the crust and as a result bulged out as we can see today in areas of the planet such as the mid-Atlantic ridge
42. Yet, he had an underlying mystery about him that made
43. crackle, no artificial hiss of static underlying it
44. I will tell you something else as well when she was young she must have been absolutely stunning and you could still see the underlying beauty still
45. But he said, when Jimmy expressed an interest, ‘the physical nature of all matter is determined by its underlying structure, a component of which vibrates at a particular frequency
46. And yet they may have only been a product of his imagination, such was the collapse of partitions between the conscious and underlying mental processes
47. A threadbare carpet led them up two flights of stairs permeated with the scent of lye, which did not quite overpower the underlying urine stench
48. (The) news, apart from informing the Public, is a medium (oftentimes) lacking underlying or supporting proofs or creditable evidence
49. Engineering, it lies in the (underlying) assumption of ―Native Inferiority‖
50. What has not changed, however, are the underlying assumptions of Freedom and Natural Rights that every citizen is entitled and the protection of such inalienable rights by our government
51. His most belligerent detractors on the Left have never quite forgotten his role in the Watergate cover-up although if the truth were known, ―Alger Hess‖ was the underlying catalyst behind their unwavering contempt for the man
52. The jury selection process has become (the) key underlying component in winning high-profile cases whose outcomes are oftentimes predetermined before opening statements are presented to the jury
53. That certain ethnic or racial groups have historically outperformed others in a variety of different fields including sports, medicine, arts and sciences, literature or education in general, should not astonish critics skeptical of the underlying differences owing to cultural and (natural) agents that predispose achievement
54. The underlying premise of the Word preceding Creation, I believe, is
55. Therefore, can any of us ascertain, without qualification, that the manner an individual behaves is either moral or immoral without properly assessing that individual‘s underlying assumptions or conditions without compromising our (own) judgment? Insight into ―things‖, as indicated above, requires that an individual be cognizant of the internal factors that correctly define the quality of his or her actions; that such qualities ―unseen‖ are nevertheless as real as Character, Decency or Virtuosity, or their opposites, that become readily apparent to an inquiring mind
56. In this manner, the love an individual expresses for another individual is conditioned by self-interest and that the underlying motives behind every kindly and selfless act conceals an (inner) need or emotional requirement that an individual seeks to fulfill
57. In the case of the Christian, (the) fear of eternal damnation is the underlying factor that informs his or her decision; the mother, an intolerable existence without her child
58. A child requires appropriate developmental guidelines that reinforces an underlying awareness of what is right and wrong, what is acceptable behavior and what is not; that he or she will one day be accountable not only for themselves but to other people as well
59. as an indivisible expression of what connects all of us - the underlying,
60. In fact, it may be correctly argued that these aren‘t societies at all, however dimly perceived masses of people who have adopted a survival instinct rather than learned how to live a meaningful existence; to behave reasonably, within socially defined parameters, in his or her own manner, to pursue his or her (own) interests or to develop his or her (own) underlying potential or render informed judgments in consonant compliance with his or her Conscience
61. Finally, curling his upper lip in contempt, he snapped, "You try my patience, badger!" The underlying threat was implicit in his tone
62. Although certain forms of behavior or crimes are generally understood, their (underlying) motives or reasons (or Truth) are not always apparent; that is to say, not necessarily evident in themselves although they should be to critically minded individuals
63. The inherent ―right‖ to terminate one‘s (own) life as it relates to vague or questionable notions defining quality of life, introduces yet another dubious precedent as it relates to Choice, especially in rather gray areas where the decision to either perpetuate or curtail an individual‘s life has been proxied (sic) at a time when that individual could not possibly foresee the (uncertain) consequences of such decisions entrusted to the care of family members or friends (concealing underlying motives for authorizing such decisions, perhaps) or where a potential illness at some uncertain point in time or that individual‘s problematical reaction (to that illness) could not possibly be understood in advance; that is to say, until that individual is actually sitting on Death‘s doorstep
64. Although tax cuts promote investment, production and (economic) growth, not to mention spending, that fuels all of the above; and while such measures should be vigorously pursued whenever possible, the underlying crisis concerning most (critically minded) Americans is (correctly) understood as Moral rather than Economic; especially among social conservatives, the illegitimate offsprings of an Establishment Party who will not be easily swayed by the prospect of a few additional dollars in their wallets
65. Appropriately enough, the officer‘s (McDonald) underlying theme centered on urban crime
66. Such overtures, depending on the (underlying) designs of the speaker and the receptiveness of his audience, could be incendiary and volatile at times, not unlike (the) rhetorical expressions that pass for populism in our own times
67. Indifference to customary (religious) attitudes is a cause of grave concern; especially among practicing Christians and (Orthodox) Jews alike who perceive the gradual erosion of the underlying principles and teachings of proud (religious) traditions and its demoralizing effect on society; of Christians and Jews in name only who are routinely abandoning their churches and synagogues while shedding their religious customs and beliefs in alarming numbers to worship before the alter of the ―golden calf‖
68. substance; that is to say, accumulated more or less property or wealth than some other individual, has achieved more or less (material) success than that other individual although that individual‘s success on balance, in the absence of underlying measures, remains problematical
69. Such are the (underlying) misconceptions of myopic designs that ―visualize‖ future requirements within present time frames
70. Such (thoughtless) attitudes are (especially) apparent among certain segments of our Youth who have grown indifferent, if not impervious, altogether, to nuance, irony and wit or subtle designs or delicate shadings that (otherwise) require a receptive imagination rather than taking ―everything‖ at their face value, (as many of them seem to do); conditioned as their minds often are by the requirements of material ―evidence‖ and visual ―proofs‖; neither able to draw inferences nor reach (meaningful) conclusions from underlying sources, opting, instead, for the path of least (perceptual) resistance
71. There exists an underlying current of confidence inherent in teleological designs reposed in a (presumed) understanding of ―things‖
72. That we all perceive things differently is a matter of conditioning rather than their (underlying) essence
73. either because he or she needs the money or because these collectibles no longer hold the same intrinsic ―value‖ that they once did, so why not part with (them) for a profit? This is not meant to imply, however, that that individual‘s principled belief system has been fundamentally modified in any manner; such accommodations do not (necessarily) alter the underlying (moral) assumptions that (otherwise) defines that individual
74. Young boys coming into their own, especially during their formative years, should not be discouraged from engaging in physical activities; that is to say, the type of ―horse play‖ or ―rough housing‖, common among growing boys, that gives vent to their masculinity; that is to say, gender characteristics underlying decidedly masculine attitudes inherent in the male species
75. It is axiomatic that every individual who properly enjoys life, gives (reflective) pause to all that is meaningful and of certain value; held motionless by uncertain forms that have yet to take shape however aroused by such notions that (necessarily) compel he or she to probe deeper into their essential nature notwithstanding how they (may) oftentimes exceed the capacious limits of that individual‘s (private) understanding that nevertheless continues to intrigue inquiring minds cognizant of intuitive impressions part real / part imaginary yet real in the real sense of being One in All; (however separated) whose underlying presence, however, conveys a (higher) spiritual or moral standing…that the young, conditioned by the expectancies of youth united with the old seeking redemption for unfulfilled promises or missed opportunities; each converging toward the same starting/ending point, the one embarking on life and the other approaching its end, in some manner, however, occasioning a (new) beginning, a jubilee, an extension of life which becomes younger (while growing older), brought together, youth/age, childlike in all its manly/womanly innocence while the middle years patiently bide their appointed time
76. What many of these women and their proselytized (male) cohorts fail to recognize, howe ver, is that manly qualities are determined by nature and that although the underlying characteristics(s) that typically define (most) males may be artificially modified, nature‘s tenacious capacity to overcome such efforts is demonstrated in the remarkable manner it is able to recover itself
77. A creditable opinion is conditioned by an underlying awareness of the (essential) properties inherent in its (tested) propositions
78. The War on Terror is encountering a great deal of opposition from the (hard) Left who continue to advance the notion of American Moral Culpability; that is to say, that America is the (historical) root cause of (all) worldly grievances and should therefore make every conceivable effort to redress certain points of contention that have evolved from its own (alleged) transgressions; thereby giving (justifiable) cause to the underlying motives that led up to the events of 9/11
79. Laws, in the absence of binding (principle) origins constitute a transitory, variable system of rules conditioned by current fashions without regard to (the) underlying (moral) assumptions that otherwise provide (customary) perspective to a well-ordered, (continuous) society
80. Whenever legal revisions are inconsonant with the underlying assumptions of Original Intent, such modifications are improperly considered and, in some instances, morally objectionable (Abortion) once their conceptual designs have been improperly
81. The underlying confusion over not being able to ―tell the forest from the trees‖ lies in mistaken impressions that incorrectly estimate the relationship between a whole and its parts
82. ‖ Instead, Evil has acquired a subjective meaning; that is to say, lacking certitude or prone to conventional (or essential) assumptions whose questionable propositions render formal interpretations problematical, if not (morally or ethically) judgmental because of their underlying ―uncertainty,‖ thereby raising the question: what constitutes Good, for that matter? Plato argued that ―which we call evil is merely ignorance and that good is that which everyone desires‖
83. There is an underlying tendency, however, among certain individuals to render complex what are otherwise rather simple propositions
84. a crime, must be held accountable for that crime whatever the (underlying) reason, considered apart, as it relates to the commission of a crime
85. Perhaps it might be more appropriate to say that God‘s underlying ―presence‖ is properly reflected in His Works and therefore ―exists‖ within the spiritual context of His Creation
86. What is understood as jealously or any other emotion incorrectly attributed to God should not be applied within the context of underlying human emotions or desires
87. Despair is an underlying source of anger and confusion that gives vent to our Humanity
88. For this reason, a timid individual, for example, may be more unlikely than another individual, who is more daring, to confront pressing challenges unless the underlying motives are superseded by other, more compelling reasons or competing factors connected in some manner with the
89. primary motive, in which case, although the (initial), underlying motive remains constant, its operations may ―necessarily‖ vary
90. Although teaching and training methods oftentimes vary by profession, their underlying principles generally remain the same
91. But none of the underlying problems with the financial system were solved
92. Implying that their children‘s underlying talents lay predominately in sports is demeaning to Black Americans
93. I would argue that spending inefficiencies rather than insufficient resources are the real culprits masking the (underlying) reasons why many of our public schools are failing; that along with disinterested teachers and a gradual departure from traditional values at home and in the classroom that money can not buy
94. Of greater importance, however, is the extent an individual, with very few exceptions, should be held legally (or morally) liable for his or her decided actions however uncertain their underlying motives
95. A handgun, or any other firearm for that matter, is not (the) underlying motive that incites some violent action
96. Unless I too have fallen victim to the imaginary ideals of youth, I believe that, on some level at least, many of the athletes of my generation were properly aware of the underlying aspects that defined their ―relationship‖ with their fans; notwithstanding (obvious) concern over their own public persona
97. That the war in Afghanistan was dealt with swiftly and with minimal losses is not so much a blessing for those who privately hope for our defeat; thereby belying the underlying assumptions that have defined our great nation for so many years
98. For the sake of the student as well as the community, our schools need to place less emphasis on subjective (or feel good) ―requirements‖ while placing greater emphasis on what should be their most provocative challenge; quickening every child‘s underlying talents and developing them to their fullest potential
99. Such individuals will always be tempted, as some of us are, by the underlying current(s) vested in political power
100. The utopic assumptions implied by the Court‘s consenting majority are by-products of wishful thinking unsupported in any manner by our society‘s underlying currents