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    Use "underlying" in a sentence

    underlying example sentences


    1. He realises that there is one underlying homogeneous essence, a living truth, behind these names and forms of living beings

    2. The job is at offices in Taunton – damn! – and the job sounds pretty lousy but beggars can’t be choosers and the underlying feeling I get from Jackie at the agency is that I should be grateful that anyone is prepared to interview someone as ancient as I am

    3. It wouldn't be the first time he had made a law enforcer disappear and he would enjoy the slow task of peeling him down, literally, to the essential weakness underlying all human bravado

    4.  There is an underlying driving force that propels the

    5. Most people's inherent underlying personalities wouldn't take the illness to such extremes as I did, but it can happen with a type 1

    6. As you talk about your struggles, you process the underlying emotions that come along with

    7. your health or well-being, the underlying causes of the

    8. because the underlying causes of the disease have not

    9. are, in my opinion, an underlying cause of cancer

    10. an underlying cause of his tennis elbow

    11. mind knows what the underlying cause of the phobia

    12. lack of proper attention to the underlying causes of

    13. came back full swing because the underlying cause was

    14. The underlying cause must be

    15. perhaps some of the underlying causes of your health

    16. underlying causes that can vary from person to person,

    17. where it is the major or only underlying cause of the

    18. underlying cause of the pain she was experiencing in

    19. Trapped Emotions Often Underlying Cause of, 9, 12, 71, 76, 79,

    20. There was no mistaking the underlying

    21. decorations there was an underlying odor in the arena

    22. "What do you think of it, Master Brice?" he asked the mage, his words spoken with an underlying edge of fierceness

    23. What is the judicial underlying basis for capital punishment? In other words,

    24. Just as a judicial court merits out the death penalty with the underlying

    25. Even now two days later, frequent yawns attested to his underlying fatigue

    26. There was an underlying hunger that could only be satisfied after they were wed

    27. The underlying belief of yoga is that a naturally joyous Self exists within you

    28. The reality of the Self is the underlying premise of yogic philosophy

    29. That understanding, and the underlying knowledge that supported it, made it's way back to Lascor, but the Matriarch reigning at the time only allowed the Great Knowledge to be shared amongst the royal household for their own benefit

    30. The underlying message of this anomaly is that an extremity can be the causation of the other

    31. This resistance also indicates that there is an underlying issue that we need to resolve

    32. The underlying reason is the intention and should be assessed properly before an action is taken

    33. When there is great and sincere underlying intention, prayers and mantras will be more effective as the intent is like an ‘energy boost’ which helps manifest the situations we wish for

    34. Although battles and skirmishes are still taking place around the world, the underlying reason is changing

    35. Panin discovered that these anomalies were not just there by chance, but that they were actually required for perfecting the underlying structural design of the text, which became evident as his studies continued

    36. The names also had to be in a specific order, so that this passage, as it was written in Greek sometime after 30 AD, would conform to an underlying design

    37. It becomes immediately obvious that this underlying structure in the numerical qualities of the passage, when compared to the definitions of “design” and of “chaos”, would have to fall under that of being designed

    38. The process I used to hide the code in a sentence is aimed at achieving one design goal (to create an ELS), and does not at all comply to any underlying numeric design or higher levels of design that may also exist in the sentence, as we find existing in the Bible

    39. None of them contained any codes that were outside statistically expected probabilities and none had any numeric underlying structure to them, similar to what is found in the Bible

    40. Compared with the underlying structure of the Bible and Bible codes that have to be studied in the original languages, prophecies are relatively easy to assess and test for truthfulness

    41. As these tectonic plates started moving away from each other, the underlying layers which had been under immense pressure from the crust above, were no longer pushed down by the crust and as a result bulged out as we can see today in areas of the planet such as the mid-Atlantic ridge

    42. Yet, he had an underlying mystery about him that made

    43. crackle, no artificial hiss of static underlying it

    44. I will tell you something else as well when she was young she must have been absolutely stunning and you could still see the underlying beauty still

    45. But he said, when Jimmy expressed an interest, ‘the physical nature of all matter is determined by its underlying structure, a component of which vibrates at a particular frequency

    46. And yet they may have only been a product of his imagination, such was the collapse of partitions between the conscious and underlying mental processes

    47. A threadbare carpet led them up two flights of stairs permeated with the scent of lye, which did not quite overpower the underlying urine stench

    48. (The) news, apart from informing the Public, is a medium (oftentimes) lacking underlying or supporting proofs or creditable evidence

    49. Engineering, it lies in the (underlying) assumption of ―Native Inferiority‖

    50. What has not changed, however, are the underlying assumptions of Freedom and Natural Rights that every citizen is entitled and the protection of such inalienable rights by our government

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    Synonyms for "underlying"

    implicit in inherent underlying fundamental rudimentary

    "underlying" definitions

    in the nature of something though not readily apparent

    located beneath or below

    being or involving basic facts or principles