Utiliser "accumulate" dans une phrase
accumulate exemples de phrases
1. ~ Research studies have also shown that the human body tends to accumulate more fat when a person eats fewer, larger meals than when the same number of calories was consumed in smaller, more frequent meals
2. You might have switched jobs too often to try and accumulate a healthy vested retirement nest egg
3. I don’t accumulate material possessions, because that would be
4. I look round the cabin and slowly accumulate a pile of odd bits and pieces, heaping them up on the bunk so that Berndt can pack them
5. From the data we have been able to accumulate, and the unexpected Intel about gliders and landing sites on the planet, we should be able to rid ourselves of this problem once and for all
6. It is the means the most vulgar and the most obvious; and the most likely way of augmenting their fortune, is to save and accumulate some part of what they acquire, either regularly and annually, or upon some extraordinary occasion
7. If, in the hands of a poor cultivator, oppressed with the servitude of villanage, some little stock should accumulate, he would naturally conceal it with great care from his master, to whom it would otherwise have belonged, and take the first opportunity of running away to a town
8. Every such nation, therefore, must endeavour, in time of peace, to accumulate gold and silver, that when occasion requires, it may have wherewithal to carry on foreign wars
9. It is not always necessary to accumulate gold and silver, in order to enable a country to carry on foreign wars, and to maintain fleets and armies in distant countries
10. In the present times, if you except the king of Prussia, to accumulate treasure seems to be no part of the policy of European princes
11. It is in such countries, therefore, that he generally endeavours to accumulate a treasure, as the only resource against such emergencies
12. Fatigue had begun to accumulate
13. Accumulation is thus prevented in the hands of all those who are naturally the most disposed to accumulate; and the funds destined for the maintenance of productive labour, receive no augmentation from the revenue of those who ought naturally to augment them the most
14. Of course, it didn"t take long for the sand to accumulate in the horses" hair and become tangled
15. have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves
16. The country has been much longer in a state of improvement and cultivation, and is, upon that account, better stocked with all those things which it requires a long time to raise up and accumulate ; such as great towns, and convenient and well-built houses, both in town and country
17. As in this case, however, the taxes are lighter than they would have been, had a revenue sufficient for defraying the same expense been raised within the year ; the private revenue of individuals is necessarily less burdened, and consequently their ability to save and accumulate some part of that revenue into capital, is a good deal less impaired
18. The ability of private people to accumulate, though less during the war, would have been greater during the peace, than under the system of funding
19. The seasons during which the ability of private people to accumulate was somewhat impaired, would occur more rarely, and be of shorter continuance
20. When funding, besides, has made a certain progress, the multiplication of taxes which it brings along with it, sometimes impairs as much the ability of private people to accumulate, even in time of peace, as the other system would in time of war
21. The private revenue of the inhabitants of Great Britain is at present as much incumbered in time of peace, their ability to accumulate is as much impaired, as it would have been in the time of the most expensive war, had the pernicious system of funding never been adopted
22. debt, desperation and the need to accumulate
23. To “dread a prosperity” is to realize that the good that you are trying to accumulate only for yourself will turn to rot if it is not shared with others
24. People did not accumulate possessions or food
25. Money economies are built upon the idea that people should accumulate as
26. The important is that its autonomous entirety accomplishes the change of the current economic system with the utilization of the rules of the legal game to accumulate immense capital and to form the financial amount so that the Third Sector obtains the power to make political decisions to solve the serious socioeconomic problems in a definitive way
27. It doesn’t use this power with effectiveness because it lacked it new operational systematics that is capable to build an organizational structure that it makes possible to integrate diverse activities of organizations, to accomplish transactions of payments and to accumulate resources, without the need of the physical money, without depending of the eternal state of helps
28. In approximately 7 YEARS, this fantastic solution will accumulate more than 70 TRILLION DOLLARS
29. f) The countries are liberated of the asphyxia of the internal and external indebtedness, because the Project will accumulate immensity of money that will make possible the payment of the debt and socioeconomic development
30. Satan’s hirelings can accumulate six mountains worth of arguments, but it will for all eternity be totally against scriptures and therefore against our God, the One who created us!
31. accumulate experience and experience, this kind of person with a positive optimistic over the ups and downs in life, on their appearance simply don't see the storm clouds bring their appearance
32. True practitioners in live sit, in every line, in the eye, ear, nose tongue body is selected, to be able to accumulate cultivate its own energy, integrity, cultivates the solid element, stimulate their own potential
33. Emptiness of the action that was done to accumulate it
34. That’s because radioactive substances released in the accident can accumulate in
35. accumulate at the plant [
36. month you will accumulate £345,867 in 13 years
37. to accumulate and assimilate
38. impartation as to why everything we accumulate in
39. The symptoms may accumulate as a minor constraint here, a larger oppression there
40. means to covet, acquire, accumulate on behalf of the part
41. you want to accumulate wealth
42. Having an Exit Strategy It’s easy to postpone saving for retirement, but the earlier you start the faster you will accumulate wealth and save for retirement
43. accumulate in her earlier life
44. 9 The power to accumulate opens the way for some people to have
45. They just accumulate the wealth produced by
46. were only going to accumulate at one-third her original
47. As I said earlier, I hope it allows you to accumulate and keep your wealth
48. If then" he continues "you know your city in which you are to dwell why do you here provide lands and make expensive preparations and accumulate dwellings and useless buildings? He who makes such preparations for this city cannot return again to his own
49. couple of years has been to accumulate a lot of acquaintances in the Diaspora region
50. Repressed hatred and the ability to hate oneself accumulate
1. Our accumulated gestures of care and compassion will ultimately transform our lives and the lives of others
2. For Cat, who had never accumulated any sort of ballroom skill in her
3. stay in the hospital’s oncological ward my Bible accumulated a multitude
4. Again the river was full of people dredging muck where it accumulated, or swimming where it was sandy
5. The accumulated spite and suffering caused by rough hands, tepid
6. to fall on flat surfaces that had already accumulated too many years
7. Ava hadn’t accumulated much baggage yet, having run from the palace in 1648bc with nothing but the clothes on her body
8. and a bank account in which her new husband had accumulated the
9. ditches were nearly dry, and the task of digging out the accumulated
10. He was looking at the notes that had accumulated on this desk
11. accumulated a fair amount of leave
12. that seemed to have accumulated like mushrooms in the darkness
13. accumulated quite a lot of it by now) to the park across
14. As soon as stock has accumulated in the hands of particular persons, some of them will naturally employ it in setting to work industrious people, whom they will supply with materials and subsistence, in order to make a profit by the sale of their work, or by what their labour adds to the value of the materials
15. stocks accumulated in them come in time to be so great, that it can no longer be employed
16. had originally been accumulated in the town
17. accumulated in the towns, I shall endeavour to shew hereafter, and at the same time to
18. On everything else the dust and dung of centuries had accumulated
19. for himself, it is not necessary that any stock should be accumulated, or stored up before-hand, in order to carry on the business of the society
20. As the accumulation of stock must, in the nature of things, be previous to the division of labour, so labour can be more and more subdivided in proportion only as stock is previously more and more accumulated
21. As the division of labour advances, therefore, in order to give constant employment to an equal number of workmen, an equal stock of provisions, and a greater stock of materials and tools than what would have been necessary in a ruder state of things, must be accumulated before-hand
22. The stock which is accumulated into a capital, may either be employed by the person to whom it belongs, or it may be lent to some other person
23. This practice has sometimes gone on, not only for several months, but for several years together, the bill always returning upon A in Edinburgh with the accumulated interest and commission of all the former bills
24. Experience, I believe, soon convinced them that this method of raising money was by much too slow to answer their purpose; and that coffers which originally were so ill filled, and which emptied themselves so very fast, could be replenished by no other expedient but the ruinous one of drawing bills upon London, and when they became due, paying them by other draughts on the same place, with accumulated interest and commission
25. In the midst of all the exactions of government, this capital has been silently and gradually accumulated by the private frugality and good conduct of individuals, by their universal, continual, and uninterrupted effort to better their own condition
26. The revenue of an individual may be spent, either in things which are consumed immediately, and in which one day's expense can neither alleviate nor support that of another ; or it may be spent in things mere durable, which can therefore be accumulated, and in which every day's expense may, as he chooses, either alleviate, or support and heighten, the effect of that of the following day
27. accumulated health, becoming thus more
28. save fuel, and spoil all they have accumulated as
29. entire grade have accumulated thus far into the year
30. Whatever stock, therefore, accumulated in the hands of the industrious part of the inhabitants of the country, naturally took refuge in cities, as the only sanctuaries in which it could be secure to the person that acquired it
31. Consumable commodities, it is said, are soon destroyed; whereas gold and silver are of a more durable nature, and were it not for this continual exportation, might be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the real wealth of the country
32. We do not, however, reckon that trade disadvatageous, which consists in the exchange of the hardware of England for the wines of France, and yet hardware is a very durable commodity, and were it not for this continual exportation, might too be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the pots and pans of the country
33. Were they ever to be accumulated beyond this quantity, their transportation is so easy, and the loss which attends their lying idle and unemployed so great, that no law could prevent their being immediately sent out of the country
34. A nation may purchase the pay and provisions of an army in a distant country three different ways ; by sending abroad either, first, some part of its accumulated gold and silver ; or, secondly, some part of the annual produce of its manufactures ; or, last of all, some part of its annual rude produce
35. The gold and silver which can properly be considered as accumulated, or stored up in any country, may be distinguished into three parts ; first, the circulating money; secondly, the plate of private families; and, last of all, the money which may have been collected by many years parsimony, and laid up in the treasury of the prince
36. The accumulated treasures of the prince have in former times afforded a much greater and more lasting resource
37. The kings of England had no accumulated treasure
38. The Saxon princes, and the first kings after the Conquest, seem likewise to have accumulated treasures
39. It is a mental construct, accumulated over the years
40. She reviewed the data accumulated by their scanners and sensors while at dinner, and paused as several readings sent a shudder through her
41. The negative energy accumulated on the light body is transmuted in places of healing
42. In fact, it is our accumulated wisdom that we draw upon to help us face the lessons we have set up for ourselves in each lifetime
43. can find just about all of the accumulated knowledge of
44. That wealth, at the same time, which always follows the improvements of agriculture and manufactures, and which, in reality, is no more than the accumulated produce of those improvements, provokes the invasion of all their neighbours
45. It would certainly help replace the dirt, sand and unwashed body scents that accumulated during the long journey
46. A thin layer of light grey dust had accumulated over every surface on the bridge
47. The distress which these accumulated claims brought upon them, obliged them not only to reduce all at once their dividend to six per cent
48. The magistrates of the powerful canton of Berne, in particular, have accumulated, out of the savings from this fund, a very large sum, supposed to amount to several millions; part or which is deposited in a public treasure, and part is placed at interest in what are called the public funds of the different indebted nations of Europe; chiefly in those of France and Great Britain
49. It is the accumulated expense of several successive generations, laid out upon objects of great beauty and magnificence, indeed, but, in proportion to what they cost, of very small exchangeable value
50. We also have a different ratio between exposed landmasses on Earth and water - accumulated on the surface of the earth - based on the fact that it did not rain before the Flood
1. It’s surprising how much dust accumulates on bookshelves
2. ‘It is amazing the amount of clutter one accumulates
3. Industry, indeed, provides the subject which parsimony accumulates; but whatever industry might acquire, if parsimony did not save and store up, the capital would never be the greater
4. Such thinking also applies in the manner a society overspends or accumulates debt
5. Our proposal gives to the Third Sector the chance of being the best altruistic competitor to the other sectors so that it accumulates immense financial capital in national and international level through to fundraising in the donation form with utilization of innovative methodology that avoids to spend the collected money, that is, paradoxically accomplishes all its process and it accumulates, without needing to spend it
6. In like manner, the blessing of the Lord accumulates over a
7. being circulated throughout accumulates as one mass, and if that
8. then logically follows, say the researchers, that the Sun also accumulates large
9. that accumulates within the Solar System (including the initial contribution during its formation) over its
10. In this scenario dark matter that accumulates within the Solar System (including
11. High density kundalini accumulates in the centre of the ovoid, just as
12. only because of higher density matter that accumulates and condenses in it
13. accumulates on the dwarf's surface, gas nuclei will fuse violently in a
15. Tuna is one of the primary fish in the oceans that accumulates mercury
16. That’s because the more that accumulates, the more that the toxic
17. As cash accumulates in this account, start moving some of it from the low paying account into either a CD or a mutual fund
18. He accumulates, over the course of
19. The investor makes a move and accumulates stock, only to
20. The reader will note that net income accumulates throughout the year to determine an
21. Sometimes the blood accumulates in one part of the legs or thighs and so gives a little trouble
22. As this tension accumulates, the muscles of our bodies have no choice but to adapt by incorporating this tension into static positions
23. Pride causes arguments, fights and complaint; it accumulates enough force to hurt itself
24. The body accumulates tension slowly over time
25. 40 It is strange that we often bemoan the lack of savings while not questioning the basic premise that interest arned on savings accounts, which has already been counted once as income, should be taxed each year as it accumulates
26. accumulates; the future is the result of
27. Every time Ulysses faces the death of a part of himself so he can be transformed; every time a part of his fetal I - that he is powerfully controlled by and that does not allow the artistic I to emerge – dies; at every death of his animalistic parts that are based on thievery and violence and that Ulysses carries within himself since he was born, he creates beauty and accumulates it within
28. The more hatred accumulates the more one becomes an assassin
29. The waste material accumulates and saturates the tissues, which causes autointoxication
30. a spiritual path that accumulates a great collection of merit,
31. Nitrate accumulates over time in the aquarium
32. He had always resented the attention Michael received; it is an unfortunate feature of life that one child often perceives the other to receive all the praise whilst he accumulates only reprimands
33. The child gradually accumulates sensations, emotions, it cannot yet express them, because, on the “subconscious” level, it uses SFUURMM-Forms of parents, which have been included into its genetic Code (DNA) through the activity of some Formo-copies (among the ones already formed in their individual ODS)
34. So: with a communal siege mentality, the need to preserve learning-culture, the abstract identity of the group accumulates and is preserved, perpetuated and worshiped
35. More important: when there is not a sense of Pure Wonder, each life experience accumulates to produce a frozen normality… which, if not examined and put into a larger perspective and context: cannot be changed or rebalanced
36. The level of brutalized, numbed dehumanization of each generation is passed on to the next through its ignorant child-rearing practices… Every new generation of adults accumulates more unhealthy assumptions, customs, habits, customs, etc… Until the entire society and culture is in crisis: and a breaking point is reached
37. human experiential life-energy does not flow genetically as a form of dynamically balanced Splitness: it only accumulates
38. All the walls and roads and buildings and territorial boundaries invented because humans can imagine an abstract line-separation where there was no separation, and make that abstract imaginary separation concrete… accumulates and accumulates until nobody can go anywhere or do anything because everything is forbidden and limited by concreted lines, and everyone must follow these concrete lines and never ask questions and never ask why all these linear abstract pieces of shit exist in the first place because the abstract line is more important than all of: Life
39. When any Star, or Galaxy, or planet accumulates too much… when it becomes too big: it is destroyed
40. Or how fast it accumulates or how slow it accumulates, or at what rate it accumulates
41. When will human beings learn to develop an awareness large enough so they will realize the true consequences of their actions? How do we get rid of nuclear waste dumps without killing ourselves and poisoning the entire planet? Putting off these burning issues and questions as more and more nuclear waste accumulates by the hundreds of tons every year is totally fucking insane
42. The problem with this waste is that most of it cannot be recycled; it just accumulates
43. Whatever accumulates, and rots because of accumulation is the least perfect of all things
44. The vicious cycles intrinsic in anything that accumulates, or destroys, or wastes: like the raw addiction for more power, the raw addiction for more profit, more wealth, more facts, more data, more information, more trivia… the addiction for more attention, more status, fame, notoriety… the addiction for more movies, more videogames, more meaningless distraction, more worshipping and obsession with celebrities
45. The ego works by accumulation also: its feeling of importance, its feeling of superiority, its feeling of status all accumulates
46. Power, wealth, status, knowledge is only considered successful if it accumulates
47. But tool-energy does not balance: it only separates and accumulates
48. As our population increases and accumulates; so does the number of illnesses and diseases we are afflicted with
49. Moreover: this pain accumulates
50. As a result, it is bottled up and accumulates: until there is more hate in the world than love
1. JOYCE: Objection, your Honor, the counsel is accumulating gossip and hearsay
2. This mineral has an antiseptic effect on the alimentary canal, is a constituent of the haemoglobin and keeps the blood purified, and prevents toxic impurities from accumulating in the body
3. Not because we didn't trust you with it, but that the interest was accumulating nicely on the bulk sum
4. The capital of all the individuals of a nation is increased in the same manner as that of a single individual, by their continually accumulating and adding to it whatever they save out of their revenue
5. In consequence of those popular notions, all the different nations of Europe have studied, though to little purpose, every possible means of accumulating gold and silver in their respective countries
6. moon base and accumulating a lot of power
7. Protestors were accumulating in capital
8. Listed below are the details of my bank accounts in which the money I collected in prison has been accumulating, the contact details of my accomplices in the original bomb plot, a comprehensive instruction on bomb-making and a rundown of the original plan, which I failed to see to completion
9. There was PDYN, a “gene that began accumulating changes 7 million years ago, soon after our first ancestor appeared
10. As a result, we are continually accumulating negative karma, and this karma itself creates the world of appearances that we shall experience in the future
11. In sum, while it is good to patiently endure one's troubles, there is also wisdom in thinking how to protect oneself from hardship or adversity in the future by not accumulating more negative karma in a mindless way
12. Outside our window, the view was just what you would expect from a Swiss restaurant, with meadows stretching away into the distance, dotted with traditional wooden chalets with their steeply sloped roofs, to prevent the snow from accumulating
13. There was little wind, but the snow was accumulating quickly
14. has no choice but to release radioactive water accumulating at
15. accumulating with high radioactive levels at the plant
16. going through the motions and accumulating head
17. Yet under the surface of rebel victories against America there was slowly accumulating the hot magma of a volcanic eruption
18. and it is swimming,” said Number One Fan while he put his other hand on the V of his pants, preventing an accumulating desire
19. Had his present state come from the physical exertion of climbing the steep winding grade? Or, had it come from all those accumulating concerns of command? It was a new feeling for which he had no answer
20. Our house had not sold, and debt was accumulating, so Marjie and I moved back to Martin
21. grade? Or, had it come from all those accumulating concerns of command? It was a new
22. beginning to support the view that the Sun is indeed accumulating vast amounts
23. I do not want to struggle in a high-stress environment forever, accumulating cash until I die
24. oligarchy with a few of the anointed accumulating
25. The accumulating character of knowledge makes it a resource different from all the others that have
26. It seemed as if Leonardo’s head had been accumulating the fumes of his impatience towards my conduct and at this final act he had surpassed the limit of this virtue
27. They kept on accumulating in my eyes
28. The realisation released the tension that had been accumulating all day and with an uncertain smile he accepted the role of facilitator
30. consciousness that mind— not body—was al -important in accumulating money,
31. Accumulating a good sum of money, this
32. “Master, you terrify me,” I returned frankly as my bird flew on, the miles underneath us accumulating
33. than accumulating more stuff that will wind up in a garage
34. been quietly accumulating during his 4 years at Harvard was
35. The Monarchs were as well known as the team from New York, accumulating more championships than any sports franchise in the history of Kansas City
36. Betty Huyler Gillies had been flying for fourteen years, accumulating nearly 1,400 hours of flying
37. This is often the time when insiders begin accumulating stock because it may be depressed,
38. We need to keep our bodies hydrated to keep waste from accumulating
39. may have spent years of our lives accumulating the knowledge of many
40. His cruiser, along with two frigates, quickly started accumulating damages and casualties as the laser beams turned the three ships into Swiss cheese
41. The figure on the star card, rather than accumulating outward
42. letting it go, before watching it roll into the waves, accumulating 287
43. with an accumulating dividend
44. David told her that he would be downstairs in a few minutes and hurriedly grabbed the files he had been accumulating on Jack South
45. You've seen little bits of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of something else, but they've all been accumulating over many years, and now the Lord says: the box is yours
46. Every other way of accumulating things are illegitimate
47. In ameadow between the wine-shop and the river the emptywine-casks (cubas) were accumulating
48. wise sayings thus far listed are the result of accumulating life experience
49. You've seen little bits of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of something else, but they've all been accumulating over many years, and now the Lord says the box is yours
50. Don’t you find the bribe money coming in handy for the average in bettering their lives and improving the education of their children? But, if India were to be a Republic of Fairness, then we may have a few accumulating wealth ‘disproportionate to the calling of luxuries’, even as the rest struggle to make both ends meet