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    Utiliser "accumulated" dans une phrase

    accumulated exemples de phrases


    1. Our accumulated gestures of care and compassion will ultimately transform our lives and the lives of others

    2. For Cat, who had never accumulated any sort of ballroom skill in her

    3. stay in the hospital’s oncological ward my Bible accumulated a multitude

    4. Again the river was full of people dredging muck where it accumulated, or swimming where it was sandy

    5. The accumulated spite and suffering caused by rough hands, tepid

    6. to fall on flat surfaces that had already accumulated too many years

    7. Ava hadn’t accumulated much baggage yet, having run from the palace in 1648bc with nothing but the clothes on her body

    8. and a bank account in which her new husband had accumulated the

    9. ditches were nearly dry, and the task of digging out the accumulated

    10. He was looking at the notes that had accumulated on this desk

    11. accumulated a fair amount of leave

    12. that seemed to have accumulated like mushrooms in the darkness

    13. accumulated quite a lot of it by now) to the park across

    14. As soon as stock has accumulated in the hands of particular persons, some of them will naturally employ it in setting to work industrious people, whom they will supply with materials and subsistence, in order to make a profit by the sale of their work, or by what their labour adds to the value of the materials

    15. stocks accumulated in them come in time to be so great, that it can no longer be employed

    16. had originally been accumulated in the town

    17. accumulated in the towns, I shall endeavour to shew hereafter, and at the same time to

    18. On everything else the dust and dung of centuries had accumulated

    19. for himself, it is not necessary that any stock should be accumulated, or stored up before-hand, in order to carry on the business of the society

    20. As the accumulation of stock must, in the nature of things, be previous to the division of labour, so labour can be more and more subdivided in proportion only as stock is previously more and more accumulated

    21. As the division of labour advances, therefore, in order to give constant employment to an equal number of workmen, an equal stock of provisions, and a greater stock of materials and tools than what would have been necessary in a ruder state of things, must be accumulated before-hand

    22. The stock which is accumulated into a capital, may either be employed by the person to whom it belongs, or it may be lent to some other person

    23. This practice has sometimes gone on, not only for several months, but for several years together, the bill always returning upon A in Edinburgh with the accumulated interest and commission of all the former bills

    24. Experience, I believe, soon convinced them that this method of raising money was by much too slow to answer their purpose; and that coffers which originally were so ill filled, and which emptied themselves so very fast, could be replenished by no other expedient but the ruinous one of drawing bills upon London, and when they became due, paying them by other draughts on the same place, with accumulated interest and commission

    25. In the midst of all the exactions of government, this capital has been silently and gradually accumulated by the private frugality and good conduct of individuals, by their universal, continual, and uninterrupted effort to better their own condition

    26. The revenue of an individual may be spent, either in things which are consumed immediately, and in which one day's expense can neither alleviate nor support that of another ; or it may be spent in things mere durable, which can therefore be accumulated, and in which every day's expense may, as he chooses, either alleviate, or support and heighten, the effect of that of the following day

    27. accumulated health, becoming thus more

    28. save fuel, and spoil all they have accumulated as

    29. entire grade have accumulated thus far into the year

    30. Whatever stock, therefore, accumulated in the hands of the industrious part of the inhabitants of the country, naturally took refuge in cities, as the only sanctuaries in which it could be secure to the person that acquired it

    31. Consumable commodities, it is said, are soon destroyed; whereas gold and silver are of a more durable nature, and were it not for this continual exportation, might be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the real wealth of the country

    32. We do not, however, reckon that trade disadvatageous, which consists in the exchange of the hardware of England for the wines of France, and yet hardware is a very durable commodity, and were it not for this continual exportation, might too be accumulated for ages together, to the incredible augmentation of the pots and pans of the country

    33. Were they ever to be accumulated beyond this quantity, their transportation is so easy, and the loss which attends their lying idle and unemployed so great, that no law could prevent their being immediately sent out of the country

    34. A nation may purchase the pay and provisions of an army in a distant country three different ways ; by sending abroad either, first, some part of its accumulated gold and silver ; or, secondly, some part of the annual produce of its manufactures ; or, last of all, some part of its annual rude produce

    35. The gold and silver which can properly be considered as accumulated, or stored up in any country, may be distinguished into three parts ; first, the circulating money; secondly, the plate of private families; and, last of all, the money which may have been collected by many years parsimony, and laid up in the treasury of the prince

    36. The accumulated treasures of the prince have in former times afforded a much greater and more lasting resource

    37. The kings of England had no accumulated treasure

    38. The Saxon princes, and the first kings after the Conquest, seem likewise to have accumulated treasures

    39. It is a mental construct, accumulated over the years

    40. She reviewed the data accumulated by their scanners and sensors while at dinner, and paused as several readings sent a shudder through her

    41. The negative energy accumulated on the light body is transmuted in places of healing

    42. In fact, it is our accumulated wisdom that we draw upon to help us face the lessons we have set up for ourselves in each lifetime

    43. can find just about all of the accumulated knowledge of

    44. That wealth, at the same time, which always follows the improvements of agriculture and manufactures, and which, in reality, is no more than the accumulated produce of those improvements, provokes the invasion of all their neighbours

    45. It would certainly help replace the dirt, sand and unwashed body scents that accumulated during the long journey

    46. A thin layer of light grey dust had accumulated over every surface on the bridge

    47. The distress which these accumulated claims brought upon them, obliged them not only to reduce all at once their dividend to six per cent

    48. The magistrates of the powerful canton of Berne, in particular, have accumulated, out of the savings from this fund, a very large sum, supposed to amount to several millions; part or which is deposited in a public treasure, and part is placed at interest in what are called the public funds of the different indebted nations of Europe; chiefly in those of France and Great Britain

    49. It is the accumulated expense of several successive generations, laid out upon objects of great beauty and magnificence, indeed, but, in proportion to what they cost, of very small exchangeable value

    50. We also have a different ratio between exposed landmasses on Earth and water - accumulated on the surface of the earth - based on the fact that it did not rain before the Flood

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    Synonymes pour "accumulated"

    accrued accumulated compiled gathered collected raised