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    Utiliser "bigot" dans une phrase

    bigot exemples de phrases


    1. It of course represents „diversity and inclusion," and any of us who protests is labeled as merely an intolerant bigot, racist, and a variety of other not so nice terms

    2. For these thoughts, Jeremy knew he’d be called callous, insensitive, maybe even a bigot or fascist

    3. Try to analyze the effect of homosexual practices on marriage, the family, and society, or even on homosexuals themselves, and you are a homophobic bigot

    4. After the chant dies down, the woman then clutches the priest by his white beard and says, "This bigot, this misogynist, this hate-filled man—if we can even call him a man, judging by his tiny dick—is the reason we are living in hell today

    5. For every bigot countered, two spring forth

    6. Hall looked angry, “Every bigot in the Bible belt is in that room and there ain’t nothing we can do about it

    7. Jacques Bigot was enjoying one of the rare nice things left to him in this war: sipping a good wine at a quiet café in Paris

    8. � Hoover may have been known in her history as a bigot and a man who abused his authority in order to maintain his influence and position, but he also was an experienced, able policeman

    9. The decision to invade Normandy was so secret that an elaborate system called BIGOT was set up to watch for any possible leaks

    10. The unique classification of BIGOT was accorded to any documents on the subject

    11. For example an envelope Marked BIGOT was found opened in a Chicago mailing office and contained vital information of D Day

    12. That bigot will have won if you do

    13. So how is the principled conservative to resolve the matter? Is a person"s sexuality the same immutable characteristic as race, gender or hair color, that cannot change (well, absent surgery or hair coloring)? We would rightly call anyone a bigot who dislikes or hates a person solely because of such a characteristic

    14. “with that?” “You sound like a bigot, mother,” Cristian rebuked

    15. “What the fuck? I knew you had a few sexist views, but I never took you for a bigot

    16. Coming from a broken home where his father who was a drunkard and a racist and a bigot and beat him every night

    17. The young man was irritated at this bigot fancy; then he nevertheless experienced a certain charm in seeing her, in the middle of a rendezvous, thus lost in her devotions, like an Andalusian marchioness; then he grew bored, for she seemed never coming to an end

    18. Two years later, that last line would be quoted back to me smugly by an indignant journalist, convinced that it was conclusive proof that I had always been a bigot

    19. At the Restoration she had turned bigot, and that with so much energy that the priests had forgiven her her monk

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    Synonymes pour "bigot"

    bigot intolerant fanatic racist zealot monomaniac puritan diehard doctrinaire enthusiast partisan