Utiliser "confinement" dans une phrase
confinement exemples de phrases
1. I drifted in and out of the dream-state, and with each step along the way through the whimsy during those first nights in confinement I confronted images of my death
2. I was totally unprepared for the inevitable introspection of solitary confinement
3. Wrapped as I was in the cotton wool of solitary confinement, unable as I was to express any of my thoughts in concrete form or to engage in conjecture with another rational human being, nonetheless I spent hours imagining faces and clothes and names to accompany the hollow tapping sounds in the night
4. He was still stuck in confinement, he could not access any panels at all, not even his med panel, but at least he was out of that universe
5. After the ragged stresses of our transfer and our previous solitary confinement, compounded by a myriad of sour and wonderful new experiences and the discoveries of the afternoon, both Menachem and I were starving
6. In accordance with the theory of life that I too had begun to adopt while in solitary confinement, I tried to develop a similar Zen-like acceptance of the here-and-now
7. We both knew that this relationship was peculiar to our situation, that neither one of us would or could wish it to continue beyond the walls of confinement
8. Yoga in Slow Motion is recommended for toning up the system after childbirth after a suitable rest period has elapsed following confinement
9. Most of the ship did not know he had data access in his three-d reality confinement
10. I understand that Sue ‘was charged but not convicted of forcible confinement when she used GBH, known as the date rape drug, to nobble the competition!’ Apparently the model competition went to you as the number one contestant had fallen
11. Yet it is isolated in confinement, Diffused upon release and again returns to the bottle—
12. To dream that you are caught in barbed wire symbolizes oppression and confinement
13. In order to counteract this notable piece of mercantile policy, and to render herself as much as possible independent, not only of Sweden, but of all the other northern powers, Great Britain gave a bounty upon the importation of naval stores from America; and the effect of this bounty was to raise the price of timber in America much more than the confinement to the home market could lower it; and as both regulations were enacted at the same time, their joint effect was rather to encourage than to discourage the clearing of land in America
14. Her tits were lovely and when they sprang out, freed from the confinement of the bra, the boy stared at them hard
15. In both ancient Egypt and Indostan, indeed, the confinement of the foreign market was in some measure compensated by the conveniency of many inland navigations, which opened, in the most advantageous manner, the whole extent of the home market to every part of the produce of every different district of those countries
16. In her skimpy shorts and halter T-shirt, she was back to her old self, before the months of confinement that had left her wasted away to a pale skeletal shadow of this beautiful woman
17. Union captors and put into confinement
18. two years in confinement before being released and set free
19. ” However, they all accepted their fate in a good-natured way and even single irons and confinement in the
20. Ushon Ping has signed an agreement to provide a military force of five hundred and twenty thousand to initially set up a defensive zone around the core European countries, effectively creating land and air confinement
21. ‘This so-called defensive confinement is a clear strategy to provoke an aggressive response,’ he began
22. Regardless of how the crowd had reacted, would Ruby Tower punish him? Would he face the firing squad? Or the dark room? The thought of solitary confinement and sensory deprivation made him shudder, and he prayed that whatever Ruby Tower had in store for him, it would not be that
23. The court, in its infinite wisdom, determined that such practices, (confinement) without first obtaining the consent of that individual……………yes, by all means, confine me!……
24. With the arrival of morning, Truman could take confinement no longer
25. But how without awakening her to the condition and significance of her confinement
26. 36 And Noah then opened the windows of the Ark, and Noah still called out to the Lord at that time and he said, O Lord, who did form the Earth and the heavens and all that are in it, bring out our souls from this confinement, and from the prison wherein you have placed us, for I am much wearied with sighing
27. Criminals like Harvey were in solitary, and were allowed only one person to write to for the term of their confinement, and he had written her name in the book
28. The final call was from the Prison Psychologist who said that Harvey was suffering very badly from his confinement, and needed contact with someone he could relate to
29. 2 And at the end of those days the king ordered that all the kings, princes and governors of different provinces and the sages should come before him, and they sat before him, and Abram was still in the house of confinement
30. Monica pushed her confinement chair up against the building and turned to face Harry
31. 76 And Potiphar heard their words, and he placed him in the prison house, the place where the king's prisoners are confined, and Joseph was in the house of confinement twelve years
32. 77 And notwithstanding this, his master's wife did not turn from him, and she did not cease from speaking to him day after day to listen to her, and at the end of three months Zelicah continued going to Joseph to the house of confinement day by day, and she enticed him to listen to her, and Zelicah said to Joseph, How long will you remain in this housee but listen now to my voice, and I will bring you out of this house
33. 80 And when Zelicah was unable to persuade Joseph to listen to her, she left off going to entice him; and Joseph was still confined in the house of confinement; And Jacob the father of Joseph, and all his brothers who were in the land of Canaan still mourned and wept in those days on account of Joseph, for Jacob refused to be comforted for his son Joseph, and Jacob cried aloud, and wept and mourned all those days
34. 5 And the captain of the guard placed Joseph as an attendant on Pharaoh's officers, and Pharaoh's officers were in confinement one year
35. 6 And at the end of the year, they both dreamed dreams in one night, in the place of confinement where they were, and in the morning Joseph came to them to attend on them as usual, and he saw them, and note their countenances were dejected and sad
36. 25 And the king knew in his wisdom that they did not altogether speak correctly in all these words, for this was from the Lord to frustrate the words of the wise men of Egypt, in order that Joseph might go out from the house of confinement, and in order that he should become great in Egypt
37. 33 And there was with us a Hebrew servant belonging to the captain of the guard, his name was Joseph, for his master had been angry with him and placed him in the house of confinement, and he attended us there
38. 37 And now therefore my Lord and king do not kill the people of Egypt for naught; note that slave is still confined in the house by the captain of the guard his master, in the house of confinement
39. 43 And Manassah laid hold of Simeon and he seized him violently and he bound him and brought him into the house of confinement, and all the sons of Jacob were astonished at the act of the youth
40. solitary confinement took 15 hostages
41. The three men were lifers and had spent considerable time in solitary confinement but
42. So I was his legal advisor at non judicial punishment hearings (NJP) called in the Navy, Captain’s Mast, which resulted in reductions in rank, confinement to the vessel (hard to do while it is still being built), the brig or prison
43. 36 And Noah then opened the windows of the Ark and Noah still called out to the Lord at that time and he said O Lord who did form the Earth and the heavens and all that are in it bring out our souls from this confinement and from the prison wherein you have placed us for I am much wearied with sighing
44. 2 And at the end of those days the king ordered that all the kings princes and governors of different provinces and the sages should come before him and they sat before him and Abram was still in the house of confinement
45. 76 And Potiphar heard their words and he placed him in the prison house the place where the king's prisoners are confined and Joseph was in the house of confinement twelve years
46. 80 And when Zelicah was unable to persuade Joseph to listen to her she left off going to entice him; and Joseph was still confined in the house of confinement; And Jacob the father of Joseph and all his brothers who were in the land of Canaan still mourned and wept in those days on account of Joseph for Jacob refused to be comforted for his son Joseph and Jacob cried aloud and wept and mourned all those days
47. 5 And the captain of the guard placed Joseph as an attendant on Pharaoh's officers and Pharaoh's officers were in confinement one year
48. 6 And at the end of the year they both dreamed dreams in one night in the place of confinement where they were and in the morning Joseph came to them to attend on them as usual and he saw them and note their countenances were dejected and sad
49. 25 And the king knew in his wisdom that they did not altogether speak correctly in all these words for this was from the Lord to frustrate the words of the wise men of Egypt in order that Joseph might go out from the house of confinement and in order that he should become great in Egypt
50. 33 And there was with us a Hebrew servant belonging to the captain of the guard his name was Joseph for his master had been angry with him and placed him in the house of confinement and he attended us there