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    correspond to

    1. "These transitions don't correspond to any other observations of the Pink Dawn, or any observations of the impactors

    2. “Do you have any other transitions, of any order, from any body that correspond to changes in the impactor?”

    3. Chanting Om is said to correspond to that original

    4. The councils, which, in the colony legislatures, correspond to the house of lords in Great Britain, are not composed of a hereditary nobility

    5. - Channeled information has revealed that the present 7 chakras will expand to 12 and this will correspond to our new 12 auric layers and 12 layers/strands of DNAs, allowing the human being to reflect more of a multi-dimensional being than just a dense physical body

    6. My hypothesis is this: Knowing that the Evolution Theory does not correspond to the evidence that is found, and that Darwin and others realised that his Theory was flawed and even expressed the reasons for their doubts, we need to investigate the alternative

    7. M: They correspond to the various tendencies (samskara) of

    8. are met will correspond to how happy you feel

    9. is still possible and probable that the measurement procedure does not correspond to a fixed

    10. necessarily correspond to Reality and that they too are appearances

    11. These granules may correspond to the mitochondria found in animal and plant cells

    12. The discrete cells on the tape correspond to

    13. For the empty vessel when placed along with the empty is not Crashed but they correspond to each other

    14. does not always correspond to the amount of commitment invested

    15. This wound does not correspond to any

    16. this image, we can see how repression and denial of hatred correspond to this

    17. correspond to the laws of life?

    18. correspond to stellar thermonuclear reactions: this is the powerful

    19. emotions experienced at the beginning of life correspond to destructive and

    20. in which points on each letter correspond to possible places for finding the

    21. did not correspond to the form of the seeds but to the form of the grown

    22. These points appear in groups that correspond to different

    23. below 20 correspond to the absence of any clear trend in the market

    24. Sociologists, technocrats, marketing strategists give us very odd answers and (afterwards) try to identify the correct reasons for the lack of success of a product, of a market strategy, a social approach that does not correspond to the true desires of people

    25. not correspond to desired state

    26. correspond to objective reality

    27. That is to say, there would be numbers in the sequence that would not correspond to a valid account number

    28. stderr which correspond to the standard input, standard output and standard

    29. They correspond to a concept that appeared in the 1970s in Nancy’s history and are perfect to help coordinate and control joint operations

    30. the average over five years, because the beta component should correspond to the same

    31. the boundaries of the industry, and correspond to the highest obtainable credit rating

    32. the mean (20 + 13 = 33, 20 - 13 =7) and would also correspond to 0

    33. These correspond to

    34. As far as motivations go, there are many types, some of which correspond to differing

    35. understand how those sounds correspond to what the word should be “according to the

    36. earth’s yearly orbit around the sun, and therefore don’t correspond to seasonal variations

    37. ‘’I am not sure that the strains of microbes currently running around correspond to the vaccines we use

    38. In one simple form of progression, called Day for a Year, the positions of the planets on the tenth day after birth correspond to the conditions in your life at age ten

    39. He however does not correspond to the God described in the Bible, as he didn’t create the Universe, or even the Earth

    40. undoubtedly correspond to the popular view of the brutal killer,

    41. ‘’The methods used certainly correspond to those typical of the Los Zetas

    42. their new culture, and there are three levels of openness that correspond to three adaptive styles

    43. So, not much of an event that I can point to happened at that time to correspond to the Neptune direction to my Ascendant

    44. On top of this 260 cylinders of incense are laid; then a cross of many small candles, whose colors correspond to the four directions, is built in the center of the circle: red candles to the east, black to the west, white to the north, and yellow to the south

    45. that correspond to your new hosting account

    46. : note here the hesitancy between ustedes and theforms that correspond to vosotros

    47. within the book do not correspond to the page numbers that are shown within this

    48. These velocities correspond to circulation flow rates of between 13

    49. tent to restrain the five organs of perception which correspond to word,

    50. Nodes in the tree correspond to receiving stations & edges correspond to transmission lines

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