"These transitions don't correspond to any other observations of the Pink Dawn, or any observations of the impactors
“Do you have any other transitions, of any order, from any body that correspond to changes in the impactor?”
Chanting Om is said to correspond to that original
The councils, which, in the colony legislatures, correspond to the house of lords in Great Britain, are not composed of a hereditary nobility
- Channeled information has revealed that the present 7 chakras will expand to 12 and this will correspond to our new 12 auric layers and 12 layers/strands of DNAs, allowing the human being to reflect more of a multi-dimensional being than just a dense physical body
My hypothesis is this: Knowing that the Evolution Theory does not correspond to the evidence that is found, and that Darwin and others realised that his Theory was flawed and even expressed the reasons for their doubts, we need to investigate the alternative
M: They correspond to the various tendencies (samskara) of
are met will correspond to how happy you feel
is still possible and probable that the measurement procedure does not correspond to a fixed
necessarily correspond to Reality and that they too are appearances
These granules may correspond to the mitochondria found in animal and plant cells
The discrete cells on the tape correspond to
For the empty vessel when placed along with the empty is not Crashed but they correspond to each other
does not always correspond to the amount of commitment invested
This wound does not correspond to any
this image, we can see how repression and denial of hatred correspond to this
correspond to the laws of life?
correspond to stellar thermonuclear reactions: this is the powerful
emotions experienced at the beginning of life correspond to destructive and
in which points on each letter correspond to possible places for finding the
did not correspond to the form of the seeds but to the form of the grown
These points appear in groups that correspond to different
below 20 correspond to the absence of any clear trend in the market
Sociologists, technocrats, marketing strategists give us very odd answers and (afterwards) try to identify the correct reasons for the lack of success of a product, of a market strategy, a social approach that does not correspond to the true desires of people
not correspond to desired state
correspond to objective reality
That is to say, there would be numbers in the sequence that would not correspond to a valid account number
stderr which correspond to the standard input, standard output and standard
They correspond to a concept that appeared in the 1970s in Nancy’s history and are perfect to help coordinate and control joint operations
the average over five years, because the beta component should correspond to the same
the boundaries of the industry, and correspond to the highest obtainable credit rating
the mean (20 + 13 = 33, 20 - 13 =7) and would also correspond to 0
These correspond to
As far as motivations go, there are many types, some of which correspond to differing
understand how those sounds correspond to what the word should be “according to the
earth’s yearly orbit around the sun, and therefore don’t correspond to seasonal variations
‘’I am not sure that the strains of microbes currently running around correspond to the vaccines we use
In one simple form of progression, called Day for a Year, the positions of the planets on the tenth day after birth correspond to the conditions in your life at age ten
He however does not correspond to the God described in the Bible, as he didn’t create the Universe, or even the Earth
undoubtedly correspond to the popular view of the brutal killer,
‘’The methods used certainly correspond to those typical of the Los Zetas
their new culture, and there are three levels of openness that correspond to three adaptive styles
So, not much of an event that I can point to happened at that time to correspond to the Neptune direction to my Ascendant
On top of this 260 cylinders of incense are laid; then a cross of many small candles, whose colors correspond to the four directions, is built in the center of the circle: red candles to the east, black to the west, white to the north, and yellow to the south
that correspond to your new hosting account
: note here the hesitancy between ustedes and theforms that correspond to vosotros
within the book do not correspond to the page numbers that are shown within this
These velocities correspond to circulation flow rates of between 13
tent to restrain the five organs of perception which correspond to word,
Nodes in the tree correspond to receiving stations & edges correspond to transmission lines
the speakers and it was believed to correspond to the woman on the screen, however, her lips did not move as she spoke
Eat healthy, preferably raw, fats that correspond to your nutritional type
“For something to answer the question, 'Are you god?', that entity would have to correspond to your definition
In order to correspond to images that by nature you are not, you need
thought to correspond to a glacial in regions not iced, and in
The principle of reality of the fetal I does not at all correspond to the principle of reality of the adult I
The conditions with which we meet in the world without correspond to the conditions which we find in the world within
Through the action of this law we meet in the “world without” the experiences which correspond to our “world within
Consequently the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature
As soon as you have done this you will begin to attract new things and the new things will correspond to the new pictures
They correspond to
only in connection with your lower subjective needs that correspond to existing conventionality, forced circumstances, patient expectations, necessary understanding, preconceived opinion, individual interpretation, practical usage, and so on
When we pass through a great number of Formo-systems of Worlds in our rotation Cycles, we already use different groups of Stereo-Doubles in our life creativity at other moments and in other situations; their frequencies can manifest in these Worlds on other active Levels of feeling and thinking that correspond to their Configurations
At the same time, I also know that much higher-quality states of these SFUURMM-Forms exist in other Worlds, but in order to refocus stably into Stereo-Types that correspond to them I need to realize myself completely in that which, at each moment of my “now”, is yet quite active in the Self-Consciousness of NUU-VVU-Forms focused by Me
The more intensive the information flow, the quicker the process of development and the more rapid and radical the transitions into other (both higher-quality and lower-quality) Levels of Self-Consciousness that structure Formo-systems of Worlds which configurationally correspond to them
Countries unite with each other into larger and more complex Formations of common creative activity that correspond to the particular Interests and development Directions of each participant included in these Formations
For example, the well-known “Earth”, which represents just a very narrow Creative Activity diapason (from “Formo-Plasma” to “Plasma-Form”) for the Collective Intelligence of the Cosmic Entity GRE’IYSLIISS, is a highly-organized Form of this Entity’s specific creative realization and is densely structured by information Flows of only those Aspects of the twelve Pure Qualities that correspond to the Creative Activity diapasons of Its Self-Consciousness
But I repeat: you can identify yourself duvuyllerrtly! That is, you can consciously and systematically refocus into the groups of Stereo-Types that best correspond to the quality of your Intentions and Aspirations
At the moment of “Death”, there is an automatic differentiation of Information, held in the temporal ethereal constituent of “a personality’s” Self-Consciousness, into its constituents: each UU-VVU-copy, which to a greater degree associates itself with the quality of some former choices of this “personality”, naturally reprojects all of its Creative Activity into those living NUU-VVU-Forms (of the same Stereo-Form, or any other Formo-Type, or even another Proto-Form) which, according to the rezonation principle, maximally correspond to the quality state of its wave Configuration and will begin to completely identify themselves only with these “personalities”
In this scenario, all of your incessant “unpacking” (in skrruullerrt systems, or TEC) and “unfolding” (in Space of Self-Consciousness) of Stereo-Type Configurations that correspond to your negative state will be associated only with your grievance
By such “moment-to-moment quantization” we implement the “individual” process of quality refocusings into those Stereo-Types (and scenarios that correspond to them) where our Thought, formed by a stable Feeling into volitional Aspiration, has certain possibilities of creative realization
Each of Its qualitative Levels has its own realizational Principles and mechanisms that absolutely correspond to the decoding systems of Perception of the Forms involved in the dynamics of the Creative Activity only on given Levels of Energy-Plasma
However, with an obligatory difference of designations from originals, there is a definite degree of matching between them! This is the meaning of a multivariant (interpretational) use, in the information space of the Self-Consciousness of “a personality”, of quite similar VVU-Information that belongs to one conglomerate of Formo-copies, as well as the principle of interaction, for instance, of projections of the VVU-Configurations of the Formo-Creators of the brain and originals of the VVU-Configurations of UU-VVU-copies that vibrationally correspond to them
Of course, this retransmitted projection of the VVU-Information will not accurately correspond to the fruit I just ate (the carrier of the original Information), which really (to you and me!) no longer exists in this Formo-system of Worlds, but, on the other hand, the VVU-Configurations of some ODS “niches” have forever recorded particular subjective data (sensations of the form, taste, smell, texture, enjoyment) that characterize in detail the initial original Information
During the process of hearing of my answer, in the information spaces of the Self-Consciousnesses of each of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by You, the Formo-Creators of the brain and their realizational Forms (through the dynamics of conglomerates of Formo-copies of other ODS Levels) made their own reprojections of the heard VVU-Information and included into your “memory” (into one of “niches” of your individual ODS) their own projections (SFUURMM-Forms), which even in a lesser degree correspond to the initial original Information
These codes precisely correspond to the VVU-Configurations of the Formo-Creators of the brain of “the personalities”, into which you refocus
Cosmic Spaces of Synthetic Types that are jointly created by self-conscious Elements (Creators) of both these Branches are also Their joint, common Sphere of the Creative manifestation, within the Forms of which the Creators of both Branches can “mutually deepen” and mutually expand the vibration limits of application of their own specific creativity (for example, the molecular Formo-Creators of the brain realize all their biochemical activities — while we realize our mental and psychological activities — only on the basis of continuously decoded (by them) VVU-Information “unpacked” from VVU-Configurations of conglomerates of the Formo-copies that correspond to them in frequency
You may stay in this state from one second to several minutes, while continuing to do the things that vibrationally completely doesn’t correspond to that which you experience or about which you think (I told you that this specific state is known in Zen-Buddhism as Satori)
So, these conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies no longer can attract your attention to them by exciting at least some Interest in you and making possible for you to realize one of your Inactive Aspirations or some Intentions, because, I repeat, the quality of Fields-Consciousnesses that form the whole set of your SFUURMM-Forms does NOT vibrationally correspond to that which can potentially (passively) manifest in the structures of your Self-Consciousness
are not foes, and so, don't correspond to tumours, or damaged or dysfunctional cells
This means that each UU-VVU-copy as if “lives” by realizations of many “personalities” that correspond to its range and simultaneously perceive themselves in different Time Flows and Continuums
In the example of the magical orchard, this would correspond to the situation wherein
This means that all mental VVU-Information of all “personalities” (and all creatures in general), regardless of the Time Flow in which their NUU-VVU-Configurations manifest, “is unpacked” in the information space of any Form of Self-Consciousness from wave Configurations of a given frequency range common to all Realities and Continuums, that is, from a Conversum! And how has this Form of Feeling appeared in the information space of his Self-Consciousness? It appeared as a result of the dynamics of Formo-copies of the individual ODS that correspond to the vibrations of the “unpacked” VVU-Information, that is, from the dynamics of subjective reflection of (reaction to) this VVU-Information through a specific psychological state of this “personality” (through the VVU-Configuration of the Formo-Creators of the “personality” Self-Consciousness, which is structured by the same information “space” of ODS, which, however, is individually perceived and evaluated by the bio-Creators of this “personality”)
c) “you” (some slloogrent “regions” of your UU-VVU-conglomerates) refocus into identical (rezonationally corresponding) “regions” of the NUU-VVU-Configuration of Stereo-Types not of your current Stereo-Form, but those of any other Formo-Type of your LLUU-VVU, which correspond to the maximum to your current psychospiritual state at the moment of “Death”;
The most widely spread reason of misfortunes and broken relations is that you are too obsessed by and too concentrated on someone’s opinion or on somebody else, it’s your blind attachment to somebody else, to whom you generate in your Self-Consciousness only the highest Conceptions, unreasonably idealizing this “personality” and completely ignoring any of its manifestations that don’t correspond to this devised image
That is, this parameter will correspond to the life activity of a certain number of Forms of this civilization, but it will be formed by the dynamics of Aspects of different Qualities
In addition, the qualitative potential of “the volume” of the VVU-Information (UU-VVU-Forms and Formo-copies that vibrationally correspond to them), which we can use, inertially “unpacking” it from TEC, to “quantize” the information space of our Self-Consciousness (“the outer world”), will unambiguously determine the frequency of this AS IF repeated “shift”
The same also applies to flakses, which are just energy holographous carriers of VVU-Information of a definite qualitative (frequency) Configuration, which is used to carry out absolutely all creative interfrequency “manipulations” between the inertially flowing Configurations of Your UFS and the Configurations (that correspond to the quality of their dynamics and already initially always exist!) of particular Forms of Self-Consciousness that structure some inertially synthesized sublevels of Energy-Plasma
To summarize the above information, I would like to point out one more time: all specific dynamics of the inertial process of your so-called “life creativity”, which is based on all your interrelations with “yourself”, as well as with objects and subjects of the outer World, represent only the sequential dynamics of simultaneous projection of your Focus of Close Attention from some NUU-VVU-Configurations that correspond to the “present”, inertially “passing” state of the joint dynamics of FCA and FDR into other NUU-VVU-Configurations that in a greater degree correspond to the kleksized, qualitatively changed states of FCA and FDR of your Self-Consciousness
It seems that for a real, deeper Understanding of the true Nature of elementary particles scientists will really have to “go out of their mind”, that is, to completely change their present Conceptions (that are rigidly limited by “materiality” and devised limitations) by more perfect and universal ones that to a much greater extent correspond to the requirements of the present time
The key has notches which correspond to the notches on the tumblers
These dates correspond to the
These dates exactly correspond to the
year cycles correspond to the sixteen 360-year cycles that also culminated in year 5760
dimensions correspond to the spirits of truth and wisdom and represent the collective mind of the
correspond to and directly follow the seven trumpets, thereby symbolizing their direct association
Seven Horns–These are the seven horns of the Lamb that correspond to the Seven Spirits of God
are seven unseen dimensions which correspond to the realm of spiritual existence alluded to by
of time and events, all sealed prophecies have multiple facets that correspond to the geometry of our
But this would not correspond to the breadth and depth of Scripture language respecting redemption