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    Utiliser "machinery" dans une phrase

    machinery exemples de phrases


    1. She could have consumed your starship already or used it to house her machinery

    2. "Just to give them a fix if they ever come back on, it's just simple machinery powered by sunlight

    3. Also inside was the logic fabrication machinery, weapon stores, and the other incidental machinery needed by the expedition

    4. that the spy circuit was doing something that fixed a fundamental bug in the mask that was used in the production of the fabrication machinery

    5. There was no one on the expedition that actually understood what the fabrication machinery had to do other than pass certain diagnostic tests and otherwise 'work as designed'

    6. A steady hum … something alien? … machinery? … the woman in the bed became aware of consciousness … and with that broader wakefulness came other sensations

    7. "What if he didn't want to operate machinery?"

    8. Modern machinery can’t move one of them

    9. For a start, the machinery here, whilst performing well, is not on the same scale as the massive engines of the industrial revolution across in England

    10. There were many large pieces of machinery and consoles strewn about

    11. As he came around a rather large piece of machinery he saw his quarry

    12. With the main election in twelve months, the entire party machinery is

    13. maintaining tractors and other machinery powered by internal

    14. Ten minutes later Davie pulls into the farm courtyard and parks next to a piece of old farm machinery

    15. The club is industrial, modelled on old machinery; scaffolding, mocked-up turbine housings and a science fiction proliferation of metal walkways

    16. “So,” he said, “Complicated machinery doesn’t work here in

    17. The pulse of machinery underpins the determined efficiency of the crash team

    18. Tom, who was good with machinery, had previously spent some

    19. The machinery itself was concealed behind a thicket

    20. In this city’s factories there was precision machinery still in production use, that was manufactured before the birth of Christ

    21. Not very much machinery had been manufactured since Europe’s dark ages, just some replacements and updates, a few new specialties

    22. Billy is aware of death, aware of the metallic smell on the breeze, and with little Bex by his side, with the ghost girl in his arms, he sits next to a piece of rusting, fang-toothed farm machinery with a gun barrel pressed against his temple

    23. By the time they had walked out of the alley his shop was on and then a block along this industrial level street to a stairway, he was asked if he would ever consider a career repairing such machinery

    24. “Too bad, the apprenticeship pays two irons every half-shift, there are experienced guys that get a copper a call for machinery like that

    25. The shop was pretty open, just the machinery was enclosed in a locked room, the street and canal loading docks connected

    26. It was now grimy stone and concrete factories where textile machinery was made and maintained

    27. I’m a heavy machinery operator

    28. There's machinery, many tons of paper

    29. It wrecks buildings, machinery and crops

    30. had the machinery to do it justice! Drowning out all but

    31. He had a business going, restoring abandoned machinery and factories

    32. For the same reason, he endeavours to supply them with the best machinery which either he or they can think of

    33. More heads are occupied in inventing the most proper machinery for executing the work of each, and it is, therefore, more likely to be invented

    34. Alan seemed to have a business restoring and servicing machinery that was modestly successful

    35. He met many interesting people, the others from the music group Desa was in, owners of concert halls, the designer of some of the machinery Alan restored, faculty at Rankor Institute of Sound

    36. New machinery was often organically grown or plastic

    37. Current machinery tends to be compact and solid cast plastic

    38. Nowhere was the flowering of the civilization in that age more apparent than in its machinery

    39. That was also the time when they began to really catch on to low energy machinery

    40. He might want to get the old furniture to a furnace some day if he could find an easier route to get it out, but once he found all the clothing machinery and the knitting machine, that had taken all his attention and he had never been back to these upper floors

    41. He knows it's a fine piece of machinery that he can restore, but it's in a festering sump right now

    42. He's got a respectable business going restoring old machinery

    43. "Poets are one thing, massive machinery another Granny, no hurricane on earth can stop what's happening up there, look do you see, the tarmac lorries are half way up already

    44. Dingle does not appreciate machinery flying over his home and considers your flight path a severe nuisance, perhaps you would change it, come down the outer coastline or stick to hot air balloons was his suggestion"

    45. They are rich in the industry and skill of their artificers and manufacturers, in every sort of machinery which can facilitate and abridge labour; in shipping, and in all the other instruments and means of carriage and commerce: but they are poor in corn, which, as it must be brought to them from distant countries, must, by an addition to its price, pay for the carriage from those countries

    46. The fish must generally be sought for at a greater distance, larger vessels must be employed, and more expensive machinery of every kind made use of

    47. In consequence of better machinery, of greater dexterity, and of a more proper division and distribution of work, all of which are the natural effects of improvement, a much smaller quantity of labour becomes requisite for executing any particular piece of work ; and though, in consequence of the flourishing circumstances of the society, the real price of labour should rise very considerably, yet the great diminution of the quantity will generally much more than compensate the greatest rise which can happen in the price

    48. There are, indeed, a few manufactures, in which the necessary rise in the real price of the rude materials will more than compensate all the advantages which improvement can introduce into the execution of the work In carpenters' and joiners' work, and in the coarser sort of cabinet work, the necessary rise in the real price of barren timber, in consequence of the improvement of land, will more than compensate all the advantages which can be derived from the best machinery, the greatest dexterity, and the most proper division and distribution of work

    49. In the clothing manufacture, the division of labour is nearly the same now as it was a century ago, and the machinery employed is not very different

    50. But the reduction will appear much more sensible and undeniable, if we compare the price of this manufacture in the present times with what it was in a much remoter period, towards the end of the fifteenth century, when the labour was probably much less subdivided, and the machinery employed much more imperfect, than it is at present

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    Synonymes pour "machinery"

    machinery means method plans devices contraption gadget