Use this constantly and it shall, over time, become less needed
response was, “I must become less and he must become more”
As you become less aware of yourself, your awareness of your true self will come
had become less loving and more interested in vague subjective
On June 10, the Shenandoah was still cruising about the Okhotsk Sea where the ice had become less of a problem
Otherwise, in some way, life would become less bearable; he had already been deprived of one important thing
Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written
He hoped that his eavesdroppers would assume he was working and become less vigilant
As this profession is continuing to decline, this will all become less of a problem
And Charles please have a little more respect for the English language, your diction has become less than I would expect from you
accurately the need for the memory of the previous human shape, seemed to become less
mind become less conscious of the body and more tuned to the
She would have to become less hot to handle though, but with a rider like Felicity, would go far
of Desire, pray that I may become less afraid to
and its interests earthly associations become less important and the beings
ies become less fragmented and more coherent – more like a laser than an
Remember, you will face barriers along the way (Chapter 5), but those will become less and less with each passing week
As you age, especially reaching the age of 40, your muscles would become less pliable
would become less interested
This has led many employees to become less able to travel as much or enjoy vacations with family members or do things they could in the past
John was one of the very few who would still fly, after the attack on Portsmouth and the retaliation that followed, flying had become less popular and Billy and John were two of the few left
� She also told me to expect her historical information to become less accurate as we use it, since the Germans will eventually react to our moves
It had taken six months for the agony of the Clegg chronicle to wash from daily thought, but each day the pain had become less and then the male-female awareness delightfully more
become less than they truly are
become less and less selective
I’d become less shy about approaching the young lady’s bed after dark
We have become less complete
This procedure has become less important than EDI, as ion exchangers always have a high
If the oceans are able to regenerate then there is a chance that weather will become less extreme, the oceanic food chain will return to a healthier state, the world’s oxygen / carbon dioxide ratio will remain optimum for us to be comfortable
The social security protection money will ultimately become less protective or cease to exist
the cream is applied, but this usually become less pronounced with each use
they become less self-consumption-centered and more share-growth-with-other-centered
you would a call a ghost tends to become less real upon further
become less grasping and attached to situations and things, and
Even more of the fact that she had let herself become less like a man; unfeeling as they were so often portrayed her mind, and more like a woman, giving into her emotions more often than not
become acclimated they may become less shy and may come out of the burrow to eat
Your cloths will begin to fit better as you become less frustrated by not overeating when
But as the food supplies began to dwindle, or parcels become less selective, quarrels broke out
state of time and space, the same five senses tend to become less reactionary and become
It's true that ad banners may have become less effective over the years, but a well created
with other medications, be habit forming, or can become less effective with
By desensitizing our feelings and thoughts through the deadening process of normality, we deaden ourselves in order to function as machines: and in doing so; we become less human
Then you will become less healthy, less powerful, less interesting, more boring, and weaker… until you become completely spoiled, arrogant, stupid, and senile
So the body and the brain and all of its components age, and become less efficient
He had become less
of the same type become less efficient
He was desperate to see the mighty Europe become less stable with the death of one of its Royals
He had become less sociable, almost sullen
I was slow to gain strength, but I did slowly and surely become less weak, and Joe stayed with me, and I fancied I was little Pip again
The table had never been fancy, and it had become less so over the years, cracking in places that Eddie repaired with wood putty, but it had been ours
” If writers, even well-intentioned writers, stop focusing on that aspect of my appearance, it will become less exceptional, which would probably be good for body acceptance in women who look like me
Yet he himself had become less overbearing
Yu-kwau’s climate would have made it a far more suitable imperial capital, and perhaps the imperial bureaucrats would have become less deeply embedded in the South
The hand bomb patterns become less concentrated the farther they have to sling them
As a general rule, Cicciaro said, colors become less and less stable as one moves up the visible spectrum
Casaubon just as learned as before? Had his forms of expression changed, or his sentiments become less laudable? Oh
” With the drought entering its second year, most lords had become less tolerant of poaching, and they hadn’t been very tolerant to begin with
But his obsession seemed to have become less intense over the years
When that number goes up, the market has become more active; when that number goes down, the market has become less active
The objection to buying these issues lies in the probability, or at least the possibility, that earnings will decline or losses continue and that the resources will be dissipated and the intrinsic value ultimately become less than the price paid
If anything, it seems that the people controlling these mega-sums have become less intelligent and less sophisticated over time
Mosa and Dominick have become less and less vocal over the past few weeks
“The One Light will show us how to become less and how to become more,” Ella said with conviction
For insiders and quasi-insiders, as their security holdings become less marketable because of restrictions on sale or otherwise, and as they attain positions in which they can exercise control over a corporation’s affairs, market price tends to become less important than the fundamentals of the business
If the spot price falls, generally speaking calls become less valuable and puts more valuable
Most traders have learned through experience that as expiration approaches, the use of a theoretical pricing model becomes less reliable because the inputs become less reliable
Alternatively, it may be possible to execute part of the spread at favorable prices, but as the size increases, the prices may become less satisfactory
If the VIX rises, will the S&P 500 Index become more volatile? If the VIX falls, will the index become less volatile? Because the VIX represents a 30-day implied volatility, if the marketplace is correct, whenever the VIX rises, the next 30 days ought to be more volatile than the previous 30 days, and whenever the VIX falls, the next 30 days ought to be less volatile than the previous 30 days
For example, insider purchases have become less useful indicators than they were in the past
Some traders will be happy with this side-effect of trailing stops, on the basis that a stop become less tolerant (therefore keener to crystallise your profits) as the price rises
, the swings, in relative terms, have become less violent)
Without the support of the American president and the CIA infrastructure, he would become less than nothing
Treasury can fund at Treasury rates, while the holders of short-dated Treasuries can become less risk averse and more willing to accept non-Treasury risk
When investors are closer to a subsistence level, any losses become less tolerable (see Figure 5
Gamblers tend to become less loss averse and more willing to take risks when they are ahead (“playing with house money)”
The main way to eliminate this opportunity was for conservative investors to become less conservative; as a group they could influence the relative price of different money market assets
Well-anchored inflation expectations had a benign influence during the Great Moderation: empirical studies show that inflation has become less sensitive to the output gap, and to exchange rate and energy price developments
When he went to his office five days after receiving the letter from Fermina Daza, he felt as if he were floating in an abrupt and unusual absence of the noise of the typewriters, whose sound, like rain, had become less noticeable than silence
Just as the move to decimalization caused the statistics for the number of stocks that were unchanged for a day to decrease, they reasoned that gaps would become less frequent
Thus, they reasoned, as more and more traders have instantaneous access to news and market information and trading volume increases, gaps will become less frequent
The morrow came, the plan for the evening continued, and Fanny's consideration of it did not become less agitated
It might be thought that the amount of change which the various parts and organs pass through in their development from embryo to maturity would suffice as a standard of comparison; but there are cases, as with certain parasitic crustaceans, in which several parts of the structure become less perfect, so that the mature animal cannot be called higher than its larva
Watson has remarked, "in receding from polar toward equatorial latitudes, the Alpine or mountain flora really become less and less Arctic
”[a29] In this state he often wants to cry,[a30] and only in time does his condition become less agitated and sometimes even entirely calm
This process takes place in the following manner: the worst elements of society, having seized the power and being in possession of it, under the influence of the sobering quality which always accompanies it, become less and less cruel and less able to make use of the cruel forms of violence, and, in consequence of this, give place to others, in whom again goes on the process of softening and, so to speak, unconscious Christianization
In proportion as the positions of violence become less and less attractive, and there are fewer and fewer men willing to occupy them, their uselessness becomes more and more apparent
But this will not come to pass, as some champions of the existing order imagine, through the oppressed becoming better and better under the influence of government (on the contrary, its influence causes their continual degradation), but through the fact that all men are constantly growing better and better of themselves, so that even the most wicked, who are in power, will become less and less wicked, till at last they are so good as to be incapable of using violence
They become less cruel and so cannot maintain their position, and are expelled from power by others less Christian and more wicked
As the positions based on the rule of force become less attractive and fewer men are found willing to fill them, the more will their uselessness be apparent
We must determine to become less agricultural and more commercial; to incur a debt of five hundred or a thousand million of dollars, and all the loans and taxes attendant on such a system, and all the corruption attendant on them
Its height had also become less, and horizontal limestone in regular strata prevailed in every part