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    become less Beispielsätze

    become less

    1. Use this constantly and it shall, over time, become less needed

    2. response was, “I must become less and he must become more”

    3. As you become less aware of yourself, your awareness of your true self will come

    4. had become less loving and more interested in vague subjective

    5. On June 10, the Shenandoah was still cruising about the Okhotsk Sea where the ice had become less of a problem

    6. Otherwise, in some way, life would become less bearable; he had already been deprived of one important thing

    7. Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written

    8. He hoped that his eavesdroppers would assume he was working and become less vigilant

    9. As this profession is continuing to decline, this will all become less of a problem

    10. And Charles please have a little more respect for the English language, your diction has become less than I would expect from you

    11. accurately the need for the memory of the previous human shape, seemed to become less

    12. mind become less conscious of the body and more tuned to the

    13. She would have to become less hot to handle though, but with a rider like Felicity, would go far

    14. of Desire, pray that I may become less afraid to

    15. and its interests earthly associations become less important and the beings

    16. ies become less fragmented and more coherent – more like a laser than an

    17. Remember, you will face barriers along the way (Chapter 5), but those will become less and less with each passing week

    18. As you age, especially reaching the age of 40, your muscles would become less pliable

    19. would become less interested

    20. This has led many employees to become less able to travel as much or enjoy vacations with family members or do things they could in the past

    21. John was one of the very few who would still fly, after the attack on Portsmouth and the retaliation that followed, flying had become less popular and Billy and John were two of the few left

    22. � She also told me to expect her historical information to become less accurate as we use it, since the Germans will eventually react to our moves

    23. It had taken six months for the agony of the Clegg chronicle to wash from daily thought, but each day the pain had become less and then the male-female awareness delightfully more

    24. become less than they truly are

    25. become less and less selective

    26. I’d become less shy about approaching the young lady’s bed after dark

    27. We have become less complete

    28. This procedure has become less important than EDI, as ion exchangers always have a high

    29. If the oceans are able to regenerate then there is a chance that weather will become less extreme, the oceanic food chain will return to a healthier state, the world’s oxygen / carbon dioxide ratio will remain optimum for us to be comfortable

    30. The social security protection money will ultimately become less protective or cease to exist

    31. the cream is applied, but this usually become less pronounced with each use

    32. they become less self-consumption-centered and more share-growth-with-other-centered

    33. you would a call a ghost tends to become less real upon further

    34. become less grasping and attached to situations and things, and

    35. Even more of the fact that she had let herself become less like a man; unfeeling as they were so often portrayed her mind, and more like a woman, giving into her emotions more often than not

    36. become acclimated they may become less shy and may come out of the burrow to eat

    37. Your cloths will begin to fit better as you become less frustrated by not overeating when

    38. But as the food supplies began to dwindle, or parcels become less selective, quarrels broke out

    39. state of time and space, the same five senses tend to become less reactionary and become

    40. It's true that ad banners may have become less effective over the years, but a well created

    41. with other medications, be habit forming, or can become less effective with

    42. By desensitizing our feelings and thoughts through the deadening process of normality, we deaden ourselves in order to function as machines: and in doing so; we become less human

    43. Then you will become less healthy, less powerful, less interesting, more boring, and weaker… until you become completely spoiled, arrogant, stupid, and senile

    44. So the body and the brain and all of its components age, and become less efficient

    45. He had become less

    46. of the same type become less efficient

    47. He was desperate to see the mighty Europe become less stable with the death of one of its Royals

    48. He had become less sociable, almost sullen

    49. I was slow to gain strength, but I did slowly and surely become less weak, and Joe stayed with me, and I fancied I was little Pip again

    50. The table had never been fancy, and it had become less so over the years, cracking in places that Eddie repaired with wood putty, but it had been ours

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