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    1. What: Mass killings and enslavement of California Indians by Anglo-American vigilantes during the Gold Rush and after

    2. Formal enslavement of Indians finally came to an end in 1865 only because of the Fourteenth Amendment

    3. In remote areas of California, there were a few cases of Indian enslavement into the 1890s

    4. The California state government also legalized the enslavement of Natives

    5. While technically admitted as a free state, California law only barred the enslavement of Blacks, not American Indians

    6. Had the ban been vigorously enforced, it could have stopped the enslavement of perhaps 150,000 Africans and the deaths of as many as 450,000 more

    7. " Note that his call was a moral call to duty, one appealing to human rights and maintaining Africans were innocent, undeserving of enslavement

    8. The former hate Lincoln because they hate Blacks and/or defend slavery and the white supremacist Confederacy created solely to defend enslavement based on race

    9. The Republican Party of California, Lincoln's appointees and allies, brought an end to legal enslavement of California Indians

    10. The third generation had wandered far enough to set in motion the disaster and enslavement of the Assyrian conquest (722 BC)

    11. These people are still responsible for the deaths of most of the Abnegation and the mental enslavement of the Dauntless and the utter destruction of our way of life, and something has to be done about them

    12. Even in enslavement, these humans have managed to thrive

    13. The One World enslavement conspiracy was started over two

    14. For most this would have been the end, but God had planted a vision within Joseph, a vision to be the best despite his circumstances, and his enslavement only proved to be the beginning

    15. Another form of enslavement is that condition imposed by someone upon another person by means of fraud

    16. It is enslavement because that person knowing the factual situation would not accept it

    17. They are victims of fraud and deception, the more insidious forms of enslavement, as opposed to the obvious bondage of forced labor

    18. ” To ensnare oneself by overbuying into a situation that seemingly has no foreseeable escape or that creates mental suffering is not true enslavement as I am defining it, because it is self-inflicted

    19. It may certainly be confining and terribly restricting, but it is not enslavement from without

    20. The power of that word enslavement is not diminished by associating it with the modifier 'partial

    21. So what property rights can you have, in the face of such blatant enslavement?

    22. Truly, it is one of the most sadistic creeds ever invented for the psychological enslavement of mankind

    23. The enslavement of the little child with color; We’re not the other white meat,

    24. No noble man will strive to accumulate riches and amass wealth-power by the enslavement or unfair exploitation of his brothers in the flesh

    25. Jesus was increasingly sought by the victims of moral enslavement and mental harassments, and he invariably taught them the way of deliverance

    26. that my presence here would mean instant death, enslavement, or

    27. Together they created among their nation leaders, and gave history its next great impetus at a time when the earth stood still in the face of its own destruction—a needless destruction wrought upon itself for the purpose of greed, political power, and the enslavement of humanity at large

    28. reality this new alien system of total inclusive enslavement

    29. that purpose obviously being total conquest and enslavement of

    30. toward the same exact end, and that end being total enslavement

    31. enslavement camps coming to this country, Ben

    32. enslavement that had oppressed every ethnic group in the world at some time in history

    33. Though such actions as invasion, enslavement and sacrifice are unjust, there are no races, nationalities or ethnic groups whose ancestors haven’t wronged others in the past

    34. ‘’Know that, along with premeditated murder, two types of crimes rate the death penalty in the society of the Human Expansion: enslavement and torture

    35. Any attempt to set an agenda is, to the narcissist, an intimidating act of enslavement

    36. All she can do is stand in front of you, hoping you’ll feel what she feels, and what she feels is the loss of soul brought about by the products of 4,000 years of Male Spirit consciousness: the enslavement of women, the rise of armies, empires, philosophy, systematic violence, cities, writing,

    37. Choosing life over enslavement to the past is a choice that will empower you, free you and move you forward

    38. No sir! Incest, all other un-related rape; wife and child-beating; their enslavement (economic and/or literal); abandonment; and myriad forms of more “minor” detrimental impact on our fellow humans have never been worse than right now! On the cusp of the next millennium (only by Christian counting, remember—others have a full range of available options), conditions for all but the so-called “stronger” sex (adult version only) rival the darkest pits of all our times past

    39. Many of them came here and founded our country just to get away from that brand of enslavement

    40. I say, this noble verse manifests the legality of fighting and the purpose behind enslavement, enjoying the tribute by the Prophet (cpth), and behind all of the other ways which check the damage of the unbelievers and their corruption in the land

    41. Our lifestyles bare witness to our desires and are testimonials for or against liberation or enslavement

    42. This noble Verse explains the legality of fighting and the purpose of enslavement, offering a tribute to the Prophet (cpth), and all of the other ways to check the damage of the disbelievers and their corruption in the land

    43. All products gain their profit from the Earth, rather it be by pollution, enslavement, extraction, or harvest

    44. And then the reinvasion and enslavement of Africa, the stealing of resources, arable land, and the planting of biofuel crops amidst weekly food rebellions, daily public water robberies and nightly migrations of the ever-displaced masses of the diseased and malnourished

    45. the creation of their own suppression and enslavement

    46. non-resistance to the cost of our entertrainment, by actively promoting enslavement with apathy's compliant treaty of a lack of dissent

    47. “Endless payment is both enslavement and torture

    48. If the goal of money is profit, then the goal of profit is everlasting growth – the misperceived secret of eternally recurring and renewing Life – through our enslavement to the wages of pay and addiction to purchase

    49. Monergy creates the conditions conducive to profit and ownership – thus enslavement and death

    50. This the endless enslavement of being, life, and energy

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    Синонимы для "enslavement"

    enslavement captivity slavery servitude subjection addiction bondage