What: Mass killings and enslavement of California Indians by Anglo-American vigilantes during the Gold Rush and after
Formal enslavement of Indians finally came to an end in 1865 only because of the Fourteenth Amendment
In remote areas of California, there were a few cases of Indian enslavement into the 1890s
The California state government also legalized the enslavement of Natives
While technically admitted as a free state, California law only barred the enslavement of Blacks, not American Indians
Had the ban been vigorously enforced, it could have stopped the enslavement of perhaps 150,000 Africans and the deaths of as many as 450,000 more
" Note that his call was a moral call to duty, one appealing to human rights and maintaining Africans were innocent, undeserving of enslavement
The former hate Lincoln because they hate Blacks and/or defend slavery and the white supremacist Confederacy created solely to defend enslavement based on race
The Republican Party of California, Lincoln's appointees and allies, brought an end to legal enslavement of California Indians
The third generation had wandered far enough to set in motion the disaster and enslavement of the Assyrian conquest (722 BC)
These people are still responsible for the deaths of most of the Abnegation and the mental enslavement of the Dauntless and the utter destruction of our way of life, and something has to be done about them
Even in enslavement, these humans have managed to thrive
The One World enslavement conspiracy was started over two
For most this would have been the end, but God had planted a vision within Joseph, a vision to be the best despite his circumstances, and his enslavement only proved to be the beginning
Another form of enslavement is that condition imposed by someone upon another person by means of fraud
It is enslavement because that person knowing the factual situation would not accept it
They are victims of fraud and deception, the more insidious forms of enslavement, as opposed to the obvious bondage of forced labor
” To ensnare oneself by overbuying into a situation that seemingly has no foreseeable escape or that creates mental suffering is not true enslavement as I am defining it, because it is self-inflicted
It may certainly be confining and terribly restricting, but it is not enslavement from without
The power of that word enslavement is not diminished by associating it with the modifier 'partial
So what property rights can you have, in the face of such blatant enslavement?
Truly, it is one of the most sadistic creeds ever invented for the psychological enslavement of mankind
The enslavement of the little child with color; We’re not the other white meat,
No noble man will strive to accumulate riches and amass wealth-power by the enslavement or unfair exploitation of his brothers in the flesh
Jesus was increasingly sought by the victims of moral enslavement and mental harassments, and he invariably taught them the way of deliverance
that my presence here would mean instant death, enslavement, or
Together they created among their nation leaders, and gave history its next great impetus at a time when the earth stood still in the face of its own destruction—a needless destruction wrought upon itself for the purpose of greed, political power, and the enslavement of humanity at large
reality this new alien system of total inclusive enslavement
that purpose obviously being total conquest and enslavement of
toward the same exact end, and that end being total enslavement
enslavement camps coming to this country, Ben
enslavement that had oppressed every ethnic group in the world at some time in history
Though such actions as invasion, enslavement and sacrifice are unjust, there are no races, nationalities or ethnic groups whose ancestors haven’t wronged others in the past
‘’Know that, along with premeditated murder, two types of crimes rate the death penalty in the society of the Human Expansion: enslavement and torture
Any attempt to set an agenda is, to the narcissist, an intimidating act of enslavement
All she can do is stand in front of you, hoping you’ll feel what she feels, and what she feels is the loss of soul brought about by the products of 4,000 years of Male Spirit consciousness: the enslavement of women, the rise of armies, empires, philosophy, systematic violence, cities, writing,
Choosing life over enslavement to the past is a choice that will empower you, free you and move you forward
No sir! Incest, all other un-related rape; wife and child-beating; their enslavement (economic and/or literal); abandonment; and myriad forms of more “minor” detrimental impact on our fellow humans have never been worse than right now! On the cusp of the next millennium (only by Christian counting, remember—others have a full range of available options), conditions for all but the so-called “stronger” sex (adult version only) rival the darkest pits of all our times past
Many of them came here and founded our country just to get away from that brand of enslavement
I say, this noble verse manifests the legality of fighting and the purpose behind enslavement, enjoying the tribute by the Prophet (cpth), and behind all of the other ways which check the damage of the unbelievers and their corruption in the land
Our lifestyles bare witness to our desires and are testimonials for or against liberation or enslavement
This noble Verse explains the legality of fighting and the purpose of enslavement, offering a tribute to the Prophet (cpth), and all of the other ways to check the damage of the disbelievers and their corruption in the land
All products gain their profit from the Earth, rather it be by pollution, enslavement, extraction, or harvest
And then the reinvasion and enslavement of Africa, the stealing of resources, arable land, and the planting of biofuel crops amidst weekly food rebellions, daily public water robberies and nightly migrations of the ever-displaced masses of the diseased and malnourished
the creation of their own suppression and enslavement
non-resistance to the cost of our entertrainment, by actively promoting enslavement with apathy's compliant treaty of a lack of dissent
“Endless payment is both enslavement and torture
If the goal of money is profit, then the goal of profit is everlasting growth – the misperceived secret of eternally recurring and renewing Life – through our enslavement to the wages of pay and addiction to purchase
Monergy creates the conditions conducive to profit and ownership – thus enslavement and death
This the endless enslavement of being, life, and energy
A pet is more than a domesticated animal; a pet is the enslavement of the domesticated creature
To choose a state of enslavement is substantially different than being condemned to it
But where is the freedom in being liberated from the absences and abuses of slave labor only to be consigned as a serf in a monergic tyranny? Yet, regardless the circumstance, once one is enslaved, one can seek various freedoms within that enslavement, all imagined, some real
For what rule of law is there for the abolishment of the existing governance of money? When the infrastructures of the world become recalcitrant against these rights of health and the equality of life that attracts them all towards mutual caring, when any form of governance, be it Govcorp, Bubble State, or gated iWorld, becomes destructive of these ends, it is the responsibility of the people, in the name of all people, on behalf of all our living and non-living co-inhabitants on this preciously loved planet, and for Eartheart herself, to abolish these institutions and implement a new organization which expresses the social will of all caring for all, for the freedom of all from the torture that is the enslavement to the tyranny of 886
further the enslavement of others and Eartheart, then you are responsible
For even when I thought, 'I'll make enough for all', I was seeing myself as the great benefactor of humanity, unaware that what I thought was a gift was actually enslavement
It was Noel himself who decried his accidental connection to a purveyor of enslavement
Mass migrations of starving, war-torn people provides the dual opportunity for both extermination of the weaker surplus and enslavement of the strongest survivors, with the unexpected 1064
He cared nothing for other people's opinion, that chief enslavement of her home, and he was an orphan
Chattel slavery and cheap labor an unwelcome introduction into capitalism…captured Africans stripped of all personality and humanity…a mechanism of an oppressive system of human sorrows…victims of avarice and self-appointed superiority…pregnant slaves shackled to fears, her naked breasts heavy with tears, her seed in jeopardy of annihilation in a nation that defended the enslavement of Africa’s babies because black skin made it so…no place to go but Heaven… with the connection to Africa stricken from the reach of her children… but the royalty that flows through the veins of her offspring has managed to elude the ad¬versary’s thievery…it remains unscathed, needing only recognition of its presence…the Transatlantic and watery graves, but those that survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains
Chattel slavery and cheap labor an unwelcome introduction into capitalism…captured Africans stripped of all personality and humanity…a mechanism of an oppressive system of human sorrows…victims of avarice and self-appointed superiority…pregnant slaves shackled to fears, her naked breasts heavy with tears, her seed in jeopardy of annihilation in a nation that defended the enslavement of Africa’s babies because black skin made it so…no place to go but Heaven… with the connection to Africa stricken from the reach of her children… but the royalty that flows through the veins of her offspring has managed to elude the adversary’s thievery…it remains unscathed, needing only recognition of its presence…the Transatlantic and watery graves, but those that survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains
The enslavement of other animals is not even called slavery; instead, we call it: domestication
slavery of all kinds: Humans enslaving plants, humans enslaving other animals, humans enslaving rivers, Humans enslaving eco-systems, humans enslaving each other, humans becoming enslaved to their own tools, tools enslaving humans: enslavement is the unmistakable earmark of civilization
Civilization was born out of the enslavement and butchery of animals on a mass-killing level
Whether it is the enslavement of humans, or the enslavement of other animals: it is all the same
That his enslavement had only been a psychological trick
Mankind and its use of tools and its enslavement of animals had already been creating deserts of total devastation and death for millions of years
That is supposed to be their proud achievement, their proud legacy, their proud contribution to civilization: forced enslavement
The British Empire was based upon a system of such inhuman, cruel, atrocities and enslavement: it is almost impossible to describe
This is only one general dynamic of how human slavery, human enslavement, human desensitization, dehumanization of human health, systematic poisoning of the human diet, and systematic destruction of human health that can be traced to how humans dehumanized their own food into identicalized staples of rice, tobacco, coffee, sugar, chocolate, salt, spices, potatoes, wheat, barley, alcohol, rum, wine, pasta, bread, etc
Becoming dependent on mass manufactured products is a loss of freedom, it is not an advantage of choice: it is taking away your ability and choice to be independent and self-sufficient; it is a systematic enslavement of the human masses
It has created billions of more human machine wage slaves, working harder, longer, for less money, in worse conditions, and being dehumanized in the process worse: than all the systems of enslavement of all the civilizations that existed before industrialization
So far, in human history: humans have only put up a token resistance against their social enslavement by their masters and owners
That is the enslavement to dead things called possessions
� It can become a kind of self condemnation or enslavement to the past
Russia was the ‘protector’ of Slavs like the English Empire was the ‘protector’ of the English: keeping them poor, enslaved and brainwashed for centuries while getting rich off their slavery and enslavement and toil
They came from a legacy of over 1,000 years of nearly uninterrupted slavery, unwilling slavery, enforced enslavement
Killing evil filth possessed and poisoned by undead ghouls is a GOOD ACT, it is an act of GOODNESS, it releases the undeveloped human shell from its slavery and enslavement to the forces of pure evil
This discovery; that eating living things that have been burnt to death taste sweeter than eating something that is still green and alive; this enslavement to our taste buds…as orally addicted monkeys
few and the delusion and enslavement of the vast majority
source of captivity, enslavement and torment for Planet Earth’s populations that slave their lives
She gazed up at me over the tops of her folded hands, poised in the final move of the dance with such a look of confident pride in the achievement of her enslavement of me that I felt at a loss as to what to do
“I don’t understand it! We are about to be potentially overrun by a stronger enemy and you’re telling me that we have the power to stop that invasion, but we can’t use it because it could lead to a greater evil! What could be worse than the defeat and enslavement of our own people? These books over here have written on them that they are Holy Scripture
The power of that word enslavement is not diminished by
property rights can you have, in the face of such blatant enslavement?
Matt kept his voice low as to not be overheard, “The South attempted to biblically justify their enslavement of the black man
The humility and self-denial of the celibate priesthood are set forth to facilitate the enslavement of the world by their means
The treaty waived the right of former POWs and their families to seek reparations from Japan and Japanese companies that had profited from their enslavement
"Or has this enslavement altered you?"
"The state," we are told, "is indispensably necessary, in the first place, because without the state, I and all of us would not be protected against violence and the attack of evil men; in the second place, without the state all of us would be savages, and would have no religious, nor educational, nor mercantile institutions, nor roads of communication, nor any other public establishments; and, in the third place, because without the state we should be subject to enslavement by neighbouring nations
The governments in our time—all governments, the most despotic and the most liberal—have become what Herzen so aptly called Dzhingis-Khans with telegraphs, that is, organizations of violence, which have nothing at their base but the coarsest arbitrary will, and yet use all those means which science has worked out for the aggregate social peaceful activity of free and equal men, and which they now employ for the enslavement and oppression of men
It consists in taking the wealth away from the labouring classes in the shape of monetary taxes, and distributing this wealth among the officials, who for this remuneration are obliged to maintain and strengthen the enslavement of the masses
These hypnotized, physically strong young men (all young men, on account of the present universal military service), who are provided with instruments of murder, and who are always obedient to the power of the governments and are prepared to commit any act of violence at their command, form the fourth and chief means for the enslavement of men
If some men affirm that the liberation from violence, or even its weakening, may be effected, should the oppressed people overthrow the oppressing government by force and substitute a new one for it, a government in which such violence and enslavement would not be necessary, and if some men actually try to do so, they only deceive themselves and others by it, and thus fail to improve men's condition, and even make it worse
Other men will be enslaved, and men will be compelled to do something else; but there will be, not only the same, but even a more cruel form of violence and enslavement, because, in consequence of the struggle, the hatred of men toward one another will be intensified, and at the same time new means of enslavement will be worked out and confirmed