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    1. The higher energy sources provide to the plants a quick pick me up, Higher energy food sources are easier to be absorbed then lower energy sources which require more energy to assimilate leaving the plant in a minus situation which in turn causes stress etc

    2. In soil where the PH is too high it will not be able to assimilate certain minerals resulting in a trace mineral deficiency that invites a pest or disease attack

    3. We sit unspeaking for several minutes as I assimilate all this

    4. First of all remember that our bodies are only nourished by food which they can break down and assimilate and that, ideally, all food should be laxative

    5. ’ I replied, trying to assimilate this information

    6. Ava listened to all of that and tried to assimilate it

    7. They never really attempted to assimilate

    8. He could make out little in the darkness, but tried to assimilate what was so unique about this supposed classic structure

    9. It was almost more than I could assimilate

    10. ’ There was a pause, obviously in recognition of both their need to assimilate this revelatory information

    11. I tried to assimilate yet another miracle

    12. The Sisters prepared rice and gruel over braziers, and thus only did the wounded obtain the food they could assimilate

    13. He could not assimilate hardtack and, though commanding a brigade, he had no tent at the front

    14. The rapid influx of immigrants without providing them (sufficient) time or opportunity to properly assimilate, appears to be a calculated attempt on the part of universal designs to preempt American Culture

    15. The solution to this unfortunate dilemma requires (the) reestablishing of and ―enforcement‖ of Immigration Quotas designed to preserve existing racial and ethnic balances (for the time being) while allowing recent arrivals an opportunity to properly assimilate into their new environment

    16. Although I don‘t question the advantages of time; nevertheless, I can‘t help feeling that our ―personal‖ interactions have been compromised somehow; have become less intimate and perhaps less cordial operating in an environment where the ―letter‖ writer has become a quasi extension of the apparatus it utilizes to compose its ―letters‖; such mediums of thoughts and emotions flowing together, whose spontaneity no longer provides sufficient time to assimilate what‘s been written

    17. ‖ Many individuals susceptible to teeming influences extending beyond their capacity to assimilate what is being conveyed and in what manner and why, for that matter, entirely dependent has the public become on its media ―mouthpieces‖ commissioned to do their thinking for them in a fruitless attempt at sorting out unintelligent pieces of information that, taken collectively, are even more meaningless, thereby frustrating further efforts to attain (true) knowledge while unsettling core beliefs

    18. Grindel paused, allowing the crowd time to assimilate his words

    19. Addendum to above question: Should Western Culture step aside and let history take its course or is it possible for such groups to properly assimilate and operate within its broadest parameters?

    20. …an overlapping of first, second and perhaps third generations that have yet to properly assimilate within the (greater) community…

    21. America was uniquely conceived in the principle manner it has been able to embrace and assimilate a variety of cultures forming unqualified or hybrid expressions symbolizing the normative elasticity of its people; of ―old world‖ customs and manners that gradually introduced themselves to the American Mainstream over the years

    22. As for the Irish Catholics so feared by the Know-Nothings, they discovered how to assimilate into American society: Take part in bigotry against others

    23. ” Milosovic's plan was to kill one third of all Bosnians, drive out one third of Bosnians, and culturally assimilate one third

    24. “It is unknown how quickly you can assimilate all the material available to you, and how much you can really understand in a limited time

    25. " Kady was a really bright kid; Jevon marveled at how quickly she could assimilate information and form a big picture perspective, at such a young age

    26. I could see only trouble ahead for them as they would have to eventually assimilate into the community

    27. He was surrounded by print, more print than anyone could possibly read, let alone assimilate

    28. from his personal experience, “Ability to retain and assimilate the

    29. to accumulate and assimilate

    30. them assimilate into American culture by assisting them with

    31. to fully assimilate and understand their NDE

    32. In this hypnotic session you'll have the chance to assimilate into your unconscious mind great talents,

    33. Or have they? It is much more likely that most Jews took the course of least resistance over the centuries and did assimilate

    34. Marxism is the abandonment of the attempt on the part of the Jewish Left to assimilate into existing society

    35. patiently assimilate the way astronomers and the physicists think when they

    36. The reality is that it is the disabling of specific brain circuits while maintaining other brain operations that allow us to both experience and assimilate the experience of the unitary state and other intermediate states

    37. It all depends on our ability to learn it and assimilate it

    38. We forget about ‘our’ past, and assimilate the past of someone else

    39. reflecting on the experiences from my trip have I been able to assimilate the lessons

    40. You see our primary goal here is to assimilate information, not to discover, not to invent, not to hypothesize

    41. 374 minutes and assimilate all the electrical, magnetic, and optical data in under 1

    42. Tim’s mind was spinning, trying desperately to assimilate all the information that had been injected into it in the last hour

    43. which makes it easy for us, with our training, to assimilate it or to appreciate it

    44. In the future he could see that a whole generation would assimilate into the English population

    45. Jesus taught these men all they could assimilate

    46. The job of the Virgo is to eject all impurities and keep only that which the body and mind can use and assimilate

    47. It is good to look back at the past, to assimilate it, digest it and extract the nutrition from past experiences, but it is not so good to live in the past or return to it

    48. Christianity presumed to embrace too much for any one people to assimilate in one or two generations

    49. Can you say what aspects of English a child can naturally assimilate with this rhyme? You will find some suggestions below

    50. However, in the Early Learning environment, children not only assimilate linguistic aspects such as those suggested above

    1. Hitler had even the most assimilated Jews hunted down

    2. More easily assimilated than any other food, it is especially beneficial to older people and those of you who are suffering from digestive troubles of any kind

    3. predestination was assimilated by J

    4. Love, satisfaction, and, ultimately happiness manifest themselves, out of the blue sky, as soon as one has satisfactorily assimilated the lessons he had been assigned

    5. And, if the Vlahs from Greece have assimilated

    6. the USSR, we know what Romania assimilated

    7. assimilated by the Greeks

    8. The Elusivers had made him witness a nightmare future: shiny mechanoids with wide pumping legs; machines that didn’t just kill but assimilated people into their bodies as swiftly as a lizard takes in an insect

    9. Generally there is no difference between the dry and liquid formulations other than the liquid products are more quickly assimilated by the body and are more concentrated

    10. Such interpretations or judgments that inevitably follow once (the) news has been properly assimilated (often) reflect conditioned opinions, responses or explanations reflecting a journalist‘s essential points of view, not necessarily; however, the inherent properties of (the) news itself

    11. Provided that the acquisition of (new) knowledge is properly assimilated and that individuals are mindful of what history has taught them, a society should acquire certain advantages over preceding generations

    12. Conscience is understood as an (internalized) set of morals and values whose critical references, in whatever manner obtained and (assimilated), must necessarily enhance or diminish an individual‘s sense of guilt or other such feelings and emotions proceeding from that individual‘s private understanding of right and wrong or good and evil; that is to say, how that individual observes (external) events and assimilates the information that it receives

    13. What has indeed been assimilated from having lived yet having forgotten all; that is to say, wherein lay the principle examples of forgotten impressions?

    14. assimilated the Hellenistic world of Alexander and the achievements of the Greeks

    15. It was a mostly forgotten custom that the Emperor directly handled planning with allies, mainly because the Empire had assimilated all of its allies, but the High Command seemed to remember it since they left without complaint

    16. The Budzynski’s have assimilated into the

    17. After that, in a flash, everything I have ever seen, heard, smelled, tasted, touched, known, hated, loved, experienced, and assimilated will be erased

    18. We will see in the nineteenth century that Marxism had its greatest hold among educated German Jews, and least appeal among the poorer and less assimilated, and less university-educated Eastern European orthodox and Hasidic Jews

    19. assimilated, and not at all tolerant of the recent Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe: Adolph himself had little tolerance for Jews who wore unclipped beards and long black frock coats, feeling it was unfair of them to set themselves “apart from other men, and then complain that [they are] treated differently from other men

    20. It is basically split between the orthodox, who follow tradition, and the reform and assimilated types who do not

    21. From the assimilated types we get the Jewish Left, starting with Karl Marx, and continuing on to today’s iterations of him

    22. Even as her universe is assimilated and everything around her vanishes and transforms itself into an elegant ballet of logic and perfection, she understands your purpose and the terror makes her finally understand

    23. And with that, her life is ended, not to be assimilated, not to live forever within the kingdom of your perfect mind, and all memory of her is erased

    24. Of all the living races you’ve encountered, conquered, destroyed, or assimilated, there is none among them that could survive here

    25. we have thoroughly assimilated the knowledge given us, and are all living up

    26. and assimilated, as freely as the sunshine, by all who are receptive enough to

    27. The gentleman then glued the slot in the sac closed, with a glue specially formulated to replace the use of stitches - which was assimilated by and also promoted, rapid healing of, the skin – the final result showing no scar tissue – only an almost indiscernible line where the lasered incision had been made

    28. subculture that has assimilated elements of that culture

    29. shown that those who are more assimilated into white society have more eating

    30. be assimilated into society

    31. well assimilated they believe their way of life is their

    32. Rose was quickly assimilated into a community accustomed to assimilating new people

    33. Even though there is a price on your head, your teachings have been assimilated and expanded upon

    34. Rose assimilated into the community as if she had lived there all her life

    35. SABRINA MAHONEY ASSIMILATED into the team that wrote training simulations for

    36. When it was apparent that the information had been assimilated, Rachel said, “Let’s give the engineers and munitions folks time to do their jobs

    37. As they walked to their quarters, Fiona assimilated what she had just learned in the brief meeting

    38. Within two weeks, the entire refugee population had been assimilated and reassigned

    39. reports had been assimilated

    40. ELIZABETH AND COMPANY STAYED on the moon for two days while they assimilated

    41. Henri and his people descended to the surface and quickly assimilated themselves into the

    42. They assimilated modifications that the “Fourth” had tested into their own ships

    43. All things, all ideas and actions, beliefs and thoughts are assimilated

    44. The food order guaranteed that the refugees would be rapidly assimilated since they would be needed to fulfill the order

    45. In keeping with Colony Service policies, those members of the Queen Elizabeth’s crew who wished to stay would be compensated and assimilated into the

    46. It was an oper-ation that was so timely, drastic, and effective that two months after the armistice, when Colonel Aureliano Buendía had recovered, his most dedicated conspirators were dead or exiled or had been assimilated forever into public administration

    47. and Abel; he later assimilated the bloodline and genealogy of Adam

    48. The Americans were speechless for a moment while they assimilated that shocking information

    49. The information can be assimilated by your clients in just a few seconds and this adds to the appeal

    50. Having assimilated German, along with other ancient languages, by direct mental transfer before leaving on her mission of mercy, Farah complied immediately, totally terrified

    1. I sip my coffee, watching him as he assimilates what I have told him

    2. Conscience is understood as an (internalized) set of morals and values whose critical references, in whatever manner obtained and (assimilated), must necessarily enhance or diminish an individual‘s sense of guilt or other such feelings and emotions proceeding from that individual‘s private understanding of right and wrong or good and evil; that is to say, how that individual observes (external) events and assimilates the information that it receives

    3. He assimilates the information and performs giant calculations while you see the global connection of all the little fragments that he furnishes, and how you can best use them

    4. It assimilates intelligence, all forms of it, and spits it back out in a perverse duplication of itself

    5. and assimilates all known life forms, infiltrating and mutating everything in its path on the

    6. assimilates a life form, there is no way to undo it

    7. The full and changeless ocean assimilates all the rivers that flow viol-

    8. the oneness of his Self and the Supreme Spirit assimilates all worldly

    9. It is his fire that accepts and assimilates the food that reaches the state of readiness by four ways

    10. The bee assimilates juices of various kinds of flowers and fruit and forms within its body the honey, which it stores in its cells of wax

    11. Thereby, his or her spirit assimilates these attributes of perfection and perceives them, so that they settle into it and become its own attributes

    12. (d) Plato, labouring under what, to modern readers, appears to have been a confusion of ideas, assimilates the state to the individual, and fails to distinguish Ethics from Politics

    13. But when the poet speaks in the person of another, may we not say that he assimilates his style to that of the person who, as he informs you, is going to speak?

    14. But in our day he goes straight for the literature of negation, very quickly assimilates all the extracts of the science of negation, and he’s ready

    15. bread thief; il lansquine, it rains, a striking, ancient figure which partly bears its date about it, which assimilates long oblique lines of rain, with the dense and slanting pikes of the lancers, and which compresses into a single word the popular expression: it rains halberds

    16. I believe he is of mine;—I am sure he is—I feel akin to him—I understand the language of his countenance and movements: though rank and wealth sever us widely, I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves, that assimilates me mentally to him

    17. "[16] If there were any doubt of the truth of Christianity there could be no more indubitable proof of its authenticity than the complete freedom, recognizing no fetters, which a man feels as soon as he assimilates the Christian life-conception

    18. In painting, this method assimilates painting to photography, and destroys the difference between them

    19. It is thought that this powder had not a volcanic origin, and that the presence of chrome assimilates it with meteoric stones

    1. I lie there for a moment assimilating this fact and trying to work out what it could mean

    2. speed and assimilating the transformations with

    3. This device is assimilating you

    4. As drugged up as I was, I was only capable of assimilating minor information at the time

    5. Multiculturalism is the antithesis of the American ―melting pot‖ that promoted a common (homogenous) culture by assimilating

    6. Perhaps it‘s because the sudden awareness of something or someone does not provide ample opportunity for (pause) or thoughtful reflection; that is to say, having been taken off guard, it is ―reduced‖ to (merely) observing and/or reacting willy nilly, rather than properly perceiving (and assimilating) new 47

    7. ) Although many of these communities retained a measure of ethnic authenticity, its members gradually sought to adopt, by assimilating, the customs and practices of (the) mainstream society

    8. Multi-Culturalism should not be confused with Inter-Culturalism that otherwise suggests a mutual exchanging and/or assimilating of the higher (Arts & Sciences, Music, Literature and Architecture) and lower (Cuisine, Fashions and Sports) cultures whose synthesis finds its ultimate expression within an overlapping culture that oftentimes acquires its own unique standing over time

    9. Your probes get to work dismantling and assimilating his every facet

    10. 1 Jesus well knew that his apostles were not fully assimilating his teachings

    11. long as they have the narrow goal of assimilating their members ínto the masculine

    12. Rose was quickly assimilated into a community accustomed to assimilating new people

    13. These creatures were organisms that could survive without oxygen, and fed by assimilating matter around their bodies and absorbing nutrients

    14. “Stability comes from properly assimilating the experience-knowledge of its actions

    15. In other words, there are periods of great pushing—like yearning itself into the next experience, which overpowers the tug of relative stability acquired while assimilating experience

    16. In other words, there are periods of great pushing—like yearning itself into the next experience, which overpowers the tug of relative stability acquired while assimilating recent experiences

    17. Rubin shone his light over the objects, quickly assimilating the information

    18. Borg assimilating two Romulans

    19. Of course, the Norsicans would have had no chance assimilating into the human culture as easy as it did with the Klingons, simply because their appearance didn’t garner any human sympathy

    20. Even Colonialism, which predated modern ideologies, was inclusive and sought to "improve" the Natives" and "bring them to the White Man's level" by assimilating or incorporating them in the culture and society of the colonial power

    21. It’s the same thing with the knowledge you are assimilating within the pages of this book

    22. Aunt Dot had suspected, only she hadn't suspected anything like all that was presently imparted to her, and she found great difficulty in assimilating it

    23. Yeah, assimilating as a gardener, he thought

    24. Assimilating into this slightly insane new era, or locating the source of the singing blood

    25. are assimilating your position with what might happen and you

    26. assimilating foods and eliminating its wastes, which in turn energised the whole organism

    27. Middlemarch, in fact, counted on swallowing Lydgate and assimilating him very comfortably

    28. Instead of working wickedness by night and growing more debased in the assimilating of it by day, she shall take her place with the other Angels

    29. But Lorenzo Daza had an infinite capacity for assimilating humiliations, and he continued his ingenious strategies for arranging casual encounters with Juvenal Urbino, not realizing that it was Juvenal Urbino who went out of his way to let himself be encountered

    30. He had learned without absorbing, remembered without assimilating

    31. At first his capacity for assimilating the thoughts of others, and of expressing them correctly, had given him a position of supremacy among pupils and teachers in the gymnasium and the university, where qualities such as his are highly prized, and he was satisfied

    32. For one must take into consideration another mode, in addition to the intuitive of assimilating new truth, and of making the transition from one mode of life to another

    33. And by this experimental external method the majority of Christian men have now been brought to this necessity of assimilating the doctrine

    34. The External Life of Christian Peoples Remains Pagan Though they are Penetrated by Christian Consciousness—The Way Out of this Contradiction is by the Acceptance of the Christian Theory of Life—Only Through Christianity is Every Man Free, and Emancipated of All Human Authority—This Emancipation can be Effected by no Change in External Conditions of Life, but Only by a Change in the Conception of Life—The Christian Ideal of Life Requires Renunciation of all Violence, and in Emancipating the Man who Accepts it, Emancipates the Whole World from All External Authorities—The Way Out of the Present Apparently Hopeless Position is for Every Man who is Capable of Assimilating the Christian Conception of Life, to Accept it and Live in Accordance with it—But Men Consider this Way too Slow, and Look for Deliverance Through Changes in Material Conditions of Life Aided by Government—That Will Lead to No Improvement, as it is simply Increasing the Evil under which Men are Suffering—A Striking Instance of this is the Submission to Compulsory Military Service, which it would be More Advantageous for Every Man to Refuse than to Submit to—The Emancipation of Men Can Only be Brought About by each Individual Emancipating Himself, and the Examples of this Self-emancipation which are already Appearing Threaten the Destruction of Governmental Authority—Refusal to Comply with the Unchristian Demands of Government Undermines the Authority of the State and Emancipates Men—And therefore Cases of such Non-compliance are Regarded with more Dread by State Authorities than any Conspiracies or Acts of Violence—Examples of Non-compliance in Russia, in Regard to Oath of Allegiance, Payment of Taxes, Passports, Police Duties, and Military Service—Examples of such Non-compliance in other States—Governments do not Know how to Treat Men who Refuse to Comply with their Demands on Christian Grounds—Such People, without Striking a Blow, Undermine the very Basis of Government from Within—To Punish them is Equivalent to Openly Renouncing Christianity, and Assisting in Diffusing the Very Principle by which these Men Justify their Non-compliance—So Governments are in a Helpless Position—Men who Maintain the Uselessness of Personal Independence, only Retard the Dissolution of the Present State Organization Based on Force

    35. So that, although power remains externally the same as it was, with every change of the men in power there is a constant increase of the number of men who have been brought by experience to the necessity of assimilating the Christian conception of life, and with every change—though it is the coarsest, cruelest, and least Christian who come into possession of power, they are less coarse and cruel and more Christian than their predecessors when they gained possession of power

    36. By enlightening the opinions, by expanding the patriotism, and by assimilating the principles, the sentiments, and the manners, of those who might resort to this temple of science, to be redistributed, in due time, through every part of the community, sources of jealousy and prejudice would be diminished, the features of national character would be multiplied, and greater extent given to social harmony

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    Synonyme für "assimilate"

    assimilate absorb ingest take in imbibe acclimatise acclimatize accustom conform take up learn understand grasp sense