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    grower Beispielsätze


    1. One of the biggest problems facing the grower is de-mineralized soil

    2. In 1688, Mr Gregory King, a man famous for his knowledge in matters of this kind, estimated the average price of wheat, in years of moderate plenty, to be to the grower 3s

    3. It is abandoned to an inferior set of dealers; and millers, bakers, meal-men, and meal-factors, together with a number of wretched hucksters, are almost the only middle people that, in the home market, come between the grower and the consumer

    4. They even endeavoured to hinder, as much as possible, any middle man of any kind from coming in between the grower and the consumer; and this was the meaning of the many restraints which they imposed upon the trade of those whom they called kidders, or carriers of corn ; a trade which nobody was allowed to exercise without a licence, ascertaining his qualifications as a man of probity and fair dealing

    5. If a union with the colonies were to take place, those commodities might be taxed, either before they go out of the hands of the manufacturer or grower ; or, if this mode of taxation did not suit the circumstances of those persons, they might be deposited in public warehouses, both at the place of manufacture, and at all the different ports of the empire, to which they might afterwards be transported, to remain there, under the joint custody of the owner and the revenue officer, till such time as they should be delivered out, either to the consumer, to the merchant-retailer for home consumption, or to the merchant-exporter; the tax not to be advanced till such delivery

    6. The frog replied, "You as a plant grower should know; you never kill something that is alive, it's like pulling the heart out of the body

    7. Won’t the grower be arrested and the weed in the fields be confiscated?

    8. He was only fit to teach if he understood the subject, and as he spoke of man to man, he lived as men live—warrior, scholar, teacher, mystic, and orange grower

    9. Once you have one area formulated within your drawing, complete with a place to stroll, you are in a position to visit your local grower

    10. This procedure is new to the grower though in nature it has been there since time

    11. But the farmers’ suicides make another story; it’s the marginal guys, who gamble on the cash crops that come a cropper; why not, lurking behind the probable windfall is the possible failure to devour; have you heard of a paddy farmer or a wheat grower committing suicide as the cash crop losers do? Yet with their eye on the rural vote-bank, how the parties in opposition tirade against the government of the day over these avoidable calamities; maybe the political power changes hands over their dead bodies but the destitute continue to consume pesticides as a way out of their debt traps

    12. The smaller grower generally can provide good information to you relative to plant care

    13. Some of the company’s leading brands include Roundup herbicide, which has been used by farmers for decades to eliminate weeds, and Seminis, which is the world’s largest developer, grower, and marketer of vegetables and fruit seeds

    14. Are you considering a fast grower, a stalwart, or a turnaround? Companies move from category to category over time

    15. That was very cheap for a fast grower like Skechers

    16. When the new CEO of a steady grower all of the sudden wants to double revenues in two years, watch out

    17. Alex Brown pulled back a touch-the stock is pretty high priced, they implied, but a good grower

    18. If the peasants who need land in order to support their families may not cultivate the land around them, and if land sufficient to feed a thousand families is in the hands of one man, a Russian, an Englishman, an Austrian, a rich landowner of whatever nationality; and if the merchant who buys grain from the needy grower keeps it in his warehouses in the midst of a destitute and famishing population, or sells it for three times its value to those of whom he bought it at the lowest price,—it evidently springs from the same cause

    19. As to the grower it is immaterial in point of interest into what ship or wagon his produce goes; but he is contending for the interests of his mercantile brethren

    20. The duty upon tonnage, like the duty imposed on merchandise, is paid by the consumer or grower of the cargoes transported by the ship-holders, of whom this duty is immediately collected

    21. The ultimate payment of this duty by the grower or consumer will depend upon the relative demand for, and supply of the articles in the market to which they are exported

    22. If the demand for the article is greater than the quantity in the market, it is paid by the consumer; if the supply exceeds the demand, it is paid by the grower, in the form of a reduction of the price of the article equal to the duty imposed

    23. The merchant will be regulated in the price which he gives to the grower, by the state of the market and the price of transportation to the market

    24. But the price which those articles will bring in the market to which they are sent, is all-important to the grower, because it will regulate the price which he is to receive for them beyond the power of his control

    25. Every circumstance which tends to destroy competition and reduce the number of markets to which our produce is sent, vitally affects the interest of the grower

    26. He derives, indeed, a profit from the transaction—but so must the seller and the buyer, the grower and the consumer, or they would not engage in it

    27. From this proscription of foreign manufactures, the grower of the raw material is irretrievably ruined

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    agriculturalist agriculturist cultivator grower raiser